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      Topic: Greyhawk City, missing map keys

    Replies: 5
    Views: 5756

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 10:30 pm   Subject: Greyhawk City, missing map keys
    Grodog's summoning spell worked!
    Once I'm past marking term papers and final exams, I'm hoping to revisit my City of Greyhawk map, create a higher resolution version for the website and add a bunch o ...
      Topic: City of Greyhawk street index

    Replies: 7
    Views: 7444

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 9:58 pm   Subject: City of Greyhawk street index
    Fans have been bugging me for years, and finally here it is. My street index map for the City of Greyhawk. Here you'll be able to find all streets from official sourcebooks, supplements, adventures an ...
      Topic: What race/species were the Mage-Priests?

    Replies: 17
    Views: 14219

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:32 am   Subject: What race/species were the Mage-Priests?
    LOL... yes, I'm sure mort can come up with something quite clever about all this. Rasgon and I passionately agree on so much regarding Greyhawk, the Planes, and other things, it truly is scary. It was ...
      Topic: What race/species were the Mage-Priests?

    Replies: 17
    Views: 14219

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:22 am   Subject: What race/species were the Mage-Priests?
    LOL. I guess this is going to have to be one of the rare instances where we disagree, rasgon.

    Here’s the text in question that we’re discussing from Iuz the Evil (for those spectators that don’t ha ...
      Topic: What race/species were the Mage-Priests?

    Replies: 17
    Views: 14219

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:44 am   Subject: What race/species were the Mage-Priests?
    Of course, Living Greyhawk changed them to Yagrax's hands instead.
    Ya, I'm afraid that was me.
    The 1st Edition material makes it pretty clear that the Wizard-Priest that ruled the empire of the Isle ...
      Topic: The "Official" 2011 Greyhawkery Blog Thread

    Replies: 233
    Views: 125479

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:39 pm   Subject: The "Official" 2011 Greyhawkery Blog Thread
    Awesome map, mort! I love it!

    I just have one question....

    What the heck is the Horsehead Nebula doing in southernmost Hepmonaland, and the Great Carina Nebula is swallowing the Spindrifts?

    D ...
      Topic: The "Official" 2011 Greyhawkery Blog Thread

    Replies: 233
    Views: 125479

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:28 am   Subject: The "Official" 2011 Greyhawkery Blog Thread
    LOL Its true, you've done a great job of shilling different aspects of my website over the years. Its the least I can do! Laughing I've also updated my [url=]sitemap ...
      Topic: The "Official" 2011 Greyhawkery Blog Thread

    Replies: 233
    Views: 125479

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:28 pm   Subject: The "Official" 2011 Greyhawkery Blog Thread
    Welcome to Maldin's Greyhawk, mort!

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
    Maldin's Greyhawk
      Topic: Meditations on the Blue Wizard

    Replies: 23
    Views: 20432

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:10 pm   Subject: Meditations on the Blue Wizard
    Ah! A topic that has been much bandied about over the decades... who or what exactly is Philidor?

    In my article [url=]Secrets of Mordenkainen and the Circle o ...
      Topic: Bring Greyhawk into a New Era ...

    Replies: 88
    Views: 65471

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:51 pm   Subject: Bring Greyhawk into a New Era ...
    "Black Spine" of course was a githyanki invasion of Athas (Dark Sun). You might gleen some ideas from that. Be forewarned that there are some serious problems with the climax in the Astral. It was wri ...
      Topic: That Infamous Key

    Replies: 32
    Views: 47146

    PostForum: Readers Workshop   Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:12 pm   Subject: That Infamous Key
    Evil Grin I blame Maldin for having maps. Laughing
    Yes, by popular demand (I've been getting this request quite a lot over the past year), and Mystic Scholar's needs, I've finally gotten around to workin ...
      Topic: Greyhawk Online is ***NOT*** Closing

    Replies: 47
    Views: 40251

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:49 pm   Subject: Greyhawk Online is ***NOT*** Closing
    Come together...

    . .... right now....

    . .... Over me!

    Dum dum dada duuuummmm duuuummmmm

    Dum dum dada duuuuummm dummmmmm....

