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      Topic: Amedian, Olman, and Touv peoples

    Replies: 17
    Views: 6639

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:50 pm   Subject: Amedian, Olman, and Touv peoples
    I can't remember off hand where the original concept came from (Scarlet Brotherhood sourcebook?) but I was under the impression that the current Olman pantheon were originally deities from Earth. For ...
      Topic: Druidic Circles

    Replies: 20
    Views: 6900

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:02 pm   Subject: Druidic Circles
    Ideally yes, but if you flip Europe without warping it to fit the landmass of the Flanaess its less easy to see the comparison of sizes because a lot of Europe ends up in the water and Scandinavia sti ...
      Topic: Druidic Circles

    Replies: 20
    Views: 6900

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:55 pm   Subject: Druidic Circles
    No worries mtg.

    I think one of the things that really stands out is the vast size of some of the forests. The Vesve is bigger than Norway!
      Topic: Druidic Circles

    Replies: 20
    Views: 6900

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:58 am   Subject: Druidic Circles
    This raises something I've meant to ask you, Wolfling. Have you ever made a map that superimposes, say, Europe or the Mediterranean over the Flanaess? If not, would you be willing to create and post o ...
      Topic: Druidic Circles

    Replies: 20
    Views: 6900

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 12:03 am   Subject: Druidic Circles
    Thanks for all your thoughts! I was reading up on Celtic paganism and the huge variety of deities they seemed to revere. They seemed to have certain key deities or deific roles throughtout the Celtic ...
      Topic: Druidic Circles

    Replies: 20
    Views: 6900

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:13 pm   Subject: Druidic Circles
    I've always just taken for granted that there are eight druidic 'circles' corresponding to the eight broad geographic areas of the Flanaess (exlcuding 'Isolated Realms' as the ninth) each with the dru ...
      Topic: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?

    Replies: 24
    Views: 9156

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 1:13 pm   Subject: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?
    So these are a few maps I cobbled together using as the Darlene or Anna Meyer maps of the Flanaess as a base. With the climate zones I used the information in the Greyhawk Player's Guide as it's a can ...
      Topic: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?

    Replies: 24
    Views: 9156

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 12:37 pm   Subject: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?
    I can't remember where the 30 degree tilt originates from, I'll keep searching. The below info is gleaned from the Greyhawk Player's Guide, p8

    The Northern Border of Day & Night – Oerth's polar ...
      Topic: Low Population Density Effects

    Replies: 12
    Views: 5567

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 12:31 am   Subject: Low Population Density Effects
    Thanks for your feedback. With small standing armies and lots of uninhabited wilderness it brings into the perspective the need for more outlying communities to hire mercenaries for protection. I gues ...
      Topic: Low Population Density Effects

    Replies: 12
    Views: 5567

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 12:22 pm   Subject: Low Population Density Effects
    I know this topic has likely come up before over the decades but I've been considering the low population figure for the Flanaess afresh.

    As written in the Guide to the World of Greyhawk populatio ...
      Topic: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?

    Replies: 24
    Views: 9156

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:54 am   Subject: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?
    If someone is able to do a rough sketch of the winds etc then I'm more than happy to edit my map!
      Topic: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?

    Replies: 24
    Views: 9156

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:32 am   Subject: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?
    Sure thing, I'd been asked by a couple of people to do this a while back but kept forgetting!

    Hmmm, this is a different ma ...
      Topic: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?

    Replies: 24
    Views: 9156

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 10:20 am   Subject: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?
    This is something I hashed up a while back. I'd like to add that I have no expertise in wind patterns or ocean currents so this was a best guess based on what little I read! ...
      Topic: What do the People of the Testing want?

    Replies: 12
    Views: 6520

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:15 am   Subject: What do the People of the Testing want?
    I agree that the actions of the People of the Testing and more particularly the elves on Lendore Isle don't seem to gel with a CG alignment.

    It's worth noting though that according to the 2e FR so ...
      Topic: Mountain Range Population Figures

    Replies: 9
    Views: 4524

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:20 am   Subject: Mountain Range Population Figures
    Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    I'd starting working on population figures for various nations but totally overlooked that the figures listed in the WoG Guide exclude the populations of major ge ...
      Topic: 2e Greyhawk and Moral "Gray Areas"

    Replies: 12
    Views: 10297

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:19 am   Subject: 2e Greyhawk and Moral "Gray Areas"
    I always find the demihumans who veer away from their standard racial alignment interesting: Obmi and Markessa leap to mind.

