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      Topic: My Epic Greyhawk Guide

    Replies: 20
    Views: 33059

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:19 am   Subject: Reposting Epic Hawk outline
    I recently returned to canon fire, after a long, new parent induced, hiatus! And I came here to get some information from my old canpaign - and realized the subject of this post is now not reachable. ...
      Topic: Hero-Deities - Epic Level NPCs?

    Replies: 5
    Views: 12801

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 4:35 pm   Subject: Hero-Deities - Epic Level NPCs?
    This is a great adventure idea, especially if you don't want the PCs to ascend. I was already thinking the same thing about Keoghtom. He has appeared more than once in my campaign - and not in the s ...
      Topic: Ouch.. the "Quests" post is hurting my brain..

    Replies: 16
    Views: 15857

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 4th Edition   Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:10 pm   Subject: Ouch.. the "Quests" post is hurting my brain..
    Wow - so much venom on what I thought was an innocuous idea. I actually liked it, mostly because my campaign has been running for 10 years with the same players and characters, and we all often forge ...
      Topic: Assistance "GreyHawk-izing" new location?

    Replies: 4
    Views: 9252

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:54 am   Subject: Assistance "GreyHawk-izing" new location?
    A powerful mage could be a Ur-Flan sorcerer who fled the Oerid invasion of the Great Kingdom area. He pulls a Prospero and controls the island, keeps others away with powerful storms, illusions, and ...
      Topic: Hero-Deities - Epic Level NPCs?

    Replies: 5
    Views: 12801

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2007 7:04 am   Subject: Hero-Deities - Epic Level NPCs?
    Have you tried looking at Dicefreaks:

    Kelanen ...
      Topic: Return to the Tomb of Horrors for Epic Campaign

    Replies: 2
    Views: 9229

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:10 am   Subject: Return to the Tomb of Horrors for Epic Campaign

    I am VERY interested in this. I would be willing to work with you, either we could post here, or if you like, we could use email (rob_douglas at to bounce ideas and stats.

    Clearly y ...
      Topic: DMs Challenges - any use to you?

    Replies: 2
    Views: 9788

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:55 am   Subject: DMs Challenges - any use to you?
    I was hoping to see the adventures somewhere soon. They sound like a great resource. According to the LG site though, they will be available soon...but not yet.

    If anyone sees them, or has experi ...
      Topic: Greyhawk 591-597?

    Replies: 9
    Views: 14238

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:01 pm   Subject: Greyhawk 591-597?

    Officially, back in 2001 or 2002, they made a rule that Living Greyhawk would advance 1 year per calendar year. So products for LG were timed to the year they were produced. I am hoping someon ...
      Topic: Upgrading Eli Tomorast

    Replies: 6
    Views: 13652

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:01 pm   Subject: Upgrading Eli Tomorast
    Rick -

    Arcane Strike is perfect - I should have thought of that. I posted some ideas over on the Epic Boards as well:

    Sorry Spade...we don't ...
      Topic: Dragon Skills - Opinions

    Replies: 5
    Views: 9035

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 6:51 am   Subject: Dragon Skills - Opinions
    Knowledge Nature should come from Green Dragons I would think. Black Dragons would have more Knowledge DUngeoneering maybe. Gold for History.

    I agree about Jump, only those that have it should pu ...
      Topic: Dragon Skills - Opinions

    Replies: 5
    Views: 9035

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:10 pm   Subject: Dragon Skills - Opinions
    I also pick a couple of Knowledge skills, arcana, undead, the planes, history especially, and Spellcraft. I add in Use Magic Device for access to some strange items when I really want a weird encount ...
      Topic: Converting a 2nd Ed character to 3ed

    Replies: 6
    Views: 8787

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:08 pm   Subject: Converting a 2nd Ed character to 3ed
    If you have any more specific questions, you can ask on here. The Ring as was noted is not standard, but the cost to add a bonus to saves on a protection ring is not too bad. It falls under Custom i ...
      Topic: Map of Highfolk

    Replies: 1
    Views: 6627

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:43 am   Subject: Map of Highfolk
    I thought that the Marklands had one - at least of the area close by, if not the town itself. There may also be one in an Oerth Journal. Make sure you have looked at those 22 issues. :)

      Topic: Epic Greyhawk published in Oerth Journal

    Replies: 1
    Views: 9546

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:07 pm   Subject: Epic Greyhawk published in Oerth Journal
    There is an adventure, going after Darnakurian, and the Twin Cataclyms:

    Excellent work. Good to see.

      Topic: Hunger

    Replies: 8
    Views: 14731

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 9:06 pm   Subject: Kudos to Rick "Duicarthan" Miller
    Rick - you old salt, how could you not tell us you had published a whole adventure based on Darnakurian's Doom in Oerth Journal #22:

    And the Epic spells for ...
      Topic: Who are the Greyhawk Epic characters?

