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    Postfest XV: Topic ideas anyone???
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    Black Hand of Oblivion

    Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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    Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:39 pm  
    Postfest XV: Topic ideas anyone???

    With Brewfest nearly upon us, post your topic ideas for what Postfest XV should be about.
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    CF Admin

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    Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:30 am  

    The last 2 years of postfests topics covered:


    - Postfest XIV(Richfest 2010): Greyhawk- NPCs!
    - Postfest XIII(Brewfest 2009): Greyhawk Villains & Foils!
    - Postfest XII(Richfest 2009): Ancient Greyhawk Sites!!!
    - Postfest XII(Richfest 2009): Ancient Greyhawk Sites!!!
    - Postfest XI(Growfest 2009): Greyhawk Power Groups(Lesser)
    - Postfest XI(Growfest 2009): Greyhawk Power Groups(lesser)!!!
    - Its ON! Unofficial Postfest: Seaton and Salinmoor
    - Postfest X(Needfest 2009): Inns & Taverns of Greyhawk

    It looks like to me that NPCs and locations have been the primary recent subjects of coverage. So here are my random ideas about possible topics:

    - new monsters
    - new myths & legends
    - new spells, magic items, or artifacts
    - new character classes

    Perhaps I can manage to write something again this time around (obligatory rolleyes already included Laughing Embarassed Happy ).
    Allan Grohe (
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:23 am  

    NO. 1 - The one subject I think every DM avoids like the black plague or with open arms.......Psionics in Greyhawk.
    NO. 2 - Has their ever been or will be a plague in Greyhawk.
    NO. 3 - I as a DM use weather effects all the time in my adventures. Weather in Greyhawk.
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Sun Sep 26, 2010 9:19 am  

    Here are some of my ideas.

    1-Mini adventure-like the Side treks that used to be published in Dungeon magazine.

    2-New or revisited monsters.


    4-Lands outside the Flanaess. This could be places like Fireland, Erupt, or your own creation outside from published sources. Maybe Orcreich is just the lands of Reich-Orcs preaching racial purity and superiority. Maybe Orcreich doesn't exist in your campaign. Aeolius has a whole undersea world that fits this idea.

    5-Gods and Powers- little known lesser gods or powers maybe even long lost forgotten or deceased powers.

    6-Oerthblood-This can cover many subjects either a person place or thing corrupted or altered by Oerthblood.
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:11 am  

    grodog wrote:
    Perhaps I can manage to write something again this time around

    I'm right there with you. I almost made it, this time! ;)

    Argon wrote:
    [GOAD] Aeolius has a whole undersea world that fits this idea. [/GOAD]

    ftfy... Hey, I can take a hint! ;)
    Master Greytalker

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    Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:05 pm  

    How 'bout setting-specific monster ecologies?
    Forum Moderator

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    Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:36 pm  

    I like all the ideas so far. I could go for any of them.

    We could force Aeolius' hand and do an aquatic based Postfest...
    Master Greytalker

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    Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:56 pm  

    mortellan wrote:
    I like all the ideas so far. I could go for any of them.

    We could force Aeolius' hand and do an aquatic based Postfest...

    But does Aeolius answer his PMs? Noooooo... Cool
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:29 pm  

    If you really wanted to force his hand call it Aeolius's aquatic postfest.

    Turacambi will fall if he does not post!

    Evil Grin
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:16 am  

    Argon wrote:
    Turacambi will fall if he does not post!

    My hags already admitted that... they wish to remove the plug at the bottom of the sea and drain the Solnor!

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    Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:05 am  

    There's a "plug" at the bottom of the Solnor? Shocked

    Holy Pelor! Evil Grin
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    Master Greytalker

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    Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:08 am  

    Mystic-Scholar wrote:
    There's a "plug" at the bottom of the Solnor? Shocked

    Holy Pelor! Evil Grin

    Didn't you know? Some scholar you are! Cool

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    Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:18 am  

    bubbagump wrote:
    Didn't you know? Some scholar you are! Cool

    This from a Hairfoot halfling in lederhosen! Razz
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    Master Greytalker

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    Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:18 pm  

    Mystic Scholar

    Never mock a halfling about their lederhosen!

    Such a halfling is capable of any atrocity.
    Master Greytalker

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    Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:04 pm  

    Don't you know it, brother!