    It also makes much more sense that there would be more variance in demi ...
      Topic: Mountain Range Population Figures

    Replies: 9
    Views: 4524

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 12:03 pm   Subject: Mountain Range Population Figures
    Does anyone has any thoughts or guidance regarding calculating the human & demihuman population sizes within the various mountain ranges? There are populations listed for some of the major forests ...
      Topic: Fate of Istus vs. The Scarlet Brotherhood

    Replies: 10
    Views: 4990

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:26 pm   Subject: Fate of Istus vs. The Scarlet Brotherhood
    An idea I've been playing with is that the Suel Imperium was much more multicultural and diverse than the Scarlet Brotherhood believes.

    Yeah I love this idea too. I've always felt that if the Suel ...
      Topic: Fate of Istus vs. The Scarlet Brotherhood

    Replies: 10
    Views: 4990

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:23 am   Subject: Fate of Istus vs. The Scarlet Brotherhood
    Thanks for the feedback everyone.

    I agree TwiceBorn, I quite like the element of hypocrisy by having a band of monks from Kara-Tur influencing the martial arts of the Brotherhood. A couple of the S ...
      Topic: Fate of Istus vs. The Scarlet Brotherhood

    Replies: 10
    Views: 4990

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 11:19 am   Subject: Fate of Istus vs. The Scarlet Brotherhood
    I was wondering if there was any specific reason why there is so much variance between the history of the Scarlet Brotherhood described in Chapter 10 of Fate of Istus compared to S.K. Reynolds version ...
      Topic: Sorcery in Bissel

    Replies: 3
    Views: 3306

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:33 pm   Subject: Sorcery in Bissel
    Although Bissel has Keoish origins it was a province of Furyondy after the Small War for about 4 decades before it was declared independent. During that time the government was replaced by Furyondian ...
      Topic: L1 - L4 Timeline

    Replies: 2
    Views: 3245

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 9:50 am   Subject: L1 - L4 Timeline
    Just trying to work out the dates that these four adventures are set as well as Priestly Secrets in Dungeon #71

    Priestly Secrets is set 5 years after L2 The Assassin's Knot and mentions on p.11; ...
      Topic: Basmajian Arras

    Replies: 8
    Views: 4082

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:27 am   Subject: Basmajian Arras
    If we went with the dual-class version, going by 2e rules he can still use his wizard abilities he just doesn't gain any xp as a thief for the encounter that he does this in and subsequently 50% xp fo ...
      Topic: Basmajian Arras

    Replies: 8
    Views: 4082

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 1:31 am   Subject: Basmajian Arras
    Thanks rasgon!
      Topic: Basmajian Arras

    Replies: 8
    Views: 4082

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:35 am   Subject: Basmajian Arras
    From the Ashes has Basmajian Arras as a TN W11/T5 but in Ivid the Undying he's listed as a LE fighter of 13th-level. The LGG seems to follow its lead from Ivid and has the Lord High Admiral also as a ...
      Topic: Questions regarding the Viscounty of Salinmoor and Anna's ma

    Replies: 8
    Views: 4964

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 12:39 am   Subject: Questions regarding the Viscounty of Salinmoor and Anna's ma
    Hmmm yeah that does make the map location seem less plausible. I suppose a hex represents a 780 square mile area so the marker for Bale Keep on the map is only an approximation, if the Keep isn't dire ...
      Topic: Questions regarding the Viscounty of Salinmoor and Anna's ma

    Replies: 8
    Views: 4964

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 1:19 am   Subject: Questions regarding the Viscounty of Salinmoor and Anna's ma
    I think that what the text might mean is that Bale Keep is along the Hool Marshes/Salinmoor border as opposed to the Hool Marsh Protectorate/Salinmoor border.

    From what I gather, in 576CY any Keois ...
      Topic: Monarchs of Celene

    Replies: 6
    Views: 4019

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 1:24 am   Subject: Monarchs of Celene
    I can't remember the exact source but I think Living Greyhawk material for the Duchy of Ulek mentions a King Llandrier around -344CY.
      Topic: 2E Zagyg Clergy

    Replies: 1
    Views: 5201

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 1:15 am   Subject: 2E Zagyg Clergy
    I did a Faiths & Avatars style write up of Zagyg for a player in my last campaign. The speciality priest info isn't canon but was created using the Spells & Magic points buy system.