    Sorry. Had to get that off ...
      Topic: House Rules for Greyhawk

    Replies: 23
    Views: 19196

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:20 pm   Subject: House Rules for Greyhawk
    I also feel that if a player gets a full nights rest (uniterrupted) then he should get 2HP + CON bonus per evening rested.
    I have exactly the same rule.
    I am considering using languages as a skill. ...
      Topic: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread

    Replies: 405
    Views: 315318

    PostForum: Welcome to Greyhawk!   Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:22 pm   Subject: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
    Okay, but you didn't deny being a "bombshell."
    I've known Anna longer than anyone here, and do remember [url=]her blonde years as an "advertising m ...
      Topic: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread

    Replies: 405
    Views: 315318

    PostForum: Welcome to Greyhawk!   Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:58 pm   Subject: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
    LOL! Well, not 51ish yet. But getting close. Lets call it 50-ish. hehehe
    (For both Mystic and myself)
    Do Mystic and I win a prize? Hmmm, wonder if we get to roll for minions!
    ...errr... I mean he ...
      Topic: Greyhawk Online is ***NOT*** Closing

    Replies: 47
    Views: 40251

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:03 am   Subject: Greyhawk Online is ***NOT*** Closing
    There are all sorts of reasons why Myspace and Facebook are not the place to host anything, not the least of which are their terms of service (anybody ever read them? I have!) and the complete inflexi ...
      Topic: Greyhawk Online is ***NOT*** Closing

    Replies: 47
    Views: 40251

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:01 am   Subject: Greyhawk Online is ***NOT*** Closing
    Unfortunately, donations don't help, unless you are a truly massive site with thousands of users (like Enworld) and an aggressive fund-raising program (like Enworld). Why pay for something that is fre ...
      Topic: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread

    Replies: 405
    Views: 315318

    PostForum: Welcome to Greyhawk!   Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:45 pm   Subject: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
    He's since become an official published NPC in the world of Greyhawk.

    If you ask me, it is for these reasons that Greyhawk is so good. I mean, where else?
    Exactly! Two years ago, I wrote the fol ...
      Topic: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread

    Replies: 405
    Views: 315318

    PostForum: Welcome to Greyhawk!   Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:22 pm   Subject: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
    First Name: Denis

    Age: Older than anybody else here (so far)

    Location: Windsor ("I can see Detroit from my office window"), Ontario, Canada

    Started playing in 1980 with the Basic box set, bu ...
      Topic: GH Collectors Guide - Illustrates the Problem and Solution

    Replies: 6
    Views: 6827

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:56 am   Subject: GH Collectors Guide - Illustrates the Problem and Solution
    It is impossible to hold in ones head (or even have access to) all of this “canon,” to say nothing of the conflicts present in the “canon” that would need to be resolved. It is impossible to view th ...
      Topic: House Rules for Greyhawk

    Replies: 23
    Views: 19196

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:33 pm   Subject: House Rules for Greyhawk
    I like your expanded NORT rule and will be using it in my comming campaign
    Cool. I've had that page up for more than 6 years and I've never ever gotten any feedback from somebody that used it in thei ...
      Topic: House Rules for Greyhawk

    Replies: 23
    Views: 19196

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:35 pm   Subject: House Rules for Greyhawk
    House rules... hmmm....
    Ya, I've definitely got a few. Keep in mind, of course, that my campaign is 2E.

    There are no "generic" clerics or druids. All divine (as opposed to arcane) PCs (and NPCs), ...
      Topic: What is considered to be “CANON” about Greyspace?

    Replies: 42
    Views: 33459

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:02 pm   Subject: What is considered to be “CANON” about Greyspace?
    Couldn't have said it better myself, rasgon.

    And before others bring it up, Spheres of Annihilation are most definitely not mass-dependent black holes either. They are magical constructs as well. I ...
      Topic: What is considered to be “CANON” about Greyspace?

    Replies: 42
    Views: 33459

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:02 pm   Subject: What is considered to be “CANON” about Greyspace?
    Posting to both threads...
    Hmmmm.... indeed. There were multiple gates through which the Kule survivors escaped. Perhaps there is one such gate somewhere on/in/under the Sinking Isle.

