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      Topic: NPC Search

    Replies: 3
    Views: 89

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 5:39 am   Subject: Re: NPC Search
    I no longer own the books in order to search them myself.
    I can’t help with those characters, but last I checked, you could read all the Gord books on the [url=]Internet Archive.
      Topic: Servitors of Bleredd

    Replies: 1
    Views: 316

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 2:10 pm   Subject: Servitors of Bleredd
    In the vein of Faiths & Avatars, I’m looking for some examples of creatures that might serve Bleredd. Where a Lawful Good god might use a solar or planetar as an intermediary with his followers, w ...
      Topic: Stratis

    Replies: 36
    Views: 41505

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:21 am   Subject: Stratis
    Forgive the thread necromancy, but would anyone care to posit class levels for Stratis’ avatar (in any edition)? I’m thinking some barbarian levels, but what else?

    1E: Paladin 17 / Rang ...
      Topic: Tropical Regions of Greyhawk

    Replies: 6
    Views: 1053

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 9:53 am   Subject: Tropical Regions of Greyhawk
    See p. 18 of the 1983 Glossography for lines of latitude.
      Topic: High-level Cuthbert followers

    Replies: 9
    Views: 1050

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 10:18 am   Subject: High-level Cuthbert followers
    Canoness Y’dey of Hommlet is 10th level in Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil.
      Topic: Greyhawk Adventuring Groups

    Replies: 5
    Views: 1207

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:55 am   Subject: Greyhawk Adventuring Groups
    Here’s my current 574 CY AD&D group. Our campaign has been running since 2002, though we’ve been on hiatus for eight months. One of our players keeps a campaign journal at His Grace, Doran Skotti ...
      Topic: Glossography of the Flanaess - Peoples and Cultures

    Replies: 5
    Views: 1606

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:37 am   Subject: Glossography of the Flanaess - Peoples and Cultures
    Have you considered making silver-haired grey elves & blonde faeries geographically distinct, with faeries originating in Celene and (historically) Vale of Luna, while the grey elves hail from Sun ...
      Topic: 5e material spell components (namely the pearl in identify)

    Replies: 2
    Views: 3224

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 5th Edition   Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:46 am   Subject: 5e material spell components (namely the pearl in identify)
    Your reading is correct. The caster needs a 100-gp pearl (and a feather or substitute focus) to cast identify, but it’s not consumed in casting.
      Topic: Adding Megadungeons to Greyhawk

    Replies: 8
    Views: 3144

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2023 11:17 am   Subject: Adding Megadungeons to Greyhawk
    Sort of a tangent but the original post got me thinking:

    What third-party or non-GH modules would be suitable for use as existing (but undeveloped) adventure locations?

    The Carl Sargent-era Gre ...
      Topic: Adding Megadungeons to Greyhawk

    Replies: 8
    Views: 3144

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:38 pm   Subject: Re: Adding Megadungeons to Greyhawk
    Castle Zagyg – I like Greyhawk Ruins too much to ignore, so unsure where to place this. Don’t need another mad wizard dungeon near Greyhawk and not interested in another metropolis near the Ery and Ne ...
      Topic: Tenser & the Quest(s) to Save the World

    Replies: 7
    Views: 3075

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 8:23 am   Subject: Tenser & the Quest(s) to Save the World
    Tenser has a long monologue in the introduction to Isle of the Ape. I’d give that a read to help get into character.
      Topic: The god's Trap

    Replies: 7
    Views: 3031

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:59 am   Subject: The god's Trap
    It’s necessary to consider that at the time Gary Gygax listed the imprisoned deities, the rules governing those deities had not yet been published (or written). Various authors have suggested differen ...
      Topic: Demi-elves, demi-orcs & humans

    Replies: 11
    Views: 3530

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:05 am   Subject: Demi-elves, demi-orcs & humans
    “Humanoid Races in Review” way back in DRAGON #44 had an interesting take on the genetic relationships among men, elves, and orcs.
      Topic: Druidic Circles