    Here's ...
      Topic: Were the Oeridians from Lynn? (Discord discussion)

    Replies: 2
    Views: 8277

    PostForum: Beyond the Flanaess   Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 3:08 am   Subject: Were the Oeridians from Lynn? (Discord discussion)
    I have a sneaking suspicion that I read somewhere Gygax envisioned the Baklunish to be Central and Eastern Asian in appearance which would tie in nicely with their origins being in the Celestial Empir ...
      Topic: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)

    Replies: 18
    Views: 7238

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:00 am   Subject: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)

    Royal Pathwardens of the Celadon: Formed 581 CY.

    Reading the start of Natural Selection I think it implies the Royal Pathwardens were already established by 581CY and that rather than creat ...
      Topic: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)

    Replies: 18
    Views: 7238

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 9:17 am   Subject: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)
    I have the following notes;

    Guide p.40 states that the Duke maintains an excellent army of borderers while maintaining a centrally located force of cavalry.

    Guide p.56 - Contingents of archers & ...
      Topic: Disease

    Replies: 1
    Views: 4879

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 12:04 pm   Subject: Disease
    Unlike poison the 2e rules for poison seem a little vague. I was wondering how you all deal with disease, any saving throws, recovery from any ability damage, natural healing et cetera...
      Topic: 2E Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk

    Replies: 2
    Views: 6956

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 7:05 am   Subject: 2E Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk
    I've done some work in the past converting 3e devils and demons into 2e rules so had a go at the blaspheme for you.


    CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Cold hills and plains
    FREQUENCY: ...
      Topic: Foods of the Flanaess?

    Replies: 17
    Views: 8451

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:43 am   Subject: Foods of the Flanaess?
    I think the problem with using real world food analogies is that it's always dependent on our individual take regarding each ethnicity's cultural reference we use. We can see from a lot of other threa ...
      Topic: Warnes Starcoat

    Replies: 5
    Views: 3812

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:37 am   Subject: Warnes Starcoat
    I've attempted a compromise of sorts;

    535CY – The future archmage Warnes is born (the first of 5 children) to a prosperous farming family living on the County of Urnst's border with the Bandit King ...
      Topic: Warnes Starcoat

    Replies: 5
    Views: 3812

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:19 am   Subject: Warnes Starcoat
    "The man who would become Warnes Starcoat was born..." is such a strange phrasing. If you're going to be precious and emphasize that he wasn't who he'd eventually grow to be, I think it's more likely ...
      Topic: Warnes Starcoat

    Replies: 5
    Views: 3812

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 11:18 am   Subject: Warnes Starcoat
    I was just doing some research regarding the Urnst States and came across a contradiction in Warnes Starcoat's origins.

    Return of the Eight, p.59 states:

    "Warnes was born fifty years ago (535CY ...
      Topic: Blazonry

    Replies: 7
    Views: 5488

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed May 19, 2021 6:52 am   Subject: Blazonry
    Thanks for the feedback. Both suggestions are really sound so perhaps the glyph could mean both these things; 'the Tenha people' and 'strength'?
      Topic: Blazonry

    Replies: 7
    Views: 5488

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu May 06, 2021 8:06 am   Subject: Blazonry
    Does anyone know what the symbol on Tenh's heraldry is? I can't find it amongst the glyphs in the Guide to the World of Greyhawk but it looks kind of anthropomorphic to me.
      Topic: 2e Greyhawk and Moral "Gray Areas"

    Replies: 12
    Views: 10297

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:46 am   Subject: 2e Greyhawk and Moral "Gray Areas"

    I really, really hate WotC's corporate guff about 'not all drow are evil'. That is to confuse fantasy with reality & potentially devalues the seriousness of discrimination & oppression in ...
      Topic: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Replies: 36
    Views: 14278

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:45 am   Subject: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium
    I finally made the time to review the entire thread. It's nice to see so much dialogue over the subject.
    Yeah it's been nice to have some good debate on the topic.

    My modest contribution is to rem ...
      Topic: Blazonry

    Replies: 7
    Views: 5488

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 5:32 am   Subject: Blazonry
    Thanks Cebrion. I wasn't sure how best to describe things that were crowned.

