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      Topic: Dragonborn and Tieflings, and Warforged, oh my!

    Replies: 14
    Views: 1627

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun May 05, 2024 7:04 pm   Subject: Dragonborn and Tieflings, and Warforged, oh my!
    I'm running 2 different groups in Greyhawk (576, so pre-wars)with players of various ages 10-40. We have 2 tieflings, 2 dragonborn, a tabaxi, & a hare-in-gone (!) from the exotic races side of t ...
      Topic: 5e material spell components (namely the pearl in identify)

    Replies: 2
    Views: 3244

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 5th Edition   Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 1:21 pm   Subject: 5e material spell components (namely the pearl in identify)
    many thanks! This was bound to come up in the next few sessions
      Topic: 5e material spell components (namely the pearl in identify)

    Replies: 2
    Views: 3244

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 5th Edition   Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:53 am   Subject: 5e material spell components (namely the pearl in identify)
    Editions change, but discussion around ID endures!

    If I understand the rules correctly, material components are only used up if the spell description states as much. (And no use of a spell focus i ...
      Topic: The Keep on the Borderlands, temple of chaos thoughts

    Replies: 5
    Views: 1889

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 5th Edition   Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 12:39 am   Subject: The Keep on the Borderlands, temple of chaos thoughts
    Thanks for the link! I read that back a number of years ago and it is a great read. Never underestimate the kobolds!!
      Topic: The Keep on the Borderlands, temple of chaos thoughts

    Replies: 5
    Views: 1889

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 5th Edition   Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:46 pm   Subject: The Keep on the Borderlands, temple of chaos thoughts
    The EEG is a great idea. Hmmmm

    B2 is just so versatile. I think I ran it once or twice with Iuz (way back in the day). It can be used in most any Greyhawk locale.

    I'm also using pre-wars Grey ...
      Topic: The Keep on the Borderlands, temple of chaos thoughts

    Replies: 5
    Views: 1889

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 5th Edition   Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:53 am   Subject: The Keep on the Borderlands, temple of chaos thoughts
    Ah it's great to be back in Greyhawk!

    I know, I know, old topic. But different edition, new group(s), so let's go!

    Placed the keep between Princ. of Ulek & the Pomarj, near the Suss Forest. ...
      Topic: Twenty Years on Canonfire!

    Replies: 10
    Views: 4045

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 12:55 pm   Subject: Twenty Years on Canonfire!
    I greatly enjoy reading & idea hunting through what you (and the other contributors) post! I'm pretty much just a lurker, but I should occasionally comment more the enjoyment I get from this site ...
      Topic: Archbold's queen

    Replies: 27
    Views: 11988

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:33 am   Subject: Archbold's queen
    Could a well worded wish prevent healing efforts?
      Topic: D&D Movie?

    Replies: 4
    Views: 6103

    PostForum: The Backalley   Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 5:11 pm   Subject: D&D Movie?
    I would rather watch a good fantasy movie vs something made for a brand. Really hoping for the former with this!
      Topic: What are the best 1e modules?

    Replies: 26
    Views: 32059

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:28 pm   Subject: What are the best 1e modules?
    Easily for me:
    T1 Hommlet
    S4 Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
    G series

    So many other 'good' ones, but the above really stand out IMO.
      Topic: So I finally took the plunge into 5e...

    Replies: 2
    Views: 5722

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 5th Edition   Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:37 am   Subject: So I finally took the plunge into 5e...
    That does help, thanks much! Did a preview of both suggestions, they're both exactly the kind of thing I am looking for. Yawning portal is an easy to get pdf as well, so that simplifies things quite ...
      Topic: So I finally took the plunge into 5e...

    Replies: 2
    Views: 5722

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 5th Edition   Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:47 pm   Subject: So I finally took the plunge into 5e...
    I dig the new system I must admit! I started out with the original rules & played thru 2e, read 3.x but never played.