    Replies: 7
    Views: 14615

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:26 pm   Subject: Who are the Greyhawk Epic characters?
    Duicathon has a thread on this board:

    Some of the characters on there are higher level than in official sources, ...
      Topic: Saltmarsh and Keoland

    Replies: 6
    Views: 8894

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:55 pm   Subject: Saltmarsh and Keoland
    Saltmarsh was written up completely in the DMG II. You can at least browse it at your local bookstore.
      Topic: Hunger

    Replies: 8
    Views: 14731

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:41 pm   Subject: Hunger
    Well, I thought I would start here and see what help I can get. I am planning to run my group into Darnakurian's Doom. First I am using LeShay as the Sentinels, but I have allowed that a group of NP ...
      Topic: My Epic Greyhawk Guide

    Replies: 20
    Views: 33059

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:54 am   Subject: Correct link

    Sorry, I rearranged my page:


    is the correct link. And I can't edit the original post because I forg ...
      Topic: My Epic Greyhawk Guide

    Replies: 20
    Views: 33059

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:42 pm   Subject: My Epic Greyhawk Guide
    I am familiar with the DF argument, I just don't buy it for Greyhawk. The argument relies on the contention that there are multiple different pantheons and worlds with their own gods, but only 1 Asmo ...
      Topic: My Epic Greyhawk Guide

    Replies: 20
    Views: 33059

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:34 am   Subject: My Epic Greyhawk Guide

    Thanks - I am aware of Dicefreaks, and there are things I like, and things I don't. My biggest issue is with the power level of such entities as the Archdukes in Gates of Hell. Asmodeus is bas ...
      Topic: Need help from rules lawyers - skills.

    Replies: 4
    Views: 7781

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:14 pm   Subject: Need help from rules lawyers - skills.
    Let me see if I can help. There are 2 uses of the classed/cross-class distinction. One is for Max Ranks. The other is for how much it costs to gain 1 rank of a skill for this level.

    When you are ...
      Topic: The Mona Project Revealed

    Replies: 14
    Views: 16858

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:11 pm   Subject: The Mona Project Revealed
    I hope it sells like hot cakes. I am looking forward to it, as I was just using some Ruins stuff recently, and the party may want to go back. I have to scale it up, but I bet it includes a lot of th ...
      Topic: Demihumans More Widespread Than Orginally Thought!

    Replies: 14
    Views: 16153

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 10:08 pm   Subject: Demihumans More Widespread Than Orginally Thought!
    So how much "elf" has to be mixed in before the offspring becomes "elf" again? Three-quarters? Nine-tenths? Inquiring geneticists want to know.
    99/100ths elf, is still Half-elf. There really is no w ...
      Topic: Age of Myths/Age of Dreams

    Replies: 5
    Views: 12486

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:10 pm   Subject: Age of Myths/Age of Dreams
    Awesome summary. I basically agree with your outline. It is how I have been seeing the creation of Oerth and the multiverse. Now that the party is dealing with all things Epic, I think it is time f ...
      Topic: Epic Hawk adventures

    Replies: 2
    Views: 10135

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:04 pm   Subject: Epic Hawk adventures
    The problem is that there are not enough Epic level adventures to begin with. So it is hard to find things to adapt. But yes, if anyone knows of 3rd party stuff they would adapt, please post about i ...
      Topic: 3.5e Bards

    Replies: 12
    Views: 12461

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:25 pm   Subject: 3.5e Bards
    Have you tried the Fochluchan Lyrist from Complete Adventurer, p47? It is modeled on that bard, but uses the new rules on PrCs and multiclassing.

    You need thief type skills, bard and druid levels, ...
      Topic: Mongoose Book of Epic Monsters

    Replies: 3
    Views: 9489

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 6:24 am   Subject: Mongoose Book of Epic Monsters
    Are the monsters just reprints of the old ones, or are they reworked
    to include epic feats, and maybe more balanced, etc?

    I have not seen a copy - I have been looking for it. I just want to know ...
      Topic: MM IV

    Replies: 6
    Views: 9052

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 8:23 pm   Subject: MM IV
    What Greyhawk content in MMIV? I did see the Avatars of Elemental Evil, but that was all I noticed.

      Topic: Quasqueton

    Replies: 9
    Views: 10294

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:56 am   Subject: Quasqueton
    B1 and B2 were not linked in any way when first published. There was not really a world yet, but some talk about Greyhawk led to B1 being delcared to potentially be in Ratik. I like it there because ...
      Topic: Dread Cthulthu - Epic?

    Replies: 13
    Views: 25768

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:48 am   Subject: Dread Cthulthu - Epic?
    Glad to see another reply here, that made me reread the whole thread, and rethink some things going on in my campaign.