    Replies: 20
    Views: 6880

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 2:36 pm   Subject: Druidic Circles
    Thanks for all your thoughts! I was reading up on Celtic paganism and the huge variety of deities they seemed to revere. They seemed to have certain key deities or deific roles throughtout the Celtic ...
      Topic: The Amazons of Hardby

    Replies: 17
    Views: 6226

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:54 am   Subject: The Amazons of Hardby
    In addition to the Polyhedron version of Amazons that David posted above, there's a version that precedes it written by Roger Moore in Dragon #43 (Polyhedron #22 was Jan 1985):
    That’s a good find, Al ...
      Topic: Dim Forest Flora

    Replies: 3
    Views: 3624

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:59 am   Subject: Dim Forest Flora
    Roanwood and usk would seem good choices.
      Topic: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?

    Replies: 24
    Views: 9142

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 5:27 pm   Subject: Is it weird that prevailing winds blow from the east?
    So these are a few maps I cobbled together using as the Darlene or Anna Meyer maps of the Flanaess as a base. With the climate zones I used the information in the Greyhawk Player's Guide as it's a can ...
      Topic: The Amazons of Hardby

    Replies: 17
    Views: 6226

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 5:35 am   Subject: The Amazons of Hardby
    I made a couple of small changes to the post above. I also need to write something up for the Order of True Womanhood, which I’m starting to see as the “civilized” evolution of Amazon culture. First I ...
      Topic: The Amazons of Hardby

    Replies: 17
    Views: 6226

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 5:21 pm   Subject: The Amazons of Hardby
    I'm sure you intend this to be an NPC-only class since the smaller hit die doesn't make up for the extra attack and "never surprised" benefits. As an NPC class, I like it very much, as it will make f ...
      Topic: The Amazons of Hardby

    Replies: 17
    Views: 6226

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 12:05 pm   Subject: The Amazons of Hardby
    Thanks all for the feedback and ideas. Here’s what I’ve come up with mechanically for my 1E house rules document. (I still need to write a more fulsome description.)

    Description: Amazons a ...
      Topic: The Amazons of Hardby

    Replies: 17
    Views: 6226

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 3:20 pm   Subject: The Amazons of Hardby
    I'd be tempted to make that sort of Amazon an earlier phase of Hardby's culture. Effectively extinct by the sixth century of the Common Year, but evidence of it can be found in the form of ancient fre ...
      Topic: The Amazons of Hardby

    Replies: 17
    Views: 6226

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 11:07 am   Subject: The Amazons of Hardby
    For reference, here’s Gary’s write-up of Amazons from Polyhedron #22:

    Missing Monsters
    While thumbing through the pages of MM II, I noted that not only was the goristroi demon missing, but that so ...
      Topic: The Amazons of Hardby

    Replies: 17
    Views: 6226

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:40 am   Subject: The Amazons of Hardby
    Before I reinvent the wheel, has anyone attempted to reconcile Gary’s presentation of Amazons (both in Polyhedron #22 and as depicted in the Minifigs line) with everything else we know about Hardby? T ...
      Topic: Easily Adaptable Low Level Adventures for Greyhawk

    Replies: 1
    Views: 2514

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 9:35 am   Subject: Easily Adaptable Low Level Adventures for Greyhawk
    Damn, I could be here all day:
    & Magazine #4, “Gnoll Tower” (anywhere)
    CGA1 A Case of Meazels (set in Greyhawk City)
    The Cult of Pestilence (set in Greyhawk City)
    DF25 To Light the Shadows ...
      Topic: Cataracted Rivers

    Replies: 5
    Views: 3592

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:47 pm   Subject: Cataracted Rivers
    LG Nyrond placed the hamlet of Big Rapids at the headwaters of the Duntide, where it emerges from the Flinty Hills. Presumably the settlement is aptly named.
      Topic: Mountain Range Population Figures

    Replies: 9
    Views: 4502

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:12 am   Subject: Mountain Range Population Figures
    Here are some numbers I compiled when creating my Glossography and assuming at least one “lair” for any race encountered there.

