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    Personal Information: mortellan

    Location: Ullinois
    Occupation: Probation Officer
    Actual User Status: Offline

    All Articles Posted by mortellan:
  • The Conclave of Ull
  • Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): The Last Respite
  • Postfest XIV(Richfest 2010): Nura bint Ramil
  • Postfest XIII(Brewfest 2009): The Haunt of Gol Usan
  • Biography of Gustin Longpike
  • Company of the Talon
  • The History of the Tapestry of Ruin
  • Postfest X(Needfest 2009): The Blind Billy Goat Inn
  • The Battle of Emridy Meadows
  • Postfest VII: The Dagger of Misfortune
  • See Ull…and Die! Part 2
  • See Ull…and Die! Part 1
  • Postfest VI: Planes of Retribution
  • Random Encounters in Ull
  • Postfest V, Part III: Blink Camprat (Kund)
  • Magic Items of Ull: Part 2
  • Postfest V: The Yellow Cartel
  • Magic Items of Ull: Part 1
  • Postfest IV: Minotaur Mask of the Ulsprues
  • Map of the Great Oerik Flood
  • Postfest III: Bruzharag the Misbegotten, Orakhan of Ull
  • Postfest III: Abi Dalzim
  • Ull Gazetteer: Ulakand the City of Horses, part 2
  • Ull Gazetteer: Ulakand the City of Horses, part 1
  • Ull Gazetteer: Trade Town of Kester, Part 2
  • Ull Gazetteer: Trade Town of Kester, Part 1
  • Postfest II: The Altar of Dhawar

  • Last 10 Comments by mortellan:
  • Re: Al 'Temlorn
  • Re: Postfest XVIII (Richfest 2016): Three Figurines of Wondrous Transport
  • Re: Postfest XVIII (Richfest 2016): Talako Mambenorn - Of the Figurines Of Wondrous P
  • Re: Dawn of a New Age - CY 706
  • Re: Greyhawk Adventurer’s Atlas Introduction and Part 1
  • Re: Greyhawk Adventurer’s Atlas Introduction and Part 1
  • Re: Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): The Last Respite
  • Re: Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): Daan Rhuul Gharlaan Ac
  • Re: A Tale of Good and Evil, Chapter 1
  • Re: An Alternative Linguistic History of the Flanaess

  • Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

    Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

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