    Basically, what I want to say, is you can do Cthulu style stuff at any level. ...
      Topic: Heward

    Replies: 2
    Views: 8432

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 1:51 pm   Subject: Heward
    Interesting write-up. I love the background info. Some weird things - using variant bard AND sublime chord - he doesn't technically qualify.

    I was thinking about 40 levels and Divine Rank 0 for ...
      Topic: Axe of the Dwarvish Lord

    Replies: 7
    Views: 11400

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:36 am   Subject: Axe of the Dwarvish Lord
    I don't have HoB either - I have been thinking of getting it and just browsed it at the store.

    Basically it allows more units to attack a square, increasing the damage. I think it maps more closel ...
      Topic: Axe of the Dwarvish Lord

    Replies: 7
    Views: 11400

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:51 am   Subject: Heroes of Battle
    While searching around, trying to develop my Epic mass combat ideas, I came across the rules in Heroes of Battle that are a direct descendent of the rules in Axe. They are also started in Complete Wa ...
      Topic: Axe of the Dwarvish Lord

    Replies: 7
    Views: 11400

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:56 am   Subject: Axe of the Dwarvish Lord
    I really like the idea of it, and I was planning on trying to tinker with it in 3E terms, and turn it into a generic Epic vs. Armies post, and post that to the Epic Discussion Boards for feedback.

      Topic: Axe of the Dwarvish Lord

    Replies: 7
    Views: 11400

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:47 pm   Subject: Axe of the Dwarvish Lord
    Some of it depends on what level your PCs will be when fighting them. I have been thinking about how to deal with low-level armies against Epic characters, and AotDL is one of the modules that I plan ...
      Topic: What's YOUR take on GHd20?

    Replies: 12
    Views: 13320

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:38 pm   Subject: What's YOUR take on GHd20?
    There is no reason that they can't all be big-B Barbarians. It is not like that class is overpowered compared to a fighter. Actually, the vast majority will be Warriors - NPC fighting persons - of l ...
      Topic: What's YOUR take on GHd20?

    Replies: 12
    Views: 13320

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 10:57 pm   Subject: What's YOUR take on GHd20?
    Barbarians have existed in Greyhawk since 1980 - Dragon #63, when they were introduced, specifically hailing from the Barbarian lands of those names, the Rovers, the Amedio, and on the Isle of the Ape ...
      Topic: Isle of the Ape conversions!

    Replies: 3
    Views: 14804

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 10:30 pm   Subject: The Dormant King
    Here is one I did. I updated the T. Rex from the pool to Zagyg's mind, the Dormant King:

    The Dormant King, Male Monster of Legend Tyrannosaurus Rex: CR 20; Gargantuan Magical Beast; HD 48d8+672+39 ...
      Topic: Official Prestige classes, where are you

    Replies: 10
    Views: 12144

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 11:17 am   Subject: Official Prestige classes, where are you

    PLease post them. WE need more content here anyway - and there are plenty of folks who come here now, or will in the future that could benefit, but might not post a request.
      Topic: Urd, Meenlock, Verbeeg, etc.

    Replies: 2
    Views: 7173

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:17 pm   Subject: Urd, Meenlock, Verbeeg, etc.
    Meenlock is in MMII - just couldn't see it.
    Flind is in MMIII.

    I found Conversions of the Urd and Verbeeg at ENWorld, Creature Catalog 3.5 Update thread. ...
      Topic: Urd, Meenlock, Verbeeg, etc.

    Replies: 2
    Views: 7173

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:30 am   Subject: Urd, Meenlock, Verbeeg, etc.
    HI All

    Anyone know where I can find 3E conversions of these creatures, starting with official books, Dragon articles, 3rd party products, or just someone on-line. I found an on-line Urd conversion ...
      Topic: Congratulations Mr.Tharizdun, it's a Xxyth!

    Replies: 6
    Views: 12713

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 1:08 pm   Subject: Congratulations Mr.Tharizdun, it's a Xxyth!
    The generally accepted (though recently debated) rules on what is Epic for what purpose is here, at the Epic FAQ on the Wizards Epic Boards:

    On ...
      Topic: Need help with Tomb of Horrors riddles [spoilers]

    Replies: 1
    Views: 8197

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:01 am   Subject: Need help with Tomb of Horrors riddles [spoilers]
    It is directions and clues to get past all the traps (and yet a trap in itself, since there are important secret passages that bypass a lot of this):

    tormentor is the demon face with the sphere of ...
      Topic: Congratulations Mr.Tharizdun, it's a Xxyth!