    Barrier Peaks
    Dwur, Mountain: 800

    Cairn Hills
    Dwur, Hill: 800
    N ...
      Topic: Mountain Range Population Figures

    Replies: 9
    Views: 4502

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 2:46 am   Subject: Mountain Range Population Figures
    For example, the Principality of Ulek has 30k dwarves capable of fighting, which means it must have more than 30k dwarves. Sure, but remember that they’re dwarves. Humans fit for combat might be only ...
      Topic: Name that woodland

    Replies: 3
    Views: 3476

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:56 am   Subject: Name that woodland
    Per Ivid, that forest was called the Thelwood until the change in the early 580s (“Shortly before the outbreak of war”) resulted in its renaming to the Bonewood (as Allan pointed out).
      Topic: Archbold's queen

    Replies: 27
    Views: 11961

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 3:07 pm   Subject: Archbold's queen
    I think it’s a win for all concerned (except Thrommel).

    Nyrond achieves its goal of weakening Furyondy/Veluna with total deniability. Just judging from the reaction within the Greyhawk fanbase, who ...
      Topic: Archbold's queen

    Replies: 27
    Views: 11961

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 3:56 pm   Subject: Archbold's queen
    I like that kind of alignment blending too, but I still have too many objections to go with this. Again, helping an Oeridian-majority kingdom that way doesn't really mesh with the Brotherhood's overal ...
      Topic: Where to place Darkshelf

    Replies: 3
    Views: 5441

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 2:16 pm   Subject: Where to place Darkshelf
    Really digging into A0, the text is contradictory (whether from Skip’s manuscript or poor editing). The quarry is a half-mile from Darkshelf on p. 6 and three miles from Darkshelf on p. 7. I think I’m ...
      Topic: Archbold's queen

    Replies: 27
    Views: 11961

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 1:44 pm   Subject: Archbold's queen
    As for Archbold's queen in general, I don't see any reason to retcon the idea that the forces of Elemental Evil kidnapped Thrommel. I know it came from Gary Gygax, but frankly I think it's preposterou ...
      Topic: Where to place Darkshelf

    Replies: 3
    Views: 5441

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2022 5:37 am   Subject: Where to place Darkshelf
    I’m bumping this topic after eight years because my PCs are returning to Nyrond, and the south coast could be in play. After posting this topic in 2014, I asked Skip on Facebook, and here’s the exchan ...
      Topic: Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk

    Replies: 11
    Views: 69368

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 10:16 am   Subject: Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk
    I have several related questions, as I've contemplated running an all-Castle Greyhawk-all-the-time campaign whenever my Age of Worms campaign finishes up.

    1) People always say that WG7 Castle Greyh ...
      Topic: Archbold's queen

    Replies: 27
    Views: 11961

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:41 am   Subject: Archbold's queen
    Thinking more on this topic, maybe casting raise dead on the royal family is considered taboo in goodly nations. One thing you don’t mess with is the line of succession.
      Topic: Rilthane, Nyrond

    Replies: 1
    Views: 2709

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:29 am   Subject: Rilthane, Nyrond
    In From the Ashes, Carl Sargent gave us the Goodmen of Rilthane, from “a small town down the Duntide from Rel Mord.” All subsequent authors (including the LG Nyrond triad) seem to have missed this ref ...
      Topic: Archbold's queen

    Replies: 27
    Views: 11961

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:31 am   Subject: Archbold's queen
    I’m resurrecting this nine-year-old topic to address a wider campaign issue. In the world of Dungeons & Dragons, how does a queen just die in her 50s? There’s no canonical evidence to suggest that ...
      Topic: Wondering if anyone can tell me the Maneuvering Ratings

