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    Personal Information: Osmund-Davizid

    Location: Harker Heights, TX
    Occupation: Attorney
    Interests: Greyhawk, History
    Actual User Status: Offline
    [ Read My Journal ]

    All Articles Posted by Osmund-Davizid:
  • Schools of Magic in the Flanaess
  • Infinite Layers of the Abyss Part III
  • Infinite Layers of the Abyss Part II
  • Infinite Layers of the Abyss Part I
  • The Domed City of the Suel
  • Keoish Intelligence Report from the Azure Sea Part III
  • Keoish Intelligence Report from the Azure Sea Part II
  • Keoish Intelligence Report from the Azure Sea - Part I
  • Up and Comers of Oerth
  • Trollbar Part III
  • Trollbar Part II
  • Trollbar Part I
  • Agents and Plots of the Horned Society Ascendant
  • Keoish Intelligence Report from the City of Greyhawk
  • Postfest IX(Brewfest 2008): Hell on Oerth II
  • Postfest VIII(UPF1): Keoish Internal Security Report referencing the Viscounty o
  • Wyrms of the Flanaess: Brazzemal
  • Wyrms of the Flanaess: Synjje
  • Wyrms of the Flanaess: Verithmirax
  • Wyrms of the Flanaess: Gouthogg
  • Wyrms of the Flanaess: Razisiz
  • Postfest IV: The Devourer
  • The Libram Infernal – Annex: The Politics of Hell in Malbolge
  • Excerpts from The Libram Infernal: The Sixth Hell, Malbolge
  • Postfest III: Bortwimn, the Heir to Icespire
  • Excerpts from the Book of Fire: The Reckoning
  • Hell on Oerth
  • Keoish Intelligence Report from the Hold of the Sea Princes
  • Postfest II: The Thelwood Horror
  • The Black Daggers Revisited
  • The Sahuagin of the Azure Sea
  • The Black Daggers
  • Keoish Intelligence Report from the Pomarj

  • Last 10 Comments by Osmund-Davizid:
  • Re: Greyhawk Adapts Part 1: Adventures from Dragon Magazine
  • Answers for Verithmirax comments
  • More information on Aboleth
  • Dragons and society
  • Pan Lungs in the Flanaess
  • Re: Sir Anton Palmirian
  • Re: Lanolin: The Wicked Elven Infiltrator
  • Re: On the Ogres of the Flanaess: History, Culture and Nation
  • Re: Wyrms of the Flanaess: Razisiz
  • Re: Brief History of the Knights of the Hart, Part 1 - Origin and Founding

  • Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

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