    I'm going to intro locals to D&D at the local library, I believe it' ...
      Topic: Technology Level of Celene

    Replies: 7
    Views: 5786

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:45 pm   Subject: Technology Level of Celene
    We always generally went with high middle ages/renaissance but without gunpowder and "gizmos."
      Topic: Animal Summoning, Part 2

    Replies: 5
    Views: 7350

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 9:36 am   Subject: Animal Summoning, Part 2
    Keying in on "specific mission" I would rule "guard the temple" is not a specific enough mission--an event with a time component makes more sense ie "guard the temple from the evil orc horde's attack" ...
      Topic: Paladins in the Church Hierarchy

    Replies: 2
    Views: 7036

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:04 pm   Subject: Paladins in the Church Hierarchy
    I would think it would look something like The Crusades--only the high(est) religious authority would demand/expect/direct military actions. Common monks/lay brothers/everyday priests...nope. So equ ...
      Topic: Iggwilv's Legacy: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

    Replies: 15
    Views: 24979

    PostForum: Published Material Reviews & Discussion   Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 3:32 pm   Subject: Iggwilv's Legacy: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
    Ach. Responded to the poll, then read the first post. I meant S4.
      Topic: Population Centers of the Dark Ages

    Replies: 19
    Views: 19339

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:53 am   Subject: Population Centers of the Dark Ages
    So how do most of you Greyhawkers lay out your worlds with other villages and cities? How close are they to one another? Do you follow the rivers which leave much of the plains empty?

    I tend to fol ...
      Topic: GenCon 2016: Greyhawk Meet and Greet

    Replies: 23
    Views: 21898

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 5:03 am   Subject: GenCon 2016: Greyhawk Meet and Greet
    (not speaking for Mort); IF it is in the stadium, that is no issue--plenty of hotels, food, watering holes, etc within walking distance.
      Topic: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread

    Replies: 405
    Views: 315367

    PostForum: Welcome to Greyhawk!   Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:13 pm   Subject: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
    Howdy Patrick...Lived in K'zoo for 7 years, grad from WMU back in the day, when Rider's Hobby Shop was the only place to find D&D material.
      Topic: Effects of Stats on Shapeshifting/Polymorphed Characters

    Replies: 12
    Views: 13013

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:46 pm   Subject: Effects of Stats on Shapeshifting/Polymorphed Characters
    I would rule "no", that they polymorph into a normal/typical specimen of the form assumed.

    I would go with this for balance purposes and primarily to adhere to the KISS principle. Do other creatur ...
      Topic: Why is Iuz a Cleric/Priest?

    Replies: 29
    Views: 29799

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 6:12 pm   Subject: Why is Iuz a Cleric/Priest?
    As suggested above, I view all that character class detail as a simple way to frame or further explain their powers (as it applies to demigods +). They are not literal.
      Topic: 2e DMG Class XP Table

    Replies: 7
    Views: 9751

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:07 am   Subject: 2e DMG Class XP Table
    I guess I never really read that bit all that closely--2e groups I played in and DM'd didn't use that particular rule, the book-keeping seemed a bit excessive, and the XP table and XP per GP always ke ...
      Topic: Hasbro in talks to buy Dreamworks

    Replies: 19
    Views: 21291

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:07 am   Subject: Hasbro in talks to buy Dreamworks
    And there's the issue--good writers, actually good folks behind a movie like that in general. Regardless of what they actually title it, a D&D movie might be a tough draw for writers, cast, etc. ...
      Topic: So an evil party walks into Hommlett . . .

    Replies: 4
    Views: 12140

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 5th Edition   Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:50 pm   Subject: So an evil party walks into Hommlett . . .
    There's a similar discussion in the 2e forum that could help guide how you manage the situation:
      Topic: Going through T1-4 as a evil party?