    Replies: 4
    Views: 5996

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 3:52 pm   Subject: Re: Thanks very the great reply
    Thank you so much for that information. I hope my follow up question is not an an opening to a big debate but I am wondering if 2nd edition is 1st edition cleaned up or if it is a whole new game?
    To ...
      Topic: Wondering if anyone can tell me the Maneuvering Ratings

    Replies: 4
    Views: 5996

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 3:26 am   Subject: Wondering if anyone can tell me the Maneuvering Ratings
    Because of the publication history, none of the creatures in Monster Manual (published 1977) have maneuverability classes listed. That attribute was introduced in Dungeon Masters Guide (published 1979 ...
      Topic: The Huldanes of Mowbrenn

    Replies: 1
    Views: 6963

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 11:23 am   Subject: The Huldanes of Mowbrenn
    I’m developing pre-Wars Mowbrenn for a visit by my PCs, and I have a couple of queries about the status quo prior to The Marklands:
    Cunal Huldane’s mother is never mentioned in The Marklands (or lat ...
      Topic: Armies of Greyhawk - Baklunish

    Replies: 12
    Views: 6788

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 4:52 am   Subject: Armies of Greyhawk - Baklunish
    Kudos for your involvement. I am currently translating DRAGON articles concerning the beginnings of the Greyhawk Wars. This passage bothers me:
    "Wolf Nomads: Following the rise in power of the humano ...
      Topic: Who is a citizen of Greyhawk exactly?

    Replies: 3
    Views: 3116

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:40 am   Subject: Who is a citizen of Greyhawk exactly?
    From GotF, p. 77: Foreigners are not permitted to purchase property in the Free City. After seven consecutive years of residence (at least six months each year) in the city, a foreigner can apply for ...
      Topic: Saints in the Flanaess (according to Pluffet Smedger)

    Replies: 6
    Views: 4235

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:28 am   Subject: Saints in the Flanaess (according to Pluffet Smedger)
    I've said it before in an earlier thread, but I think Mayaheine is best used as a cautionary tale.

    She arrives on Oerth as the survivor of another, similar world where whatever it is that's meant ...
      Topic: Seer of Urnst

    Replies: 2
    Views: 5012

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2022 7:27 am   Subject: Seer of Urnst
    If you don’t mind cannibalizing material from later editions, the LG module CORS3-03 Return to the Ghost Tower of Inverness includes much information about the Seer of Urnst and his machinations.
      Topic: Ghazal

    Replies: 6
    Views: 5216

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 8:48 am   Subject: Ghazal
    In Dragon #89, Llerg's "worshipers' alignment" is given as "Barbarians, berserkers, chaotic neutrals, some druids." Only one of these things is an actual alignment in the usual game sense of the term: ...
      Topic: Unused Races?

    Replies: 3
    Views: 3100

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 2:07 pm   Subject: Unused Races?
    Wemics are found in Hepmonaland, according to the encounter tables in The Scarlet Brotherhood. Non-canonically, I have a few small tribes of hybsils roaming the warm plains of Sunndi.
      Topic: When Do Priests Pray for Spells?

    Replies: 2
    Views: 2831

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 5:37 am   Subject: When Do Priests Pray for Spells?
    You can find prayer times for some (but far from all) Greyhawk deities in the Living Greyhawk Official Listing of Deities for Use in the Campaign PDF. Google it. It’s out there.
      Topic: Geographic Extremes

    Replies: 1
    Views: 2830

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 10:00 am   Subject: Geographic Extremes
    The Guide tells us that the Crystalmists are the highest range in the Flanaess. The Nesser may be the widest river, averaging three miles or more along its length.
      Topic: Living Greyhawk Highfolk

    Replies: 1
    Views: 3415

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 1:58 am   Subject: Living Greyhawk Highfolk
    I have some stuff. PM me with an email address.
      Topic: Larrangin of Bissel

    Replies: 5
    Views: 3778

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 2:31 pm   Subject: Larrangin of Bissel
    From BIS4-03 Face of the Enemy:To those that have never seen him, the Margrave Larrangin is a heroic figure with dark, cropped hair, a square jaw, and broad shoulders. He wears a longsword at his hip, ...
      Topic: City of Greyhawk random encounter table?

