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Why are Titans in the Greayhawk World?
Because of the Greek theme, there should be no place for this environment in the Flanaess! Could there be an acient civilization founded on the Greek pantheon and views, yes. But not in the Flanaess! Atleast ther isn't from what I have seen. Even Rob Kuntz kept the Greek Mythology seperate in a demiplane, so it wouldn't hinder the development of Greyhawk's pantheon. But then again, I haven't read any of the original material Mr. Kuntz has scripted for his own campaign. Quite popssibly his Elemental Gods and Lost Temples will hold the secret on how the Titans end up in a demiplane?

But, in Dragon issue # 357, July 2007, there is an Ecology of the Titans. The use of the Greyhawk Pantheon as Default is understandable, but how would they fit in a Gryehawk campaign?

In mythology the Titans are considered Elder Gods, or in D&D translating, Elder Evils; they did try to one track civiliztaion into vain issues of their own makings; living in their own dream worlds, to be challenged by free thinking creatures for dominance of humanoid existance. So make them an Elder Evil! They are the begining of the standard/new gods. And the coming evil doesn't have to be evil. Sylla the Titan could change the world into a flower bed of love and caring. That is enough to want to stop her! This kind of afterlife is what a petitiioner is molded for because they have no control what their deitiy wants to recreate them as. So a soul still lliving will care that his life is nothing but a bed of roses! So why don't we stop that Titan?
Posted: 04-19-2008 03:08 am