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    Personal Information: chatdemon

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    Location: Cooke City, MT, USA

    What would Raxivort do?<br />
    Actual User Status: Offline
    [ Read My Journal ]

    All Articles Posted by chatdemon:
  • Horrors of the Amedio, part 1
  • Races of the Flanaess - Elves
  • Mystoerth map revealed at last!
  • Races of the Flanaess - Halflings
  • Races of the Flanaess - Mixed Bloodline Humans
  • Races of the Flanaess for Classic D&D - Humans
  • Legacy of the Olman Empire 1: Tamoachan and the Origin of the Olman People
  • Diary of Inaed Emondav
  • Postfest IV: Censer of Undying Strife
  • Postfest IV: Staff of the Hornwood
  • Postfest IV: Wolf's Bane
  • NPC Profile: Tasha, the Grinning Mage
  • Greyhack: Gawds of the Wurld of Oerth, part 1
  • Map of the Sheldomar Valley in 593 CY
  • Infest: When Bad Xvarts Get Worse
  • What made Zagyg so mad anyway?
  • Growfest Goodies
  • Dreadwood Vicinity Map
  • Highport: Prelude to Infest
  • The Bringer of Doom! Its secrets revealed
  • Lore of the Amedio IV: The Fellowship of Amber
  • Infest: Raxivort, Lord of the Rats
  • Magic of the Amedio 2: 3 Spells from Shandra's Collection
  • Tritherion's Fist: Liberator of the Jeklea
  • Magic of the Amedio 1: The Bone Slivers of Ixabna
  • NPC Profile: Shandra Malth, Sage of Amedio Magic
  • Infest: Sheldomar Region Xvarts
  • The Future of This Week in Greyhawk Fandom; Your Input Needed!
  • Sheldomar Gazetteer I - Westgate Barony, Keoland
  • Westgate Gazetteer Addendum - Archer's Bluff
  • Lore of the Amedio III: The 'Other' Amedio Gods
  • Spells of the Lydian Faithful, Part 2
  • Spells of the Lydian Faithful, Part 1
  • NPC Profile: Kimba the Damned
  • Thoughts on Rexfelis the Cat Lord
  • Infest: The Sisterhood of the Rat's Claw
  • Kyuss' Ascension to Divinity
  • The Scarlet Brotherhood: Its Origins Revealed!
  • Gods of the Suel 10: Bralm Revisited
  • Forgotten Gods of the Suloise IX
  • Adventure Seeds: Stories of the Sheldomar III
  • Adventure Seeds: Stories of the Sheldomar II
  • Adventure Seeds: Stories of the Sheldomar I
  • Lore of the Amedio II
  • Lore of the Amedio I
  • Forgotten Gods of the Suloise VIII
  • Forgotten Gods of the Suloise VII
  • Forgotten Gods of the Suloise V
  • Forgotten Gods of the Suloise VI
  • Forgotten Gods of the Suloise IV
  • Suloise Relics I: Lightbringer
  • Suloise Myth and Legend: 11 Keys of Empire
  • Forgotten Gods of the Suloise III
  • Forgotten Gods of the Suloise II
  • Forgotten Gods of the Suloise I
  • NPC Profile: Ilbrysis of Cryllor

  • Last 10 Comments by chatdemon:
  • Re: Map of the Sheldomar Valley in 593 CY
  • Re: Map of the Sheldomar Valley in 593 CY
  • Re: Diary of Inaed Emondav
  • Re: Mystoerth map revealed at last!
  • Re: Mystoerth map revealed at last!
  • Re: Mystoerth map revealed at last!
  • Re: Races of the Flanaess - Halflings
  • Re: Races of the Flanaess for Classic D&D - Humans
  • Re: Races of the Flanaess for Classic D&D - Humans
  • Re: Races of the Flanaess for Classic D&D - Humans

  • Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

    Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

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