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    Personal Information: Dark_Lord_Galen

    Location: Houston Texas

    It is by will alone I set my die in motion.....It is by gaming that thoughts acquire speed.....The hands acquire shaking..... The shaking becomes a warning......It is by will alone I set my die in motion....

    Extra Info:
    And on the eighth day they explored......
    Actual User Status: Offline

    All Articles Posted by Dark_Lord_Galen:
  • Postfest XVIII (Richfest 2016): The Sunstone Bull
  • Postfest XVIII (Richfest 2016): Amethyst Songbird
  • Postfest XVIII (Richfest 2016): Tragedy and the Grey Friar... Revisited
  • Tragedy and The Grey Friar
  • The Battle Against Spirits, Ghosts, and Blink Dogs: The Missing Player
  • Alignments and the Newbie

  • Last 10 Comments by Dark_Lord_Galen:
  • Re: Postfest XVIII (Richfest 2016): Waterous Wonders of the Rhennee
  • Re: Omnipotent view - Crossing the Veng
  • Re: The Battle Against Spirits, Ghosts, and Blink Dogs: The Missing Player
  • Re: Alignments and the Newbie
  • Re: Alignments and the Newbie

  • Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

    Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

    Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene Pekul is used under the Creative Commons License.

    PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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