    Replies: 6
    Views: 12713

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 7:48 am   Subject: Congratulations Mr.Tharizdun, it's a Xxyth!
    Interesting creature. I should look more at them. I have Legends of Avadnu for their great Epic creatures, but hadn't looked at the Denizens. The Lumina are great. I hadn't thought a lot about how ...
      Topic: Epic Greyhawk Ruins

    Replies: 1
    Views: 8343

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:33 am   Subject: Started running it
    The party got moving faster than I expected. So I had to do some work on the fly. They went straight into Zagyg's tower, and down the main stairs, and continued down into the 3rd level, bypassing 1 ...
      Topic: Epic Greyhawk Ruins

    Replies: 1
    Views: 8343

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:30 am   Subject: Epic Greyhawk Ruins
    Well, my near Epic Party is entering WGR1 - Greyhawk Ruins. Way ahead of schedule, and I hadn't gotten around to fully converting and upscaling it. My plan is to let a lot of it stay low-level. I d ...
      Topic: Descent conversion (work in progress)

    Replies: 9
    Views: 14441

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:39 am   Subject: Descent conversion (work in progress)

    This is great. Did you ever get it turned into PDF and posted to Canonfire as Rick suggested? I could really use the rest of this - whatever you have. :)

    Great job!

    BTW - for Drow to ...
      Topic: My Epic Greyhawk Guide

    Replies: 20
    Views: 33059

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:46 pm   Subject: My Epic Greyhawk Guide
    There's also an obscure reference in the Warriors of Heaven supplement. Something about a possibly mad Solar who guards a portal somewhere in the Crystalmist mountains.
    Planetar - I placed her near t ...
      Topic: My Epic Greyhawk Guide

    Replies: 20
    Views: 33059

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:31 pm   Subject: My Epic Greyhawk Guide
    HI Nathan

    Some excellent ideas/issues:

    1.Look at Greyhawk "artifacts" Some of them can be created as "simple" epic items (The Sword of Kas 3.0e is what came to mind) to see the "Power Level" in ...
      Topic: Epic Joramys Wrath

    Replies: 7
    Views: 12484

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 9:31 pm   Subject: Epic Joramys Wrath
    D'uh! I guess I'll try to find about this city then. I bought a large batch of old dungeons last week and perhaps I'll have the oone detailing Cauldron.

    Hope so. It was actually more than 1 that i ...
      Topic: Prison of Zagyg (rework for Epic 3.5E)

    Replies: 0
    Views: 8940

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 9:24 pm   Subject: Prison of Zagyg (rework for Epic 3.5E)
    HI All

    Here is my current take on the Prison of Zagyg. I would appreciate any feedback. I specifically changed a lot of features from the original in S4 or 1E Unearthed Arcana, like I got rid of t ...
      Topic: Official epic GH modules

    Replies: 7
    Views: 13983

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:40 am   Subject: Official epic GH modules
    I don't have my copy handy, but wasn't Queen of the Demonweb Pits epic or at least near-epic in scope? I seem to remember struggling with that one quite a bit.
    Well, the initial 1E version of the ...
      Topic: Th Terrible Iron Golem for Epic D&D GH 3.5

    Replies: 6
    Views: 12306

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 9:06 pm   Subject: Th Terrible Iron Golem for Epic D&D GH 3.5
    I'm running it at 19th level for my PC's this weekend to shake their boots off some. I'll post here on how this encounter in particular goes!
    My group is about 19th. 6 PCs, 16-19, so they average to ...
      Topic: 25 Epic Adventure Ideas for the World of Greyhawk-LONG

    Replies: 15
    Views: 23973

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:11 am   Subject: Mother of the Lerara
    Hmm I know I've read something about the Mother of Lerara, can you tell me where it is described?

    WOG boxed set, 1983 - Page 27 "Lost Passage of the Suloise". The
    Lereara were a tribe of Suel tha ...
      Topic: Official epic GH modules

    Replies: 7
    Views: 13983

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:57 pm   Subject: Storm Lord's Keep
    The only module I am aware of that is/was written as Epic is Dungeon #93, Storm Lord's Keep, which takes place in the Yeomanry when an angry Giant from the Sulhaut mountains comes around, causing trou ...
      Topic: Th Terrible Iron Golem for Epic D&D GH 3.5

    Replies: 6
    Views: 12306

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:47 pm   Subject: Maure Castle - right?
    This is the golem from Maure Castle, right? I was thinking of trying to run it as an Epic adventure, since my party already past the levels it was designed for. I believe they were 16th tops in the ...
      Topic: My Epic Greyhawk Guide

    Replies: 20
    Views: 33059

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:09 pm   Subject: Re: Like
    Rob.. I like your guide, and hope that you continue to flesh it out beyond the outline stage.


    Thank you. I will try. I originally hoped to have it be a full-
    reference resource for E ...
      Topic: My Epic Greyhawk Guide

    Replies: 20
    Views: 33059

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:04 pm   Subject: Re: Epic Casting
    If I am reading this right, the Rain of Colorless Fire, the Invoked Devastation and Slerotin's Tunnel are offered as examples of "epic" spells.

    I disagree. Epic spells are cast by epic characters. ...
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