    Replies: 23
    Views: 24166

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:11 am   Subject: Going through T1-4 as a evil party?
    First two groups that come to mind with evil organizations out to thwart Iuz or keep him in check were the Hierarchs and/or the SB.
      Topic: Canonfire! URL change - some users think the website is down

    Replies: 10
    Views: 16456

    PostForum: Canonfire! & GreyTalk Support and Feedback   Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:23 am   Subject: Canonfire! URL change - some users think the website is down
    Were you being directed to THIS PAGE

    Nope--I was using my usual old bookmark that led to a page that only said "No input file specifiied"

    Early last week when I used the link there was a message ...
      Topic: Canonfire! URL change - some users think the website is down

    Replies: 10
    Views: 16456

    PostForum: Canonfire! & GreyTalk Support and Feedback   Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:08 pm   Subject: Canonfire! URL change - some users think the website is down
    I'm one of those who thought it was down--just happened to try mr google to see if I could dig it up again and presto!
      Topic: Game of Thrones

    Replies: 136
    Views: 123523

    PostForum: The Backalley   Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:48 am   Subject: Game of Thrones
    (Spoilers for books and show)

    I'm about half-way through book 5--much of the show from this season comes from that book in addition to book 3, there are a few minor deviations here and there, but n ...
      Topic: GenCon 2014 Meet and Drink

    Replies: 28
    Views: 28191

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 4:20 pm   Subject: GenCon 2014 Meet and Drink
    Yeah, those are a ways out, but way less crowded.

    If folks don't want the hotel bar thing...

    Nearby is Claddagh Irish Pub--good chow, standard beer selection. One will spend a few more bucks an ...
      Topic: GenCon 2014 Meet and Drink

    Replies: 28
    Views: 28191

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 7:00 am   Subject: GenCon 2014 Meet and Drink
    In Greenwood (30 min south of Indy) there's a brewpub called Oaken Barrel. It doesn't get crazy crowded like the places downtown, but it is a bit of a drive.

    Also in Greenwood (on the north si ...
      Topic: Keep on the Borderlands and TOEE tie-in

    Replies: 15
    Views: 16091

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:59 pm   Subject: Keep on the Borderlands and TOEE tie-in
    You can always try magic for a less grueling journey...pursuit of a cleric/foe through a one way gate or magic device, one off amulets of recall zapping the party to somewhere unsavory...
      Topic: The great 1980s Dungeons & Dragons panic

    Replies: 15
    Views: 11657

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:39 pm   Subject: The great 1980s Dungeons & Dragons panic
    Well said xo.
      Topic: Favorite home brew adventure in WoG

    Replies: 6
    Views: 7740

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:42 am   Subject: Favorite home brew adventure in WoG
    1e, back in the 80s, played in a campaign where I had a barbarian who was a "brawler" type (we were inspired by the camel punching scene from Conan)--ended up running afoul a wizard who changed the ba ...
      Topic: Real Estate?

    Replies: 19
    Views: 14702

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:36 pm   Subject: Real Estate?
    Well, as a guy with a PhD in BS, I think it all sounds good Happy
      Topic: Pathfinder Postive/Negative Energy Channeling & Domains

    Replies: 21
    Views: 28977

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 7:43 am   Subject: Pathfinder Postive/Negative Energy Channeling & Domains
    My .02: I agree the channel power seems unbalancing.
    (I have the rules but have never played this version, so I'll use "seems")
    I see a number of approaches, some already hit upon.
    1. Remove it. ...
      Topic: Gamemastery: Crown of the Kobold King 3.5

    Replies: 1
    Views: 8849

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 3:09 pm   Subject: Gamemastery: Crown of the Kobold King 3.5
    As for the deities question, here is a link from the Greyhawk Wiki:

    While I didn't specifically see a god of slavery, I did ...
      Topic: Animal Summoning Duration Limits

    Replies: 7
    Views: 7699

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:15 am   Subject: Animal Summoning Duration Limits
    On the "max duration" side, I suggest about a day, maybe two--"protect the camp while we sleep"/"escort us through this section of Dread Forest"/and so on--in this way it is a limited/specific task or ...
      Topic: Differences Between Greyhawk and FR

    Replies: 25
    Views: 20368

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:18 pm   Subject: Differences Between Greyhawk and FR
    Good points, I agree with all, especially the power level. FR always seemed to me to be more of a "wild & wahoo super-high-fantasy" setting.

