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    Personal Information: smillan_31

    Location: Mt. Smolderac
    Actual User Status: Offline

    All Articles Posted by smillan_31:
  • The Paternity of Heironeous and Hextor
  • Postfest XVII(Richfest 2012): The Sign of the Gibbeted Goblin
  • The Dolmen of Artur
  • Religion in the Flanaess: The Spring Rite for Geshtai
  • Legacy of the Black Crusade: The Fall of the Knight Protectors
  • Mayaheine on Oerth, Part 2
  • Mayaheine on Oerth, Part 1
  • Postfest VIII(UPF1): The Southhill District of Seaton
  • The Origins of Saint Cuthbert and His Cult
  • Postfest VII: The Eye of the Kraken
  • Legends and Folklore of the Flanaess: The Rat Tower
  • The Alq’abaj, A Mysterious People of the Far West
  • Legends and Folklore of the Flanaess: Naerid and Zelren On the Bridge
  • The Development of the Common Tongue

  • Last 10 Comments by smillan_31:
  • Re: A Vecna Timeline
  • Re: Ralishaz and the Creator
  • Re: Even the Undead can Know Fear
  • Re: No Rest for the Wicked
  • Re: The Paternity of Heironeous and Hextor
  • Re: The Making of a Paladin
  • Re: Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): Rangors Roving Rest
  • Re: Postfest XVII(Richfest 2012): The Diving Dragon Inn
  • Re: Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): THE WILD GOOSE
  • Re: An Alternative Linguistic History of the Flanaess

  • Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

    Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

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