    Is there a need to describe that the crown on South Province's boar is gold or is it always assumed that it will be that ...
      Topic: Blazonry

    Replies: 7
    Views: 5488

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:03 am   Subject: Blazonry
    I was wondering if there are any blazonry expert out there? The wiki page has quite a few of the blazons listed but there are a few missing. I've tried to work them out but it's like learning a new la ...
      Topic: 2e Greyhawk and Moral "Gray Areas"

    Replies: 12
    Views: 10297

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:26 am   Subject: 2e Greyhawk and Moral "Gray Areas"
    Personally I like an element of moral ambiguity. I think Greyhawk totally lends itself to that vibe too. For example, during the Greyhawk Wars Perrenland made a truce with the unabashedly evil Iuz. Pe ...
      Topic: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Replies: 36
    Views: 14278

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:16 am   Subject: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium
    Ahhh, yeah that's a really good analogy CSL. I definitely like the idea of working class Suel saving up to try and send a child to receive formal education. "Why can't you be more like your brother an ...
      Topic: Almost forgotten God of Hunt needed

    Replies: 13
    Views: 7143

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 12:42 am   Subject: Almost forgotten God of Hunt needed
    He has not yet been depicted as having a bob haircut with blonde highlights.

    Hahaha! But he does drive an Abyssal SUV and always wants to grill the manager (both metaphorically and literally)
      Topic: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Replies: 36
    Views: 14278

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:51 am   Subject: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium
    Thinking about it, I think some of the varying differences of views hinge around how we all see the class structure of the Imperium.

    A few models might be;

    i) The Suel were actually quite small ...
      Topic: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Replies: 36
    Views: 14278

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 2:14 am   Subject: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium
    My depiction of Korenth Zan was heavily inspired by Robert Gould's illustrations of Elric, and so the Suel Imperium as I imagine it was heavily inspired by Michael Moorcock's Melnibone, in particular ...
      Topic: Adventures and Module location in the Flanaess map

    Replies: 47
    Views: 27725

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:57 am   Subject: Adventures and Module location in the Flanaess map
    Totally didn't spot that this was a sticky thread so re-posting this where it actually belongs;

    Firstly, thanks for the hard work gone into the Adventures in Greyhawk section, it's a great resour ...
      Topic: Almost forgotten God of Hunt needed

    Replies: 13
    Views: 7143

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:54 am   Subject: Almost forgotten God of Hunt needed
    Here's one suggestion if you don't mind an evil god;

    Karaan (CE, possibly demi-god) - "a vile god of savage lust and wanton destruction, representing the dark side of nature. His symbols are gnawed ...
      Topic: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Replies: 36
    Views: 14278

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:47 am   Subject: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium
    I’m just jumping in to defend poor Norebo. He’s Chaotic Neutral. I don’t believe Len ever described him as having evil tendencies, unless that change was made by a later designer.

    To be fair to Nor ...
      Topic: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Replies: 36
    Views: 14278

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:42 am   Subject: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium
    Reading through all these excellent posts has given me lots of food for thought! Rasgon makes really important points about considering the difference between the Suel people and the body of the Suel ...
      Topic: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Replies: 36
    Views: 14278

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 1:38 am   Subject: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium
    I agree that the reputation of the migrating Suel as wicked and vile shouldn't be ignored but I don't think it needs to be indicative of the average commoner of the Imperium. My mind turns to Nazi Ger ...
      Topic: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Replies: 36
    Views: 14278

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:59 am   Subject: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Looked at through this lens, a very different picture emerges of the Suel Imperium. The old Suel Imperium was malicious, tyrannical and racist, with intrigues, double-dealing, murder and magical ...
      Topic: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Replies: 36
    Views: 14278

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 10:02 am   Subject: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium
    I've often thought about how the Suel deities might reflect the culture and mindset of the Suel Imperium.

    A few things stand out for me;

    Maritime Deities: Despite the presence of Xerbo, Osprem a ...
      Topic: Zihindia

    Replies: 9
    Views: 9535

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:40 am   Subject: Zihindia
    Thanks for getting back to me on those queries.

    I'm happy to help out with a 1e WoG style alignment chart (and trade goods map if you like). If you want to send me the relevant info for the region ...
      Topic: Rime of the FrostMaiden in Greyhawk?

    Replies: 19
    Views: 8331

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:25 pm   Subject: Rime of the FrostMaiden in Greyhawk?
    I think Telchur is implicated in the imprisonment of Vatun and he also has some dodgy allies like the Archdevil Belial who most likely aided him in dealing with Vatun. As a result Llerg and Dalt are v ...
      Topic: Zihindia

    Replies: 9
    Views: 9535

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:52 pm   Subject: Zihindia
    Thanks for another great piece, I'm a big fan of these Beyond the Flanaess articles!