    Replies: 8
    Views: 4750

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:37 pm   Subject: City of Greyhawk random encounter table?
    How do I wish that Finch's City Encounters was available anywhere, in any form whatsoever! This is one of the great lost supplements for me, and I find it strange that no one sells a pdf of it anywher ...
      Topic: Location of Gaxxmoor in Greyhawk

    Replies: 15
    Views: 5742

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2022 7:59 am   Subject: Location of Gaxxmoor in Greyhawk
    Gaxmoor being dedicated to Fharlanghn strongly suggests to me that the intent was for it to be an Oeridian city, not Baklunish.
      Topic: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)

    Replies: 18
    Views: 7224

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 11:23 am   Subject: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)
    "Leukish" doesn't mention how many, or what sort of, ships the Duchy had, only that Leukish "has space" for 20 in the docks, plus more in the harbor; there could be far less than that in service. Does ...
      Topic: Eclavdra's level in GDQ1-7

    Replies: 7
    Views: 10315

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 5:11 pm   Subject: Eclavdra's level in GDQ1-7
    It’s worth noting that in the original G3, Eclavdra is described as a “10th level cleric/fighter”. The implication seems to be that she’s 10th level in each class, and the G3 chapter of GDQ 1–7 was th ...
      Topic: Basmajian Arras

    Replies: 8
    Views: 4068

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 12:42 pm   Subject: Basmajian Arras
    Thanks, rasgon. Yeah, I guess Sargent forgot what he’d done in From the Ashes when he was working on Ivid and reverted to the F13 from the Gazetteer. Still, W11/T5 is a quite unusual combination for A ...
      Topic: Basmajian Arras

    Replies: 8
    Views: 4068

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 11:25 am   Subject: Basmajian Arras
    Where in From the Ashes is Basmajian Arras listed as a W11/T5? That’s an unlikely (though not impossible) class combination in AD&D 2E.
      Topic: Map of Nulb

    Replies: 2
    Views: 9838

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:19 am   Subject: Map of Nulb
    Try DUNGEON #221.
      Topic: Dorgha Torgu and Stillsong

    Replies: 3
    Views: 3100

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:06 am   Subject: Dorgha Torgu and Stillsong
    I love the idea, but at first blush I think Stillsong is too beneficent to be Dorgha Torgu. Do you think that’s part of his penance? Because of the great Evil he wrought, he’s now Neutral Good instead ...
      Topic: I'm Slow Sometimes: Wolf Nomads = Uyghurs

    Replies: 7
    Views: 4532

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:32 am   Subject: I'm Slow Sometimes: Wolf Nomads = Uyghurs
    I know many of my fellow Greyhawk afficionados are students of world history (and certainly E. Gary Gygax was), so this may not be much of a revelation to you, but the lightbulb finally went off in my ...
      Topic: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)

    Replies: 18
    Views: 7224

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:24 am   Subject: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)
    Now, I wonder. I assume that guards become guards-at-arms, then petty sergeants, then master sergeants. I assume that a subaltern outranks a master sergeant, in the way that a brand new butterbar tech ...
      Topic: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)

    Replies: 18
    Views: 7224

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:28 pm   Subject: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)
    Here’s another snippet, this time from the Duchy of Urnst Meta-Org Book:Ducal Guard (see separate book)
    The Ducal Guard is the standing army of the Duchy and answers directly to the Duke of Urnst. It ...
      Topic: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)

    Replies: 18
    Views: 7224

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:51 pm   Subject: Armies of Oerth (Duchy of Urnst)
    The LG Duchy of Urnst team published a 34-page book on the Ducal Guard meta-org. There’s obviously far too much information to post, but here are the ranks they used:

    Petty Se ...
      Topic: Awarding experience - noob DM question

    Replies: 7
    Views: 13257

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2021 1:05 pm   Subject: Re: DMG
    I think the implication here is that XP from magic should be applied to the party's total unless a single character obtained it without help. What I never noticed before was the sentence "Those magic ...
      Topic: 579cy

    Replies: 2
    Views: 2705

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 10:45 am   Subject: 579cy
    So WARS! aside, are you ignoring Gary’s and Rob’s DRAGON articles describing the actions in the Great Kingdom and Shield Lands? However later authors interpreted the outcome, there was clearly a build ...
      Topic: Ren o' th' Star in Metamorphosis Alpha

    Replies: 3
    Views: 3937

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:49 pm   Subject: Ren o' th' Star in Metamorphosis Alpha
    Sounds like [url=]this one.
      Topic: Belissica Info Sought

    Replies: 7
    Views: 7524

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 6:41 am   Subject: Belissica Info Sought
    Here’s how I’ve reconciled Lorgan and Belissica IMC: The ruler of the County of Urnst until 576 CY was His Noble Brilliancy, Count Lorgan Gellor (Ftr 16). He died that year and was succeeded by his da ...
      Topic: Missing Oeridian Power portfolios

    Replies: 5
    Views: 4285

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:56 am   Subject: Missing Oeridian Power portfolios

    This is very unfortunate and aggravating news to read, but I thank you for your input. Mad Oh well.

    Does anyone have suggestions as to the following with respect to both Wenta and V ...
      Topic: Clergy of Zilchus: Views on Taxation

    Replies: 16
    Views: 8148

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:32 am   Subject: Clergy of Zilchus: Views on Taxation
    Praytell, then, what you think upon which side of this debate you believe the clergy falls, in general. For, or against, taxes, as part of the portfolio of Zilchus.

    I’d say the Duchy of ...
      Topic: Clergy of Zilchus: Views on Taxation

    Replies: 16
    Views: 8148

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:31 pm   Subject: Clergy of Zilchus: Views on Taxation
    The temple of Zilchus in Leukish was razed because the clerics refused to pay Justinian’s exorbitant temple tax.
      Topic: Anna's Atlas of the Flanaess

    Replies: 693
    Views: 614779

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:02 pm   Subject: Anna's Atlas of the Flanaess
    Looks like Anna's map is missing

    Looks like Anna took the same interpretation I did and assumed that Galesford was later renamed Curtulenn.

    It looks like Sargent was aware of Galesfo ...
      Topic: Anna's Atlas of the Flanaess

    Replies: 693
    Views: 614779

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:58 am   Subject: Anna's Atlas of the Flanaess
    Looks like Anna's map is missing

    Looks like Anna took the same interpretation I did and assumed that Galesford was later renamed Curtulenn.
      Topic: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Replies: 36
    Views: 14266

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:20 am   Subject: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium
    In "Presenting the Suel Pantheon" by Lenard Lakofka in Dragon #86, Norebo's alignment is "Chaotic neutral (evil tendencies)."
    What an interesting inconsist ...
      Topic: Scarlet Brotherhood NPCs in 5e

    Replies: 4
    Views: 7768

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 5th Edition   Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:10 am   Subject: Scarlet Brotherhood NPCs in 5e
    Well, if you’re looking to replicate the 1E monk class that is the foundation of the Scarlet Brotherhood, then the Way of the Open Hand 5E monk archetype is probably your best bet.
      Topic: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium

    Replies: 36
    Views: 14266

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:39 am   Subject: The effect of Suel gods on the makeup of the Suel Imperium
    I’m just jumping in to defend poor Norebo. He’s Chaotic Neutral. I don’t believe Len ever described him as having evil tendencies, unless that change was made by a later designer.
      Topic: A0.5 (Lowdown in Highport) A5 (The Last Slave Lord)

    Replies: 6
    Views: 5532

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 10:58 am   Subject: A0.5 (Lowdown in Highport) A5 (The Last Slave Lord)
      Topic: Distribution Of High And Sylvan Elves?