    B ...
      Topic: Solnor "Mysterious Places": Turucambi, Sinking Isl

    Replies: 15
    Views: 11678

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:01 pm   Subject: Solnor "Mysterious Places": Turucambi, Sinking Isl
    Hmmmm.... indeed. There were multiple gates through which the Kule survivors escaped. Perhaps there is one such gate somewhere on/in/under the Sinking Isle.

    BTW, I absolutely love the li ...
      Topic: What is considered to be “CANON” about Greyspace?

    Replies: 42
    Views: 33459

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:35 am   Subject: What is considered to be “CANON” about Greyspace?
    I have air filling Kule's underdark up to approximately a kilometer depth from the surface (thus its inhabitants cannot reach the surface). The underdark contains drow, chak, and a few other minor rac ...
      Topic: What is considered to be “CANON” about Greyspace?

    Replies: 42
    Views: 33459

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:22 am   Subject: What is considered to be “CANON” about Greyspace?
    Believe it or not, I was using the general "you" in the sense of anyone who wants to modify any aspect of the campaign for similar reasons. Didn't mean to sound "personal". This particular topic comes ...
      Topic: What is considered to be “CANON” about Greyspace?

    Replies: 42
    Views: 33459

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:58 pm   Subject: What is considered to be “CANON” about Greyspace?
    As Rasgon points out, the only official publications TSR/WotC has ever put out pretty clearly put Greyspace as a geocentric system. Don't like it? Don't use it... but that is your variant of Greyhawk. ...
      Topic: Private property in the City of Greyhawk

    Replies: 14
    Views: 11092

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:00 am   Subject: Private property in the City of Greyhawk
    Check out my take on PCs trying to acquire property in the City of Greyhawk. ;)
    I really did inflict this upon my players.

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
    Maldin's Grey ...
      Topic: Future City of Greyhawk Map - Interest Level

    Replies: 15
    Views: 12971

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:15 am   Subject: Future City of Greyhawk Map - Interest Level
    Hey Katerek... sounds like you have an interesting project underway! Sorry I haven't had a chance to jump into the conversation earlier. Things have been kinda... crazy... around here. If you have any ...
      Topic: Do you allow muskets and psionics?

    Replies: 25
    Views: 19595

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:16 pm   Subject: Do you allow muskets and psionics?
    I use the 2E Psionics Handbook (did have limited usage of 1E psionics when my campaign was still 1E), and have had both psionic and psionicist characters (and for those who have never used 2E psionics ...
      Topic: Greyhawk's Underdark

    Replies: 22
    Views: 16004

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:43 pm   Subject: Re: Greyhawk's Underdark
    WOW! It makes one think VERY seriously about the Yeomanry.

    Don't suppose you have anything similar for beneath the Lortmils? Wink

    Great job. "Best Canonfire Post of 2010" by a mile!

    : ...
      Topic: Greyhawk's Underdark

    Replies: 22
    Views: 16004

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:56 pm   Subject: Greyhawk's Underdark
    For those people interested, I've updated the Greyhawk's Underdark
    Loads of edition-independent Greyhawk goodness... maps, mysteries, magic, mechanics, and more!
      Topic: Question about some Greyhawk web-sites

    Replies: 18
    Views: 12984

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:39 pm   Subject: Question about some Greyhawk web-sites
    There has been a recent update to the Greyhawk's Underdark section of my website that people might be interested in. I'll post the details in my original Greyhawk's Underdark discussion thread just to ...
      Topic: Off-topic, but Important to Me

    Replies: 19
    Views: 16822

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:53 pm   Subject: Off-topic, but Important to Me
    I'm so sorry to hear about your brother, CP. He sounds like a wonderful guy, and an amazing brother. I just found out yesterday that a friend had passed away. He wasn't a brother, but these things sti ...
      Topic: Need Living Greyhawk Journal Article

    Replies: 6
    Views: 6289

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:11 pm   Subject: Need Living Greyhawk Journal Article
    I'll see what I can do. ;)

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
    Maldin's Greyhawk
      Topic: Need Living Greyhawk Journal Article

    Replies: 6
    Views: 6289

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:52 pm   Subject: Need Living Greyhawk Journal Article
    Alas, I'm certain Paizo sold out of them long ago. I really should update that page. On a side note, I've been meaning to expand the City of Greyhawk section of my website for ages, but never get the ...
      Topic: Putting Together a Network of Older Edition D&D Gamers i

