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    [Folios of the Flanaess] Diary of Inaed Emondav
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    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Jun 29, 2001
    Posts: 487
    From: Cooke City, MT, USA

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    Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:57 am  
    [Folios of the Flanaess] Diary of Inaed Emondav

    Archived here for organization and commentary

    Diary of Inaed Emondav
    Author: Inaed Emondav, Reevess of Sterich
    Type: Mundane small leatherbound handwritten book
    Scrivener: None, unique book (1 copy)
    Language: Keolandish
    Subject: Personal Diary, see notes
    Clarity: Very Clear, Int check at +3 to comprehend
    Study Time: 1d8 hours
    Study Benefit: None, except as noted below
    Value: worthless, except as noted below
    Notes: This is the daily diary of Reevess Inaed Emondav of Sterich, the deceased sister of Earl Querchard Emondav (1). Aside from rather boring details of daily court life and family matters, the only content of interest is a rather scathing commentary on the romantic interests of her brother. The diary goes so far as to accuse Querchard of aldutery, naming the young noblewomen involved. Accusations are made of blackmail and bribery in some of the cases, and the content of the book as a whole would be quite embarassing to the Earl, who has taken great steps to ensure popularity among the nobles of his land.
    The book has been missing for some time, since shortly after Inaed's death (2) in Harvester of 569, but the Earl and his agents have heard enough rumors of its content to be actively seeking it. If it is learned that a PC has possession of the tome, a quiet but respectable offer for its purchase will be made, actual amount is left to the DM to decide based on his campaign's economy. PCs who refuse will be harassed by thugs and bullies now and then until the book is recovered by the Earl's men or the party leaves Sterich.
    What would Raxivort do?<br />
    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Jun 29, 2001
    Posts: 487
    From: Cooke City, MT, USA

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    Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:58 am  
    Footnote 1: Sterish Noble Titles

    In the court of Sterich, members of the Earl's family (except the Earl himself, his wife and heir) take the nominal title Reeve/Reevess. The Earl's wife holds the title Contessa, and his heir is addressed as Ardreeve.
    What would Raxivort do?<br />
    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Jun 29, 2001
    Posts: 487
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    Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:59 am  
    Footnote 2: Inaed's fate

    Inaed is not really dead. After her brother's marriage to Resbin Dren, Inaed shared the secrets recounted in her diary with the new Contessa. In recent years, Resbin and Querchard have grown noticeably distant, and some observers suspect that Resbin has aspirations of power herself. To protect Inaed, and possibly further her own agenda, Resbin aided her sister in law in staging her own death. Inaed now lives hidden in the temple of Lydia in Istivin, with the aid of a magical disguise and an assumed name.
    What would Raxivort do?<br />
    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Jun 29, 2001
    Posts: 487
    From: Cooke City, MT, USA

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    Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:04 am  
    Appendix 1: Inaed's statblock

    This statblock uses Darva's standard Old Lore D&D forum Rogues Gallery template, explained here:

    4th level Nuetral Cleric, female, age 31; ST 7, DE 11, CO 10, IN 10, WI 16, CH 12; HP 42; AC 7 (Leather); Money: 19 GP; Items: None of note
    What would Raxivort do?<br />

    Last edited by chatdemon on Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:16 am; edited 1 time in total
    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Jun 29, 2001
    Posts: 487
    From: Cooke City, MT, USA

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    Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:15 am  
    Useful Links

    If you like the mundane books of Greyhawk, these resources may be of interest:

    Dragon Magazine #253 A Treasure Trove of Tomes: Books both Magical & Mundane for the Greyhawk setting, by Scott "Scottenkainen" Casper

    The FAN Community Council's D20 Scriptorium: Netbook of Books, by various authors. Although this is a D20/D&D 3rd edition resource, it is fairly rules nuetral, and is the basis of the format I use for the Folios of the Flanaess series

    GVDammerung's Literature in the Flanaess series of articles here on Canonfire!
    What would Raxivort do?<br />
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