    Going along with the country-held-power & grimm ...
      Topic: Quest for Giant Goreblade

    Replies: 41
    Views: 58331

    PostForum: Campaign Journals & General Online Play   Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:24 pm   Subject: Quest for Giant Goreblade
    This continues to be great reading, and I really like how you make the adventure yours & weave it into your campaign. Please keep 'em coming.
      Topic: Henchmen

    Replies: 10
    Views: 9469

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:25 pm   Subject: Henchmen
    Hahaha--this brings a random 1e memory (ANECDOTE TIME)...NONE of our crew ever wanted to be The Cleric. All clerics were always henchmen. As they wandered off/died/whatever, their names somewhat cha ...
      Topic: Quiver: Holding Capacity

    Replies: 8
    Views: 9115

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 2nd Edition   Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:27 am   Subject: Quiver: Holding Capacity
    20 sounds reasonable. The Rules Cyclopedia and 3.5e PHB say 20 arrows. Historically, there were many different types, I've seen numbers range from 10 to 20.
      Topic: HPs Lethal vs Nonlethal

    Replies: 16
    Views: 22684

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:14 pm   Subject: HPs Lethal vs Nonlethal
    From the player POV, I was never partial to the cleric class (aka medic) to begin with (from my 1e bias), and reducing the effectiveness of healing makes the only-slightly-more-palatable-3e cleric les ...
      Topic: Why do you love Greyhawk?

    Replies: 22
    Views: 19257

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:25 pm   Subject: Why do you love Greyhawk?
    I agree with the sentiment expressed here, particularly with Braggi, but will add my .02 anyhow. Like a well-written novel, or a well done movie, Greyhawk is scope. What the aut ...
      Topic: The Temple of Elemental Evil (wolfling style!)

    Replies: 165
    Views: 174437

    PostForum: Campaign Journals & General Online Play   Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:29 pm   Subject: The Temple of Elemental Evil (wolfling style!)
    My .02: Torturing and killing a prisoner is not necessarily a chaotic act...I'd say it falls more within evil. It's a case of "whatever it takes to get what the group needs" or "the ends justifies t ...
      Topic: Greyfinder/Pathhawk Campaign

    Replies: 48
    Views: 68237

    PostForum: Campaign Journals & General Online Play   Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:50 pm   Subject: Greyfinder/Pathhawk Campaign
    Hmmm...if they do not have much in the way of BECMI knowledge, that series has some great adventures easily adapted into GH, and even the supporting Gazetteers have some great campaign/adventure start ...
      Topic: The Temple of Elemental Evil (Ragnar's PBeM)

    Replies: 75
    Views: 111574

    PostForum: Campaign Journals & General Online Play   Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:18 pm   Subject: The Temple of Elemental Evil (Ragnar's PBeM)
    Wow. What a fight.

    In the words of the Hitchhiking Hatchet Hero: "Smash, smash, suh-maashh....(yeah)"

    <youtube up the unedited version. It's classic>
      Topic: Fantasy vs. Realism

    Replies: 28
    Views: 16571

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:27 pm   Subject: Fantasy vs. Realism
    I agree with all.

    A certain amount of realism is necessary, if anything but to provide predictability. Thank goodness for the various spells that make elemental extremes bearable, because bad weat ...
      Topic: Fantasy vs. Realism

    Replies: 28
    Views: 16571

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:16 pm   Subject: Fantasy vs. Realism
    I lean wayyyy more toward fantasy than realism when it comes to RPGs.

    I am a retired Infantryman of over 20 yrs, and I don't see any way to have any sort of campaign if combat was 'realistic'. Bei ...
      Topic: The Temple of Elemental Evil (wolfling style!)