    Replies: 11
    Views: 11385

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:31 pm   Subject: Putting Together a Network of Older Edition D&D Gamers i
    Windsor, Ontario
    I can see Detroit from my office window. Not necessarily a good thing. ;)
    (well, its a good thing that there is almost half a mile of water - the Detroit River - protecting Canada f ...
      Topic: Question about some Greyhawk web-sites

    Replies: 18
    Views: 12984

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:06 pm   Subject: Question about some Greyhawk web-sites
    Greetings! Yup, I'm still around, and as some of the old gang has said, I've had updates since August. For major updates, always check to see what is new. I often t ...
      Topic: The "official" 2010 Greyhawk Webcomic thread!

    Replies: 246
    Views: 144226

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:51 am   Subject: The "official" 2010 Greyhawk Webcomic thread!
    mort... 3 out of 4??!!! Wait a minute! I correctly predicted 7 out of 8 match-ups. That's DAMN good! ;)

    Denis, aka "Maldin the Prognosticator"
    Maldin's Greyhawk
      Topic: The "official" 2010 Greyhawk Webcomic thread!

    Replies: 246
    Views: 144226

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:07 pm   Subject: The "official" 2010 Greyhawk Webcomic thread!
    Regarding the God-Off....
    Wow!! I think I missed only ONE in that last competition! Since I'm feeling so prescient (comes with the territory, ya know, I mean with me having the Codex and all), let me ...
      Topic: Greyhawk's Underdark

    Replies: 22
    Views: 16004

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:31 pm   Subject: Greyhawk's Underdark
    Hmmm... seems I forgot to post here about my update to this webpage. :(

    There have been people on some of the boards who asked about depth information, and a way to understand the relationship betw ...
      Topic: The Artwork of Icarus

    Replies: 78
    Views: 98819

    PostForum: Readers Workshop   Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:58 am   Subject: The Artwork of Icarus
    Not to be unfair, but isn't Oerth FLAT?
    Obviously, I need to take you for a ride in my Spelljammer ship, Toscan! Wink

    Excellent work, by the way, Icarus!
    Hmmm, maybe I'll need to tap you for ...
      Topic: If you melted down Black Ice, would you get black water?

    Replies: 27
    Views: 22718

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:31 pm   Subject: If you melted down Black Ice, would you get black water?
    Along these lines, you may find my description of "stygian ice" interesting on my Wondrous Materials webpage. Its a rare material that is found within the Black Ice. I didn't want to make the Black Ic ...
      Topic: Greyhawk's Underdark

    Replies: 22
    Views: 16004

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:38 pm   Subject: Greyhawk's Underdark
    Apologies for the crossposting, to those who are also reading rip's and my conversation on the Piazza. ;) But perhaps there are people here who have opinions on these topics.
    I am delighted that Mal ...
      Topic: Greyhawk's Underdark

    Replies: 22
    Views: 16004

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 2:22 pm   Subject: Greyhawk's Underdark
    For those of you who don't read mortellan's wonderful WoG comic... first of all, SHAME ON YOU!!! Get over there right now! You call yourselves Greyhawk fans?? ;)

    But more to the point, if you have ...
      Topic: The "official" 2010 Greyhawk Webcomic thread!

    Replies: 246
    Views: 144226

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:23 pm   Subject: The "official" 2010 Greyhawk Webcomic thread!
    Doh!! I knew that #3 was a marilith, forgot that Beltar had a marilith form, and was wondering why you hadn't used Beltar. I claim a half point! And a half point on Meyanok. ;)

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
      Topic: The "official" 2010 Greyhawk Webcomic thread!

    Replies: 246
    Views: 144226

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:58 am   Subject: The "official" 2010 Greyhawk Webcomic thread!
    Ok... I'll take a wild stab at it. I swear I do NOT have inside information!

