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    Casting Greyhawk
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    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: May 14, 2003
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    Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:29 pm  
    Casting Greyhawk

    This is a pruely hypothetical fantasy: say someone were to make a Greyhawk movie. Who would you cast (including voice talent) as various characters in it? For instance, Tom Skerrit as Mordenkainen, Oded Fehr as Tenser, and Angelica Houston as Iggwilv (just some examples off the top of my head). Any takers?
    Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
    Master Greytalker

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    Thu Feb 21, 2008 4:49 pm  

    Set the stage for us Gargoyle, basic plot outline, characters to be in it, that sort of thing!
    Eileen of Greyhawk, Prophet of Istus, Messenger of the Gods
    Adept Greytalker

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    Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:14 pm  

    Laughing Thanks, but the idea is who would play whom, not really plotting a movie. Still, I'd have to see the Co8, Iuz, Iggwilv, a few rulers (say Belvor IV, Hazen, Nerof Gasgal and maybe Queen Yolande), and some young, intrepid adventurers (new, never-before-seen PCs!). For me, a Greyhawk movie would have to take in the forces of good against Iuz, with several other factions involved. Dang it! You've got me thinking plotlines! grrr... Anyway, mainly I'd like to see others' ideas of who would play whom in a Greyhawk movie, regardless of plot. Some of my casting ideas:
    Circle of Eight
    Mordenkainen - Daniel Day Lewis
    Nystul - Alan Rickman
    Jallarzi Salavarian - Nicole Kidman
    Theodain Eriason - Hugo Weaving
    Alhamazad the Wise - Omar Sharif
    Otto - ??
    Warnes Starcoat - ??
    Bigby - ??
    Drawmidj - ??

    Tenser should make an appearance, played by Oded Fehr. Rary should show up, too (Ian McKellan).

    Iuz the Old - Clive Owen (don't forget, Iuz is "strikingly handsome" - GHWiki).
    Iggwilv - Angelica Houston
    Belvor IV - Sean Connery
    Archcleric Hazen - Patrick Macnee
    Nerof Gasgal - Dirk Benedict
    Queen Yolande - Tilda Swinton

    Now mind you, I have picked the above actors only for their physical apperance, and not acting ability. Honestly, however, most Greyhawk characters have very generic descriptions or no description at all, so almost any actor could play any character!
    Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
    Master Greytalker

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    Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:59 pm  

    Wow, I must behind the times on movies and television. I didn't recognize most of the people you mentioned. I guess I need to get out more. I mentioned plot because it was easier to start envisioning actors, but that's ok. Also without the plot it is tough to tell what characters are going to make an appearance.

    I think Anjelica Houston would be an excellent choice if they could make her a bit younger looking. I'm a huge fan of Sean Connery so I'll accept virtually any role he is in. Ian McKellan is an excellent choice but I would like to see him play someone else. I kinda like Patrick Stewart as well. Nicole Kidman I'll pass on.

    Hmmm....this is getting hard. I need to watch more movies.
    Eileen of Greyhawk, Prophet of Istus, Messenger of the Gods
    Adept Greytalker

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    Thu Feb 21, 2008 11:50 pm  

    OK, how about Ian McKellan as Belvor IV and Christopher Lee as Rary?

    Some more:
    Robilar - Russell Crowe
    Elayne Mystica - Christina Ricci
    Kashafen Tamarel (Lord of the Vesve Elves) - Sean Bean
    Turin Deathstalker - Vinnie Jones
    St. Cuthbert - Sven Ole-Thorsen (look him up; character actor)
    Eclavdra - Naomi Watts (with lots of makeup!)
    Prince Melf - Brad Pitt
    Kimbertos Skotti - Christopher Plummer
    Vayne (Iuz's man in Admundfort) - David Warner

    That's all for now; g'nite!
    Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
    Master Greytalker

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    Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:22 am  

    Vinnie Jones? Whatever next? Shocked
    Master Greytalker

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    Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:13 am  

    Gargoyle wrote
    OK, how about Ian McKellan as Belvor IV and Christopher Lee as Rary? Much better, I like this a lot.

    And then I added to his post like this....