    I had a couple of questions;

    i) do you have in mind alignments for the various regional leaders and/or their ...
      Topic: Distribution Of High And Sylvan Elves?

    Replies: 2
    Views: 3973

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:34 am   Subject: Distribution Of High And Sylvan Elves?
    It's also worth keeping in mind that those encounter tables don't indicate numbers just how likely you are to encounter such creatures in relation to other creatures dwelling in those areas. They also ...
      Topic: Greyhawk specific art crowd-funding

    Replies: 3
    Views: 4349

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:35 am   Subject: Greyhawk specific art crowd-funding
    Hey Phalastar. I'm a freelance illustrator. I've been able to do a couple of Greyhawk related pieces which was great and when my current commissions are done I plan on finally doing some more Greyhawk ...
      Topic: Climate of the Flanaess

    Replies: 14
    Views: 15421

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:37 pm   Subject: Climate of the Flanaess
    And four versions of the rough climate zones based on the information in the Greyhawk Player's Guide. Obviously these zones don't really hug a straight latitude all the way across the globe, it's more ...
      Topic: Climate of the Flanaess

    Replies: 14
    Views: 15421

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:16 pm   Subject: Climate of the Flanaess
    The topic of climate is still coming up in a few different threads so I tried my hand at a few maps to attempt to make sense of all the various information. I am definitely not a climatologist so thes ...
      Topic: High Elves

    Replies: 12
    Views: 6238

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:28 am   Subject: High Elves
    Hey, I'm not sure I've seen anything in canon sources that describes the geographical origins of the various elven sub-species. If you can remember those sources I'd be really interested to see as it' ...
      Topic: Keoland's RW Analog

    Replies: 45
    Views: 16456

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:33 am   Subject: Keoland's RW Analog
    ...but it's very clear that there is magical tampering with the climate of the Flanaess (perhaps on the Oerth as a whole).

    Clear, how? I am curious what evidence you have come across that makes th ...
      Topic: Keoland's RW Analog

    Replies: 45
    Views: 16456

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:33 am   Subject: Keoland's RW Analog
    ...but it's very clear that there is magical tampering with the climate of the Flanaess (perhaps on the Oerth as a whole).

    Clear, how? I am curious what evidence you have come across that makes th ...
      Topic: Keoland's RW Analog

    Replies: 45
    Views: 16456

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:32 am   Subject: Keoland's RW Analog
    ...but it's very clear that there is magical tampering with the climate of the Flanaess (perhaps on the Oerth as a whole).

    Clear, how? I am curious what evidence you have come across that makes th ...
      Topic: Keoland's RW Analog

    Replies: 45
    Views: 16456

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:43 am   Subject: Keoland's RW Analog
    To me, a lot of the Greyhawk nations' implied (or even outright stated, in the case of Saltmarsh being like a medieval English fishing town) "cultural equivalents" imply a significantly cooler culture ...
      Topic: How advanced were the Pre-Cataclysmic western empires?

    Replies: 12
    Views: 6540

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 3:47 am   Subject: How advanced were the Pre-Cataclysmic western empires?
    Good topic SirXaris!

    It frequently crossed my mind why an empire like that of the Suel people didn't seem too large. Technically an empire should constitute several territories and cultures but som ...
      Topic: Map of Seaton?

    Replies: 14
    Views: 11640

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:01 am   Subject: Map of Seaton?
    Just read an interesting reference to Seaton in L4C - The Lendore Isle Companion by Lenard Lakofka;

    It's described as a fairly simple town well known for its shipyards and is one of several main su ...
      Topic: The source of greyhawk magic

    Replies: 69
    Views: 46220

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:27 am   Subject: The source of greyhawk magic
    I would imagine that as originally published, Greyhawk would have used Gygax's 1E theory of the nature of magic found in the 1E DMG, p.40.

    As described, the verbal components are "charged with ener ...
      Topic: The source of greyhawk magic

    Replies: 69
    Views: 46220

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:25 am   Subject: The source of greyhawk magic
    I would imagine that as originally published, Greyhawk would have used Gygax's 1E theory of the nature of magic found in the 1E DMG, p.40.

    As described, the verbal components are "charged with ener ...
      Topic: The source of greyhawk magic

    Replies: 69
    Views: 46220

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:24 am   Subject: The source of greyhawk magic
    I would imagine that as originally published, Greyhawk would have used Gygax's 1E theory of the nature of magic found in the 1E DMG, p.40.