    Replies: 2
    Views: 3964

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:12 am   Subject: Distribution Of High And Sylvan Elves?
    Also consider that all the “Use standard encounter tables” results refer you back to the DMG, where only the standard “Elf” (presumably high) may be encountered.
      Topic: High Elves

    Replies: 12
    Views: 6235

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:14 am   Subject: High Elves
    I recall that Thiondar's Legacy, from Dungeon Magazine #30, included a history of the Grey Elves and their founding, which was a separating from the High Elves. Though it wasn't set in Greyhawk, spec ...
      Topic: Climate of the Flanaess

    Replies: 14
    Views: 15417

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 9:25 am   Subject: Climate of the Flanaess
    FWIW, here’s the climate map I created about 15 years ago for my game:
      Topic: Placing "Citadel by the Sea" in the Flanaess

    Replies: 15
    Views: 8585

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 8:48 am   Subject: Placing "Citadel by the Sea" in the Flanaess
    Coming full circle on my 13-year-old thread, the reasons above are why I placed Awad in North Province, between Bellport and Kaport Bay. It’s a human-dominated village with euroz to the north and olve ...
      Topic: The WORLD OF GREYHAWK® Deitybase

    Replies: 5
    Views: 5665

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 3:48 pm   Subject: The WORLD OF GREYHAWK® Deitybase
    Hi DM Prata,

    Any chance you put together all this information into a single PDF that we can host on Canonfire? The links provided in the first post are dead. And the only version of your deitybase ...
      Topic: Ghost of Saltmarsh population distribution

    Replies: 9
    Views: 6865

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:18 am   Subject: Ghost of Saltmarsh population distribution
    Finally, can any of you recommend a good source for modeling / creating baronial and/or manorial households? I recall an old d20 book, Magical Medieval Society, but wonder if you have something else ( ...
      Topic: Cloting iN the Flaness

    Replies: 38
    Views: 26289

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 8:08 am   Subject: Cloting iN the Flaness
    (As an aside, the 1e PHB doesn't list silk rope. I no longer have a 2e PHB and lack access to my 3.5e PHB, so I wonder which edition introduced silk rope and whether it listed a different cost ratio b ...
      Topic: Timing of Greyhawk Adventures Hardback

    Replies: 19
    Views: 8312

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:54 am   Subject: Timing of Greyhawk Adventures Hardback
    IMC, it was Archbold’s more pragmatic queen who signed off on Thrommel’s abduction. Lynwerd takes after daddy; Sewarndt takes after mommy (Odin/Thor, Frigga/Loki).
      Topic: Timing of Greyhawk Adventures Hardback

    Replies: 19
    Views: 8312

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 4:45 am   Subject: Timing of Greyhawk Adventures Hardback
    Org Nenshen or Arentol would be candidates, as well. Either would have been members of the Directing Oligarchy, which is probably close enough to being a lord. You could even have it be that the **** ...
      Topic: Timing of Greyhawk Adventures Hardback

    Replies: 19
    Views: 8312

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:30 am   Subject: Timing of Greyhawk Adventures Hardback
    I think we’ve established that the City of Greyhawk boxed set is based in 582 CY, just prior to the Wars, though I don’t recall how that date was fixed. If it’s correct, then I think 580 CY works for ...
      Topic: Timing of Greyhawk Adventures Hardback

    Replies: 19
    Views: 8312

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:54 pm   Subject: Timing of Greyhawk Adventures Hardback
    I’m working on reconciling conflicting sources on the Urnst states for my campaign. Do we have enough information to pinpoint a date for the “Hall of Heroes” write-ups in Greyhawk Adventures? I’m thin ...
      Topic: Monks of the Flanaess

    Replies: 56
    Views: 57217

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:08 am   Subject: Monks of the Flanaess
    DMPrata, did you ever make public your spreadsheet of monks of the Flanaess (as mentioned in various canon publications)?

    Or has anyone else published this kind of information online?