    Replies: 165
    Views: 174437

    PostForum: Campaign Journals & General Online Play   Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:07 pm   Subject: The Temple of Elemental Evil (wolfling style!)
    In 3.x/LGG, Zagyg is a CN demi-god. You could always mess around with that concept.
      Topic: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth: Lanthorn-style

    Replies: 195
    Views: 182755

    PostForum: Campaign Journals & General Online Play   Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:41 pm   Subject: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth: Lanthorn-style
    -Mr Sun Tzu (rough quote): To avoid what is strong, strike what is weak

    -I'm sure it's another Sun Tzu-ism, but dividing up one's forces to attack (separate enemy elements) also divides one's powe ...
      Topic: dirawien

    Replies: 8
    Views: 5604

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:08 am   Subject: dirawien
    I suggest that the dirawien provide roadway travel rates in any weather condition. If you want to make them a bit more special, boost up rates anywhere from 1/5 to 1/3, or improve them up "one notch" ...
      Topic: The Keep on the Borderlands - Complete

    Replies: 193
    Views: 251385

    PostForum: Campaign Journals & General Online Play   Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:00 pm   Subject: The Keep on the Borderlands - Complete
    These are great fun to read, thanks for taking the time out to write this up & post...when kobolds are a significant threat, that is a killer campaign.

    Has the party thought about heavy bombers ...
      Topic: Weight/Encumbrance of Magic Armor in 1e

    Replies: 24
    Views: 18657

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:46 am   Subject: Weight/Encumbrance of Magic Armor in 1e
    I think 'weightless' was probably not literal, perhaps as much weight as a set of street clothes, but more along what DMPrata says, unencumbering.

    VERY slowly putting together a 1e campaign, and I ...
      Topic: Question #3

    Replies: 36
    Views: 26079

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:20 pm   Subject: Question #3
    This is going to be completely lame, but I played each edition listed, and really enjoyed each one. I never played 4e.

    Each system has definite areas where it is stronger than the other systems, a ...
      Topic: Age old question?

    Replies: 29
    Views: 20900

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:53 am   Subject: Age old question?
    Many moons ago our crew played a 2e campaign and decided to min/max/power-game. It was fun for a few sessions, but it ultimately proved very fatal for most of our characters, and our DM was not in TP ...
      Topic: Material Components from Spell Effects...Double Dipping?

    Replies: 21
    Views: 11048

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:37 pm   Subject: Material Components from Spell Effects...Double Dipping?
    Off the top of my head, if I did not want have the PCs to have the particular component (from those means), I'd have the component vanish when the spell effect ended...and/or in the case of polymorph/ ...
      Topic: Would you help resurect Living Greyhawk?

    Replies: 16
    Views: 16037

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:31 pm   Subject: Would you help resurect Living Greyhawk?
    While in "premise" that is true, However, when you begin to interweave IP in a formal setting (ie Tournaments, Conventions, or an Independent Site, etc) you run the risk of stepping on thos ...
      Topic: Would you help resurect Living Greyhawk?

    Replies: 16
    Views: 16037

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:20 am   Subject: Would you help resurect Living Greyhawk?
    The game is by design meant to be discussed, analyzed and "fiddled with" in a group setting...the internet is an electronic group setting. It's perfectly reasonable folks could post any and all campa ...
      Topic: Weight/Encumbrance of Magic Armor in 1e

    Replies: 24
    Views: 18657

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:19 am   Subject: Weight/Encumbrance of Magic Armor in 1e
    Hmm...hadn't thought of looking at old pre-gens. Many thanks!
      Topic: Weight/Encumbrance of Magic Armor in 1e

    Replies: 24
    Views: 18657

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:39 am   Subject: Weight/Encumbrance of Magic Armor in 1e
    Curious if there is an "official ruling" out there--p28 of DMG says 50%, move at one category better, then later on p164 it says magic armor is essentially weightless, like wearing normal clothing.
      Topic: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread

    Replies: 405
    Views: 315367

    PostForum: Welcome to Greyhawk!   Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:58 pm   Subject: The "Introduce Yourself" Thread
    First Name? Ty
    Age? 43
    Location? Indy area, USofA
    When you started playing D&D? 1979ish
    What rules you started with? Basic--blue box. Played it all wrong, and it was so right. Tremendous ...
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