    1 Surtur
    2 Azmodeus
    3 Shaktari
    4 Incabulos
    5 Nerull
    6 Syrul
    7 Grummsh
    8 Meyanok
    9 Kurtulmak

    I'm pretty sure I ...
      Topic: Squirrels and Oerthblood

    Replies: 16
    Views: 12287

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:45 pm   Subject: Squirrels and Oerthblood
    Nightgor... I'm glad you enjoyed my site.
    I must say, however, that while I'm hosting it as part of the Irongate Project, the Skratzivort article is all Sam (with a pinch of bubbagump). I wouldn't b ...
      Topic: Squirrels and Oerthblood

    Replies: 16
    Views: 12287

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:02 am   Subject: Squirrels and Oerthblood
    ROFL!!! Leave it to the Theocrat to read Hoblogger as Ho-Blogger, rather then Hob-Logger! Laughing
    Any volunteers to write THAT article? Shocked

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
    Maldin's Greyhawk http://melko ...
      Topic: Squirrels and Oerthblood

    Replies: 16
    Views: 12287

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:42 am   Subject: Squirrels and Oerthblood
    No, this is not the recipe for creating a new species of giant space hamster, but I did get your attention, didn't I?

    What I would like to do is announce a couple of recent updates to Maldin's Grey ...
      Topic: Worst piece of crap on Oerth....

    Replies: 54
    Views: 42350

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:14 pm   Subject: Worst piece of crap on Oerth....
    Well, if someone were to carefully read through one entire adventure per night and write a review, allowing only nationally approved holidays off, that would take... umm.... 3 years. ;) If we could ...
      Topic: Worst piece of crap on Oerth....

    Replies: 54
    Views: 42350

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:38 pm   Subject: Re: worst mods evar!
    ... when it was good, it was glorious. But, when it was bad, it made you want to forswear gaming for the rest of your life, travel to meet the author's mother and slap her in the face for birthing h ...
      Topic: Zavoda index

    Replies: 19
    Views: 12109

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:40 pm   Subject: Zavoda index
    Then why not have it hosted here on Canonfire, too?
    I'm not going to speak for Jason and his reasons, but it was his decision several years ago to not host his work on CF, and that is his right. Besi ...
      Topic: Irongate Project update

    Replies: 10
    Views: 6349

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:02 pm   Subject: Irongate Project update
    After years of speculation and, well, inuendo, the truth can finally be revealed. In a new Irongate Project article hosted on Maldin's Greyhawk, the fascinating story of the Hobloggers of IrongateIron ...
      Topic: When WotC revisits Greyhawk again

    Replies: 71
    Views: 55240

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:49 pm   Subject: When WotC revisits Greyhawk again
    You're pretty easy to please. ;)
    Cuz ONE of those will definitely happen....
    and I'm not gonna tell you which one. LOL

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
    Maldin's Greyhawk
      Topic: Who are you?

    Replies: 62
    Views: 45188

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:01 pm   Subject: Who are you?
    Thats diabolical!

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
    Maldin's Greyhawk
      Topic: World of Greyhawk Maps

    Replies: 65
    Views: 66874

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:57 pm   Subject: World of Greyhawk Maps
    Mystic, its because the end-sentence period got sucked into the URL Issak posted. Remove the period (as rol-oeste did), and it works fine.
    The City of Flumph looks interesting! ;)

    Denis, aka "Mal ...
      Topic: Help - Greyhawk map archive

    Replies: 45
    Views: 31275

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:04 pm   Subject: Help - Greyhawk map archive
    You'll find a variety of maps available on my website. Some that you might find useful...

    City of Melkot at

    A couple of small villages
    http:/ ...
      Topic: Who are you?

    Replies: 62
    Views: 45188

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:14 pm   Subject: Who are you?
    Its the aboleth grafts that crossed the line for me.

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
    Maldin's Greyhawk
      Topic: Who are you?

    Replies: 62
    Views: 45188

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:00 pm   Subject: Who are you?
    Well, I AM a doctor, and all you guys sitting around playing out imaginary creatures in make-believe worlds, with little colored dice, buying more books on useless topics then you can ever realistical ...
      Topic: Who are you?

    Replies: 62
    Views: 45188

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:53 pm   Subject: Who are you?
    Although it is true that my original GH PC, Maldin, has appeared in Dragon Mag, Dungeon Mag, and numerous LG modules, the rumor that he also appears in the Deity Database is not true.

