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Bruce Cordell's Dragotha's Lair RPGA 2e adventure available on WotC web site
grodog writes "Fans of the Greyhawk adventures S2 White Plume Mountain and Return to White Plume Mountain will want to download the free .pdf of Dragotha's Lair from WotC's web site. Author: grodog"
Rob Kuntz's d20 adventure Prisoners of the Maze due in stores 1 November
grodog writes "Per comments from Clark Peterson in Necromancer Games' official forum (which requires a registered logon), Rob Kuntz's first adventure in the Maze of Zayene series should be in stores on 1 November, 2001 Author: grodog"
WOG v1.1 Available to Download
Tracy writes "This is a World Of Greyhawk campaign utility I'm making available at this site. Its a code I've been tinkering with for about 20 years...."

Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

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PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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