    Some more:
    Robilar - Russell Crowe Yes absoultely, Gladiator is still one of my favorite movies. He's got the right look to play a hardened fighter with a questionable reputation.
    Elayne Mystica - Christina Ricci Don't know.
    Kashafen Tamarel (Lord of the Vesve Elves) - Sean Bean Saw him in James Bond so it is hard to picture. Good actor though. Wouldn't you want someone built smaller?
    Turin Deathstalker - Vinnie Jones, Don't know.
    St. Cuthbert - Sven Ole-Thorsen (look him up; character actor)
    Eclavdra - Naomi Watts (with lots of makeup!), Heard of, don't know what she looks like.
    Prince Melf - Brad Pitt, Maybe
    Kimbertos Skotti - Christopher Plummer, Don't know.
    Vayne (Iuz's man in Admundfort) - David Warner, Don't know.

    How about that Angolie whatever her name is, the one that married Brad Pitt? Seems like she could make a good elf if they shorten her up a bit.
    Eileen of Greyhawk, Prophet of Istus, Messenger of the Gods
    Journeyman Greytalker

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    Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:37 am  

    Gotta disagree a bit with some of the choices. Omar Sharif gets Rary, Oded Fehr Drawmij or Alhamazad. But that's just using their ages and the Arabic to Baklunish stereotype.

    And Anjelica Huston as Iggwilv? Maybe 20 years ago. Give that one to Naomi Watts.

    Looks like quite a cast. Maybe as a SciFi Channel series; too many characters for any to get decent screen time in a feature film.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:46 pm  

    Who would play the Father of Obedience of the Scarlet Brotherhood? David Carradine might pull it off, but it would take some makeup to give him the look of someone with a pure Suloise bloodline.
    Adept Greytalker

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    Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:14 pm  

    Father of Obedience... Jason Isaacs? (see him as Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies; he was also the villain in the Patriot).
    Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:46 am  

    Yes, He (Jason Isaacs, aka Lucius Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies) would most definitely fit the part. Excellent suggestion!
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    Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:21 am  

    If anybody says Orlando Bloom for Melf, I will personally be the executioner. Wink
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    Black Hand of Oblivion

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    Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:55 pm  

    Man there are some bad suggestions so far! Laughing

    First you've got to have a script with set characters. Then you cast it. Here's an off-the-cuff suggestion anyways:

    Father of Obedience: David Bowie. He's total Suloise whitebread, plus that off-color eye thing works as well in regard to "keeping the bloodlines pure", if ya know what I mean. Wink He has the presence to be able to pull off a role where he pretty much sits still and issues orders; perhaps making an example of a lesser servant at some point in time. (***In his younger days he would have made a great Elric, but that ship has sailed.)

    Featuring the SB is probably not a good idea though in the first place. Too many red banners featuring hooked black stars on screen would probably rile up the worng type of publicity. Then you'd end up with a lame color substituion like they did with the Harkonnens in the Sci-Fi channel's DUNE series.

    "Blue isn't very *evil*. I know! Let's use red and black instead!"

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    Adept Greytalker

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    Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:24 am  

    Well, Cebrion, the point of the post is simply who would you like to see playing whom, not plotting a movie. And I only gave some off-the-top-of-my-head ideas, not a definitive list. So, outside of Bowie as the Father of Obedience, who would you cast?
    Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
    Adept Greytalker

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    Sat Aug 02, 2008 3:46 am  

    How about your own characters in Greyhawk? Who would you cast to play your PC(s)? And for the upcoming PF, who would you cast in the roles of Urnst NPCs, like Duke Karll and Contess Belissica? I'd give Karll to (a younger) Sean Connery and Belissica to Nicole Kidman. Who are some other notable figures in the Urnst states?
    Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Fri Aug 08, 2008 5:50 am  

    I vote for Alan Rickman as Overking Xavener (or Grenell, for that matter).

    Let's make Clive Owen Grazz't instead of Iuz?

    And guest starring Paul Giamatti as Wastri, the Hopping Prophet.
    The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a wide-spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible. - Bertrand Russell
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:39 am  

    No no no.... Wastri HAS to be John Leguizamo.

    I think Alan Rickman would be a much better Rary.

    Queen Yolande HAS to be Cate Blanchett.