    For now.
    : ...
      Topic: Zavoda index

    Replies: 19
    Views: 12109

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:54 pm   Subject: Zavoda index
    When Harvester's Heroes became effectively closed to all except already-existing members, Jason gave me the thumbs up to host his index on my website. You can find it here as the top item on the page. ...
      Topic: GH web lore preservation - geocities closing down

    Replies: 27
    Views: 18012

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:24 pm   Subject: GH web lore preservation - geocities closing down
    While webpages are archived, graphics sometimes are not, and download link targets very rarely, so be certain that material is being lost.

    For those people who still are active on GeoCities, and th ...
      Topic: Isle of Woe

    Replies: 10
    Views: 9881

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:45 pm   Subject: Isle of Woe
    You may find my [url=]Codex of the Infinite Planes article useful in regards to this, as well as my [url=]Isles of Woe article. I ...
      Topic: Onnwal Project

    Replies: 17
    Views: 15290

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:47 pm   Subject: Onnwal Project
    Hey Stuart... I'm quite pleased that the LG Onnwal material (at least the basic background info) is being preserved on the net. So much of LG is doomed to wither and blow away. I only hope more LG reg ...
      Topic: Elder gods

    Replies: 27
    Views: 20891

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:53 pm   Subject: Elder gods
    I, as well, have always held the notion that the current generation of gods (in whatever campaign world you use) is merely the latest pantheon in a long succession of pantheons. Hence my musings on my ...
      Topic: Living Greyhawk Journal

    Replies: 3
    Views: 3936

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:13 pm   Subject: Living Greyhawk Journal
    Just another over-specialized gamer rag filled with a bunch of hack writers. ;-)

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
    Maldin's Greyhawk
      Topic: Why don't high level wizards rob character's of magic items?

    Replies: 6
    Views: 5104

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:27 pm   Subject: Why don't high level wizards rob character's of magic items?
    Well, as a City of Greyhawk wizard-of-note, I must admit that yes, I do hoard magic items. Laughing

    I use Maldin's shop in Greyhawk to purchase or trade items (always to the PC's disadvantage) as w ...
      Topic: My Google Oerth proof of concept

    Replies: 14
    Views: 9852

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:59 pm   Subject: My Google Oerth proof of concept
    Which product did the Freecity of Greyhawk map come from?

    I don't know what product it was created for, but I first noticed it in 2007's Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk.

    That map is indeed ...
      Topic: Maldin, Mordenkainen, and Secrets of the Circle of Eight

    Replies: 14
    Views: 11131

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:48 pm   Subject: Maldin, Mordenkainen, and Secrets of the Circle of Eight
    Wow! No I hadn't seen your GUT post, Galliskinmaufrius! I very rarely wander away from this main forum, unfortunately. I'll have a read and properly respond to it for sure, as well as to you and Pardu ...
      Topic: Silent Ones

    Replies: 16
    Views: 11825

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:44 pm   Subject: Silent Ones
    Rumor has it (from Holian's original article) that the Sons of Marchanter have also tried to infiltrate the Silent Ones, and are the only group to have (knowingly) managed to get into the Tower. :wi ...
      Topic: Greyhawk Lairs

    Replies: 5
    Views: 9016

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:21 am   Subject: Greyhawk Lairs
    password protected

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
      Topic: Maldin, Mordenkainen, and Secrets of the Circle of Eight

    Replies: 14
    Views: 11131

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:39 pm   Subject: Maldin, Mordenkainen, and Secrets of the Circle of Eight
    Many thanks, Galliskinmaufrius! I'm glad you enjoyed the article (and my website). Regarding your question, I've always considered the demi-urge position more as a guardianship of Oerth, of both its p ...
      Topic: Maldin, Mordenkainen, and Secrets of the Circle of Eight

    Replies: 14
    Views: 11131

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:52 pm   Subject: Maldin, Mordenkainen, and Secrets of the Circle of Eight
    Thanks guys! I really appreciate all the support and encouragement over the years.