    As described, the verbal components are "charged with ener ...
      Topic: Climate of the Flanaess

    Replies: 14
    Views: 15421

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:51 am   Subject: Climate of the Flanaess
    Rather than starting a new thread I figured it made more sense to resurrect this one.

    Has anyone managed to come up with a simplified interpretation of prevailing winds and currents that makes sens ...
      Topic: Keoland's RW Analog

    Replies: 45
    Views: 16456

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 8:22 am   Subject: Keoland's RW Analog
    I love how varied the interpretations are for Keoland's feel and the detail of thought everyone has applied!

    I calculated Keoland lies at maybe 22 to 30 degrees North which I think matches to cent ...
      Topic: Crusader Class Info

    Replies: 2
    Views: 5768

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 1:14 am   Subject: Crusader Class Info
    The Forgotten Realms supplement Faiths & Avatars also has details on the crusader, along with the mystic and a reworking of the monk.
      Topic: New AD&D Fanzine!

    Replies: 1
    Views: 6723

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 3:12 am   Subject: New AD&D Fanzine!
    Thanks for sharing this! I just had a look through and its great! Really nice to see fresh 1e content
      Topic: AD&D 2nd - Experiences using the psionics rules, compare

    Replies: 4
    Views: 6675

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 12:56 am   Subject: AD&D 2nd - Experiences using the psionics rules, compare
    Hi nijineko, in my last 2e campaign I had a player who was desperate to use psionics. In the end I relinquished and allowed them to manifest a couple of psionic abilities and no ability to launch a ps ...
      Topic: Baalphegor, the Artificer of Hell

    Replies: 8
    Views: 9156

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:24 pm   Subject: Baalphegor, the Artificer of Hell
    Nice investigating Lareth. I find this really interesting as I've always considered the the 'consorts' of the Archdevils probably more interesting than the diabolic patriarchy and by necessary likely ...
      Topic: Map of Seaton?

    Replies: 14
    Views: 11640

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:58 am   Subject: Map of Seaton?
    "The Razing of Redshore" in Dungeon #92 which assuming they're meant to be the same place, details the city of Redshore which at some point has been placed in Salinmoor on the Anna Meyer map but could ...
      Topic: Specific Druids of the Flanaess

    Replies: 27
    Views: 12987

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:27 pm   Subject: Specific Druids of the Flanaess
    Here's a couple more from Hommlet;

    Jaroo Ashstaff [Druid 7] - T1
    Smith [Druid 3] - T1
      Topic: Multi-classing

    Replies: 7
    Views: 8351

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:37 pm   Subject: Multi-classing
    I realised I never followed up on this thread ...

    Previously I usually used the double xp to attain each level above the racial cap option. However, in my last campaign I introduced the use of char ...
      Topic: 3e+ materials

    Replies: 4
    Views: 9439

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:26 pm   Subject: 3e+ materials
    Torque-Nomar, your thread completely reminded me that I'd mentioned in a different thread somewhere in the 2e board about some monsters I'd converted from 3e into 1e/2e.

    I'm not sure if it's of any ...
      Topic: Earthly Cultural Analogies In The Flanaess And Beyond?

    Replies: 50
    Views: 27699

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:28 am   Subject: Earthly Cultural Analogies In The Flanaess And Beyond?

    The Kozak's fit the bill of the Rover's to a T while tossing in an amalgamation of Amerind cultural tidbits seems ridiculously out of place. Save Amerind culture for a region near the Olman rather ...
      Topic: Earthly Cultural Analogies In The Flanaess And Beyond?

    Replies: 50
    Views: 27699

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:00 am   Subject: Earthly Cultural Analogies In The Flanaess And Beyond?
    When I first started exploring the various cultures of Greyhawk in depth I tried to apply a single defining cultural parallel to the various ethnicities, races and countries. It was very much like try ...
      Topic: Armor/Magical Bracers + Shield (spell)

    Replies: 5
    Views: 7515

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 3:25 am   Subject: Armor/Magical Bracers + Shield (spell)
    So the shield is a tangible barrier of force that can move to protect the wizard from frontal attacks only. In the same way a regular shield doesn't provide two separate ACs for an attack to bypass, I ...
      Topic: Druid Shapeshifting Frequency

    Replies: 5
    Views: 7350

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 3:47 am   Subject: Druid Shapeshifting Frequency
    My first 2e character was a druid so I have many fond memories of shapechanging....and a goodberry jam cottage industry.