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    Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:01 am  

    Crag, 'ole buddy, don't I know it! Evil Grin

    This particular Hairfoot halfling in Swedish leotards (err, lederhosen) is also an Assassin of Tharizdun and has sneaked into my tower and stabbed me with his envenomed daggers so many times I'm running out of antidote! Razz

    *The Scholar proceeds to prepare lots more antidote even now!*
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    Master Greytalker

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    Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:02 pm  

    Ooh! That inspires another idea for the new postfest.

    How 'bout: ways of assassinating eccentric (read: demented) archmages in their towers!
    Grandmaster Greytalker

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    Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:45 pm  


    Has there been a final decision on Brewfest postfest? If you want I can bother Gary to get the banner working on the home page while harassing him to post more in our campaign, He did good this week.

    Maybe put up a top five and vote on it here or during thursday night's chat. It will give us an actually topic to speak of. Maybe it will allow us to hunt some lurkers.
    Master Greytalker

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    Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:46 pm  

    I have a suggestion: how 'bout Entertainments of Greyhawk?

    I've seen a few fan-made articles about sports, games, and festivals, but not many. We also know that apparently everyone on the subcontinent spends a lot of time at the local inn, probably listening to bards. But what else do people in the Flanaess do for fun? What goes on at the four yearly festivals that are celebrated across cultures and religions? Do Oeridians play video games? Have the Flannae developed their own version of Guitar Hero? Do the Suloise sit around every night snacking and flipping through the channels on the crystal ball? And what about the kids? Do Baklunish children sit in school all day waiting for 3:00pm so they can run through the streets playing nomads and norkers? Do dwarven geeks gather in Niole Dra for knucklebone conventions? Where do young halfling men take young halfling women on dates? What does an elven father do when he and the missus decide to gather up the kids for a vacation?

    Surely there's more to do in the Flanaess than eat, drink, and play dragon chess!

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    Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:15 pm  

    bubbagump wrote:
    What does an elven father do when he and the missus decide to gather up the kids for a vacation?

    That's what those bleachers outside of the TOEE are for! Evil Grin

    *Ooooh! There go the latest batch of adventurers!*

    bubbagump wrote:
    Surely there's more to do in the Flanaess than eat, drink, and play dragon chess!

    Well, in The Yeomanry there are . . . sheep! Evil Grin
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    Master Greytalker

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    Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:41 pm  

    I'll leave the sheep to you, bro.

    And to think all this time I thought that wool on your face was a beard...

    Adept Greytalker

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    Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:17 am  

    I could really go for fallen & forgotten powers/gods. Monster lairs or some kind of "off-the-map" gazetteer entries would be ok too.

    Maybe Forgotten Kingdoms of Oerth? Or Hidden Kingdoms of Oerth?
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:01 am  

    I like Nelliser's idea. Were all the Flan worshipping the same deity? What abotu forgotten people's (exterminated) and their gods? Are there nospecial ruins where certain gods still hopld power? Is there a an ancient edifice where say, Pellor's current clerics have reduced magical potency? Or an area where a druids power goes off the chart?

    What about all the various deities of the humanoids? Do their gods ever give them special spells or items of magic? I remember an old Dragon adventure with the palyers trying torecovr an orc spear that pretty much killed low level elves on contact. What are the holy days of various deities?
    CF Admin

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    Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:01 am  

    Nellisir wrote:
    I could really go for fallen & forgotten powers/gods.

    Yeah, GH needs some more non-Tharizdun (or perhaps demi-gods serving Tharizdun?) forgotten/lost gods out there, along with quasi-deities, hero gods, etc.: more stuff like Dalt :D

    Nellisir wrote:
    Monster lairs or some kind of "off-the-map" gazetteer entries would be ok too.

    That sounds fun, too. Perhaps with new monsters. Or a selection of Cairns to round out the Cairn Hills?

    Nellisir wrote:
    Maybe Forgotten Kingdoms of Oerth? Or Hidden Kingdoms of Oerth?

    This is cool too: detail the environs of the Lost City of the Suel in the Suss, or the hidden mountain kingdom in the Griffs (or whichever range it was), etc., or create some new hidden kingdoms (some of which might be Fading Lands by now?). We've covered Fading Lands in the past IIRC, right?
    Allan Grohe (

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    Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:44 pm  

    bubbagump wrote:
    And to think all this time I thought that wool on your face was a beard...


    I like the thought of hidden kingdoms, smacks of Tolkien. Cool
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