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    An Introduction
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    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:28 pm  
    An Introduction

    Hello, Fellow Greyhawk Enthusiasts!

    My name is carlos. Like so many of you, I have been fascinated by the World of Greyhawk game setting ever since I first began playing Dungeons & Dragons at the age of 10, back in 1980. I can still remember sitting on the living room floor of my house, as a young man, being awestruck by the full-color Darlene maps included in the 1983 boxed set, after saving allowances for the better part of three months to purchase it for myself. It was a singular moment for me...and the realization that there was an entire world out there to explore, secreted on those pages and in the realm of my imagination alone, changed my life forever. Now, just past 40, it amazes me to consider that so many of you out there shared the very same, revolutionary, experience. It truly stands as a testament to the power of the game--and the wonder of the World of Greyhawk itself.

    It's great to meet you all!

    carlos a.s. lising
    (The Colorless Mage of Perrenland)
    Grandmaster Greytalker

    Joined: Nov 07, 2004
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    Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:12 pm  

    Thanks for the intro Carlos! Glad to have you with us! I got the first printing of the WoGH folio just a few years before you got the boxed set, traded a Deities & Demigods for it from a friend. I would say I definitely got the better part of the deal!
    Apprentice Greytalker

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    Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:49 pm  


    Thanks for the welcome! Yes--I would definitely say you got the better end of the deal!

    In my case, I was fortunate enough to have a father who indulged my hobby and bought me all the AD&D hardbacks over the span of birthdays, Christmases, and other, assorted holidays. The '83 Boxed Set was one of the few things I actually bought myself. I was never lucky enough to own the 'Folio until much later, as an adult.

    Unfortunately, I lost all of my Greyhawk stuff over various moves from college and different residences and such (on two separate occasions, no less!). Now, though, with a good paying job and the magic of eBay, I have everything back...and then some.

    Ah, the indulgences we allow ourselves as adults that we were deprived of as children! ;)


    Joined: Oct 06, 2008
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    Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:38 am  

    the_colorless_mage wrote:
    Unfortunately, I lost all of my Greyhawk stuff over various moves from college and different residences and such

    You're not the only one! Evil Grin

    So, how's the CAP project going? I'm skipping the "welcome," since I already did that on Greytalk. Wink

    Just kidding! Happy

    Here's my official "Welcome to Canonfire!" Carlos! Glad you're here and looking forward to seeing the finished product of the CAP project! Wink Laughing
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    Apprentice Greytalker

    Joined: Feb 27, 2006
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    Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:34 pm  


    Mystic-Scholar wrote:
    You're not the only one!

    Yeah, I've heard the theme repeated by several of my friends that also play the game. Unfortunately, it seems the tragedy of loss is a universal concept.

    Mystic-Scholar wrote:
    So, how's the CAP project going? I'm skipping the "welcome," since I already did that on Greytalk.

    The CAP Project, unfortunately, has seen little progress. You may remember that I asked anyone that was interested in participating in the project to PM me here on Canonfire. Well, I have yet to have a single response to that solicitation. It occurs to me that I'll have to start a thread about it here in the Forums if I want that call to bear fruit.

    Other than that, I sent an e-mail to the esteemed sage Smedger a week ago on the matter and have yet to get a response. Since he would be responsible for creating the central framework for the project--without that e-mail, we are at a virtual standstill.

    I will certainly keep you abreast of the situation, should any of the particulars change!

    Mystic-Scholar wrote:
    Here's my official "Welcome to Canonfire!" Carlos! Glad you're here and looking forward to seeing the finished product of the CAP project! Wink Laughing

    Thank you so much! However, I would hope you're more anticipant of my Fireland project than of the CAP. I have a sneaking suspicion that the former will be completed much sooner than the latter....


    Joined: Feb 22, 2011
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    Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:29 am  

    I once lost all my AD&D books in a basement flood. At the time, I had just about all the books. The water destroyed nearly all of it to the point where I couldn't salvage none of it. None the less, that setback didn't stop me from playing. I gradually found and replaced most of my books at the time.
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