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    Castle Greyhawk Comic
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    Joined: Sep 07, 2011
    Posts: 833
    From: Houston Texas

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    Mon Aug 22, 2016 10:29 am  
    Castle Greyhawk Comic

    I know many here have, for some time now, read Mike and Scotts' Greyhawk comic with much anticipation and enjoyment.....
    I urge all to join their Patron Posting in support of their efforts they have so freely given over the years.

    It is only through the community that we keep Greyhawk alive (WOC certainly doesn't) People like Casey, Anna, Joe, Scott, Mike, Brian, Gary, and many others make that possible through the selfless sharing of their collective visions and sharing of the troves of information of Greyhawk... Keep the fires of creativity burning....

    George M
    aka DLG

    Their Posting can also be found Here
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    Joined: Feb 26, 2004
    Posts: 2592
    From: Ullinois

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    Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:15 pm  

    DLG, you are the man! :)

    Yeah the comic is a labor of love and any little bit we get is worth the extra incentives to our readers.

    Joined: Sep 07, 2011
    Posts: 833
    From: Houston Texas

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    Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:34 pm  

    It is with great regret I come bearing ill tidings....
    I contemplated leaving this alone, and forgive me Mike n Scott, but could not contain myself as you two are giants among Greyhawkers....Shocked

    As sent from Mike n Scott via their patreon site.....

    A Sad Announcement
    We're coming to the end of the ride.
    After six years and five chapters, our story will be coming to a close. I've asked a lot of Mike over these long years and many pages, and I've asked for all the man can give. Mike has graciously agreed to finish this chapter, and I will try to wrap things up into some kind of ending in the next 10 pages or so.
    For those who have contributed to our Patreon page, I can't thank you enough. It's been a pleasure to help Mike see some financial compensation for all the beautiful pages of art he's done for the Greyhawk community for all these years. It's been a pleasure for me to see my story brought to life by his skill. I'm grateful that he agreed to take this long journey with me. And I've been thankful that we made some friends together along the way.

    I was deeply saddened at this news... and seems the older that I become the more often it seems to occur. I sincerely hope it isn't health related, but if so I wish Mike only the very best and deepest respect.

    I for one, am hoping that fortubo will grant us more of the pages because I have come far to accustom to seeing them....Sad

    Only the very best of wishes......
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