    I wonder who would make a good Murlynd?
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:41 am  

    Actually, I like Leguizamo as Ivid. I can see him now, dancing around, giggling in maniacal glee...
    The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a wide-spread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible. - Bertrand Russell
    Adept Greytalker

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    Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:10 am  

    gargoyle wrote:
    Mordenkainen - Daniel Day Lewis
    Nystul - Alan Rickman
    Jallarzi Salavarian - Nicole Kidman
    Theodain Eriason - Hugo Weaving
    Alhamazad the Wise - Omar Sharif
    Otto - ??
    Warnes Starcoat - ??
    Bigby - ??
    Drawmidj - ??

    To me, DDL really doesn't really have the gravitas to play Mordy. Give Patrick Stewart a goatee & I'm there. The others I'm fine with, except for Nicole Kidman (not really sure who to replace her with, though).

    For Otto, get John Rhys-Davies (or put a handlebar mustache on Jorge Garcia for a younger look). Warnes is kind of a dashing figure, so cast Sean Connery.

    Tenser should make an appearance, played by Oded Fehr. Rary should show up, too (Ian McKellan).

    Have Daniel Day Lewis play Tenser--he's kinda got the nose.

    McKellen is fine for Rary, though Sharif would also work.


    Iuz the Old - Clive Owen (don't forget, Iuz is "strikingly handsome" - GHWiki).
    Iggwilv - Angelica Houston
    Belvor IV - Sean Connery
    Archcleric Hazen - Patrick Macnee
    Nerof Gasgal - Dirk Benedict
    Queen Yolande - Tilda Swinton

    Iuz was only handsome before his parents' big breakup fight. Have Ron Perlman play him in his demonic form, & cast some old, gnarled actor for his mannikin form.

    Angelica Houston would make a great Iggwilv, though she is a bit long in the tooth.

    I've cast Connery as Warnes, so I'm not sure about Belvor.

    Macnee is fine for Hazen, but I'd cast someone like Deniro or Pacino as Nerof.

    Swinton does have an exotic look that would work for an elven queen(as does cate Blanchette), but considering Yolande is supposed to be one of the most beautiful women on Oerth, I don't think she quite measures up. Not sure who I would cast, though.
    Adept Greytalker

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    Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:27 am  

    gargoyle wrote:
    OK, how about Ian McKellan as Belvor IV and Christopher Lee as Rary?

    Some more:
    Robilar - Russell Crowe
    Elayne Mystica - Christina Ricci
    Kashafen Tamarel (Lord of the Vesve Elves) - Sean Bean
    Turin Deathstalker - Vinnie Jones
    St. Cuthbert - Sven Ole-Thorsen (look him up; character actor)
    Eclavdra - Naomi Watts (with lots of makeup!)
    Prince Melf - Brad Pitt
    Kimbertos Skotti - Christopher Plummer
    Vayne (Iuz's man in Admundfort) - David Warner

    Crowe would make a good Robilar, but I don't think Ricci is a good fit for Elayne Mystica. Bean I don't think would make a good elf lord.

    Jones would work for Turin, & Thorsen would be servicable for Cuthbert, but I can also see him playing Obmi. Watts could work for Eclavdra, but I don't think she's quite hot enough (still very hot, though).

    Pitt really doesn't look elven enough to play Melf. I'd rather see someone like DiCaprio in the role. Plummer could work for Skotti, but so could several other actors. Warner, I think, would make a great Vayne.
    Adept Greytalker

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    Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:29 am  

    Oh, and I would cast Stellan Skarsgård (Cedric in the 2004 King Arthur film) as Sevord Redbeard.
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:07 pm  

    gargoyle wrote:

    Eclavdra - Naomi Watts (with lots of makeup!)

    I'd go with Hale Berry for Eclavdra. Remember her as Storm in the X-Men movies with that white hair... Cool

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    Adept Greytalker

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    Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:14 pm  

    carlanco wrote:
    gargoyle wrote:

    Eclavdra - Naomi Watts (with lots of makeup!)

    I'd go with Hale Berry for Eclavdra. Remember her as Storm in the X-Men movies with that white hair... Cool


    Maybe, but I've always seen drow as BLACK skinned, not brown skinned. If we go that route, though, how about Grace Jones? She might be a bit too old now... Maybe Tyra Banks? I'm thinking angular elven features here...
    Greyhawk is dead; long live Greyahwk! It is not heresy; I will not recant!
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