    I've begun ...
      Topic: L2 The Assassin's Knot

    Replies: 4
    Views: 6863

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:30 pm   Subject: L2 The Assassin's Knot
    I’ve never run the L series, though I’m quite familiar with it. I can tell you from a decade of running Call of Cthulhu that when running a mystery, you must be prepared to let the players fail.
      Topic: Half-page country write-up for DMs new to GH

    Replies: 3
    Views: 8157

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:56 am   Subject: Half-page country write-up for DMs new to GH
    What’s your baseline campaign date for these write-ups? Many nations change dramatically or don’t exist at all, depending on the year.
      Topic: Up the Hool River, pre-war (long)

    Replies: 15
    Views: 11607

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 7:26 am   Subject: Up the Hool River, pre-war (long)
    Friends, especially DMPrata and Wolfsire, I'm interested in your suggestions for Earthly languages to derive names for Seolders (Jason Farina's old term for inhabitants of the Hold of the Sea Princes) ...
      Topic: Stone Circles of the Flanaess?

    Replies: 13
    Views: 8464

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 12:21 pm   Subject: Stone Circles of the Flanaess?
    How canon do you want to be, Allan? Paul Stormberg mentioned several in his “The Old Faith” article for OJ #15.
      Topic: Kings of Keoland

    Replies: 2
    Views: 4136

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:17 am   Subject: Re: Kings of Keoland
    I've seen various articles and references to the numerous kings of Keoland, but is there a complete list with the dates of their reigns somewhere?

    I'd appreciate any help with this anyone can provi ...
      Topic: Town locations

    Replies: 46
    Views: 17190

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 1:48 pm   Subject: Town locations


    Arnford (Pop 3,200)(Pop 3,900)
    Also Nyrond, northeast of Beetu.
      Topic: Town locations

    Replies: 46
    Views: 17190

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 11:15 am   Subject: Town locations


    Arndulanth (Pop 2,000)(Pop 2,300)

    Western edge of the Flinty Hills. I placed it in hex Z2-68.

    Independent or part of some nation?
      Topic: Town locations

    Replies: 46
    Views: 17190

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 6:21 am   Subject: Town locations


    Arndulanth (Pop 2,000)(Pop 2,300)

    Western edge of the Flinty Hills. I placed it in hex Z2-68.
      Topic: Town locations

    Replies: 46
    Views: 17190

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:38 am   Subject: Town locations
    Adreans Landing
    In Nyrond, between the Celadon and the Duntide. The town isn’t founded until after the Wars.
      Topic: Which Nations Have Proper Cavaliers?

    Replies: 9
    Views: 6264

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 7:11 am   Subject: Which Nations Have Proper Cavaliers?
    Cavaliers in my 1E campaign:

    Major Orders
    Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom Knights of Holy Shielding Knights of the Watch Order of the Hart Knights of Furyondy Knights of Veluna Knights of ...
      Topic: Anna's Atlas of the Flanaess

    Replies: 693
    Views: 614779

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 6:23 am   Subject: Re: More Map Confusion
    I am still looking at Anna's Flanaess Full Map 598 CY - 2019 Edition REV1 (as hosted on the name of the road from Istivin east, and the unfortunate placement of it on the map near to an (unnamed) vill ...
      Topic: I Started a New Greyhawk Campaign Last Night

    Replies: 10
    Views: 12493

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 2:58 pm   Subject: I Started a New Greyhawk Campaign Last Night
    The boxed set is correct with 364 days per year. The months are solar, not lunar, so Luna isn’t full on the same day each month. A sennight is a poetic week (seven nights), so your PCs arrive at the s ...
      Topic: Greyhawk - Arms and Military By Nation and Type NOTE: 576c

    Replies: 7
    Views: 9022

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:44 pm   Subject: Greyhawk - Arms and Military By Nation and Type NOTE: 576c
    This is useful stuff, Jason. Thanks! You may want to incorporate the information from this old post on [url= ...
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