    In agreement with Cebrion and SirXaris, I think it's easier to go with sunri ...
      Topic: Bone March and North Province

    Replies: 24
    Views: 12079

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 3:22 pm   Subject: Bone March and North Province

    Bone March - California (San Diego to San Jose) (30 degree tilt) or Oregon (23.5 degree tilt).

    The Bone March is roughly 40 degrees latitude, similar to New Jersey on Earth.

    North Province ...
      Topic: Earthly Cultural Analogies In The Flanaess And Beyond?

    Replies: 50
    Views: 27699

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 3:50 am   Subject: Earthly Cultural Analogies In The Flanaess And Beyond?
    Thanks for the feedback mtg

    I've been looking for a good book on the Ottoman Empire. Do you, or anyone, have some to recommend? (I've been eying Jason Goodwin, Lords of the Horizons (1999, 2003).) ...
      Topic: Bone March and North Province

    Replies: 24
    Views: 12079

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 2:26 am   Subject: Bone March and North Province
    In response to your request in the Earthly Cultural Analogies thread I thought it would make more sense to respond here about my points of reference for this region.

    Historically, I have the tribes ...
      Topic: Earthly Cultural Analogies In The Flanaess And Beyond?

    Replies: 50
    Views: 27699

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:02 am   Subject: Earthly Cultural Analogies In The Flanaess And Beyond?
    This kind of topic has always been of great interest to me and I can see value to both CSL and rasgon's approaches. For me the key is to foster consistency in my gaming world to help create a strong s ...
      Topic: Stone Shape (for excavation)

    Replies: 8
    Views: 10470

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:39 am   Subject: Stone Shape (for excavation)
    My reading of the spell, based on the fact that it is alteration magic is that it doesn't 'delete' stone, it shifts the existing volume into a new shape. You could use it to create a tunnel but you wo ...
      Topic: Beneath the Temple of Elemental Evil

    Replies: 5
    Views: 7974

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:46 am   Subject: Beneath the Temple of Elemental Evil
    Thanks for sharing! I'm looking forward to getting a chance to re-run ToEE and to include this.
      Topic: Horn of Valhalla (aligned)

    Replies: 7
    Views: 8991

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 12:43 am   Subject: Horn of Valhalla (aligned)
    Going by the rules as written, the only time the beserkers don't "gladly attack anyone the possessor of the horn commands them to fight" are when the horn is blown by a class group unable to use the h ...
      Topic: Animal Summoning, Part 2

    Replies: 5
    Views: 7353

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 9:41 am   Subject: Animal Summoning, Part 2
    I concur with jtylerk. I think that an open-ended request like "Guard the temple." would cause the spell to fail. I think that the stipulation should also be a concept the animal could understand such ...
      Topic: Giving Monsters Class Levels

    Replies: 16
    Views: 12697

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:09 am   Subject: Giving Monsters Class Levels
    Sorry Lanthorn, I probably should have checked the threads more thoroughly first.

    But yes, I find that some creatures seem to have their Strength considered in their damage dice others not so much. ...
      Topic: Giving Monsters Class Levels

    Replies: 16
    Views: 12697

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:11 am   Subject: Giving Monsters Class Levels
    Okay, so another question about how you deal with your monsters ...

    Some creatures seem to do very little damage with their attacks. Especially demons and the like. For example, a big hulking glabr ...
      Topic: Questions about From the Ashes

    Replies: 14
    Views: 15383

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:25 am   Subject: Questions about From the Ashes
    Paladin In Hell is a great module, I ran a slightly modified version of it for the showdown in the last campaign I ran and it went down well.

    Depending on how purist you are you might consider allo ...
      Topic: 2e stats for Demogorgon

    Replies: 14
    Views: 12343

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:21 am   Subject: 2e stats for Demogorgon
    Converting from one edition to another can be tricky but I do tend to find it easier converting back from 3rd to 2nd. xo42, I've done a few conversions from the Savage Tide AP, I'm happy to share thes ...
      Topic: Teleporting Onto A Moving Object

    Replies: 6
    Views: 7607

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 6:45 am   Subject: Teleporting Onto A Moving Object
    Thanks for your input Lanthorn!! Lowering the familiarity leve for a moving 'place' makes sense unless the PCs go out of their way to create a special cabin for that purpose perhaps.
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