    I fully admit to heavily stealing from Mona and Holian's excellent "Wheels within Wheels" LGJ 0 article for the f ...
      Topic: Maldin, Mordenkainen, and Secrets of the Circle of Eight

    Replies: 14
    Views: 11131

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:58 pm   Subject: Maldin, Mordenkainen, and Secrets of the Circle of Eight
    I’m proud to be celebrating the 10th anniversary of my website, Maldin’s Greyhawk. I can’t believe its been a decade since I first launched it. To commemorate this event, I’ve posted a very special w ...
      Topic: AD&D Combat Computer

    Replies: 4
    Views: 3890

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:52 pm   Subject: AD&D Combat Computer
    Ok, the new high-resolution files are up now.
    grodog... the smoothed saving throw chart is on the back-side of the disk (as just... well... a chart). Ya, it would be possible to create a similar calc ...
      Topic: AD&D Combat Computer

    Replies: 4
    Views: 3890

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 11:03 am   Subject: AD&D Combat Computer
    Hmmm... ok, now that I've done a test-print, I don't like the resolution of those files. This weekend I'll put up doubled-resolution files. Shoulda done a test print first! Doh! Apologies... download ...
      Topic: AD&D Combat Computer

    Replies: 4
    Views: 3890

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 7:30 am   Subject: AD&D Combat Computer
    After describing my 2E (+house rule) modification of the original 1st Edition Combat Computer from Dragon Magazine #74 on an Enworld thread, several people asked if I could make it available to others ...
      Topic: Meet the New Hawk - WoG to Restart/Reimagine in 4e

    Replies: 151
    Views: 108295

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:22 pm   Subject: Meet the New Hawk - WoG to Restart/Reimagine in 4e
    So Maldin, how was Mexico? Was it an inspiring trip? Wink
    It was awesome! I'll try to get some photos on my website. The three major sites I saw (if you want to Google them) were Coba (which I c ...
      Topic: Meet the New Hawk - WoG to Restart/Reimagine in 4e

    Replies: 151
    Views: 108295

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:17 pm   Subject: Meet the New Hawk - WoG to Restart/Reimagine in 4e
    What we can agree upon is that no two GH fans want the same setting.
    But I thought all GH fans universally wanted MY version of Greyhawk!!?? Wink

    Personally, I would be against a reboot from 5 ...
      Topic: using other settings to expand Oerth

    Replies: 25
    Views: 16153

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:02 am   Subject: using other settings to expand Oerth
    Thanks for fixing that first post, CombatMedic... Much easier to read now! Smile

    I've used a variety of non-GH products in my Greyhawk. Several of the Harnworld cities serve as GH cities (for e ...
      Topic: WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins / WG7 Castle Greyhawk Question

    Replies: 7
    Views: 4596

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:12 am   Subject: WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins / WG7 Castle Greyhawk Question
    As much of a strict canonista as I am, allow me to be the dissenting opinion. But not for the reasons you may think.

    WG7 is worth $10 if you can find it. (Although I probably wouldn't pay more then ...
      Topic: Postfest Anyone? Irongate?

    Replies: 28
    Views: 12624

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:42 am   Subject: Postfest Anyone? Irongate?
    BTW Maldin, I like the new icon Wink
    Thanks BB! I finally decided to synch my avatar on all the forums that allow you to upload your own image. (Canonfire, Dragonsfoot, Piazza, EnWorld) Too bad ...
      Topic: Postfest Anyone? Irongate?

    Replies: 28
    Views: 12624

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:37 am   Subject: Postfest Anyone? Irongate?
    MikelAmroni, if you would like a good overview of Irongate and the surrounding region, check out the Irongate Project pages on my website at

    My opinion? I ...
      Topic: using other settings to expand Oerth

    Replies: 25
    Views: 16153

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:05 pm   Subject: using other settings to expand Oerth
    CombatMedic... could you delete the last line in your first post? (by clicking on "edit" within that post box). This thread is next to impossible to read as long as that line is there.

    Denis, aka " ...
      Topic: OJ#22 the twin cataclysms

    Replies: 4
    Views: 11381

    PostForum: The Oerth Journal   Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:43 pm   Subject: OJ#22 the twin cataclysms
    Sorry... I almost never wander from the main GH forum. I blame the constant, unrelenting forward march of time... and my ancestors (for no particular reason).

    I must disavow all responsibility for ...
      Topic: Greyhawk's Underdark

    Replies: 9
    Views: 8131

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:22 pm   Subject: Greyhawk's Underdark
    You mean, like Irongate, say? Happy
    ROFL!!! I've been asking people to contribute to that project for years! Wink
    Great poke, grodog! Happy
    That reminds me! I have a page for the IGP that I ...
      Topic: Greyhawk's Underdark

    Replies: 9
    Views: 8131

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:33 am   Subject: Greyhawk's Underdark
    I was a REALLY late comer to the project, so its the DF community that deserve all of the kudos. Although I'd been a poster on that site for years, I never discovered that thread until last year. They ...
      Topic: Greyhawk's Underdark

    Replies: 9
    Views: 8131

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:35 am   Subject: Greyhawk's Underdark
    Recently I posted an update to my Greyhawk's Underdark page that people may be interested in at

    However, what may actually be of more interest t ...
      Topic: Good one-off adventure?

    Replies: 14
    Views: 10425

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:51 am   Subject: Good one-off adventure?
    Russ' very good "Repair..." article was actually a repair to the not-quite-so-meticulously-researched 2E adventure "Return to the Keep on the Borderlands", bringing it more into line with Greyhawk can ...
      Topic: Good one-off adventure?

    Replies: 14
    Views: 10425

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:29 pm   Subject: Good one-off adventure?
    How could anybody start a Greyhawk campaign with anything other then "Keep on the Borderlands" (my very first D&D experience in 1980) or "In Search of the Unknown" (which was Maldin's first advent ...
      Topic: Map of Odd Alley

    Replies: 14
    Views: 15722

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:27 pm   Subject: Map of Odd Alley
    While I never tried to place the locations from the story, I actually did have Odd Alley in mind when I created that particular dead end (which of course doesn't exist on the original CoG map from the ...
      Topic: Pathfinder (Golarion) & Greyhawk

    Replies: 13
    Views: 11113

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:52 am   Subject: Re: Pathfinder (Golarion) & Greyhawk
    I'm not quite sure where the idea came from that there might be a relationship between the world of Golarion for the Pathfinder RPG from Paizo and the World of Greyhawk. I have heard it, all the same ...
      Topic: Greyhawk Grumbler #3

    Replies: 28
    Views: 27257

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:16 pm   Subject: Greyhawk Grumbler #3
    Of course... when you are as rich and powerful as Nerof, and have friends as rich and powerful as he does... how long do you stay dead? ;-)
    And where are you going to hide as you plan your revenge an ...
      Topic: SKR to join Paizo

    Replies: 6
    Views: 8426

    PostForum: The Backalley   Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:56 am   Subject: Re: SKR to join Paizo
    * Mike is transitioning to a new industry, not just leaving Piazo.
    Oh? Where is he off too? I suspect publishing... but perhaps a bigger market?

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
    Maldin's Greyhawk http://melko ...
      Topic: what about verbobonc? dnt wanna spend rest of my life there!

    Replies: 17
    Views: 11025

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:24 pm   Subject: what about verbobonc? dnt wanna spend rest of my life there!
    Back in the day, I actually used Tashal from Columbia Games' "Cities of Harn" supplement to fill in for Verbobonc.

    Denis, aka "Maldin"
    Maldin's Greyhawk
      Topic: Adventuring in the Iron League

    Replies: 8
    Views: 7713

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:51 am   Subject: Adventuring in the Iron League
    There are quite a few hooks buried (and in dire need of expansion) all over the [url=]Irongate Project webpages. Some of them include...

    An ancient illithid ...
      Topic: Distilling Greyhawk To Its Essence

    Replies: 46
    Views: 34771

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:47 pm   Subject: Distilling Greyhawk To Its Essence
    Don't panic. "Support" probably translates to "an article or two in the Digital Dragon before 5E rolls arount". Laughing

    If anybody has an official quote, its context, and the identity of the speake ...
      Topic: Greyhawkus interruptus

    Replies: 23
    Views: 15221

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:09 pm   Subject: Greyhawkus interruptus
    ...just look what you started Maldin. Laughing
    Exactly what I had intended all along! Wild speculation and absurd conspiracy theories! And those mutant Rockburg gargoyles? I thought they had all been e ...
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