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    Maze of Peril by Holmes
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    Adept Greytalker

    Joined: Oct 07, 2008
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    Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:37 am  
    Maze of Peril by Holmes

    I'm reading Maze of Peril by Holmes. I thought it interesting that his understanding of the Greyhawk setting at that time looks so different than our understanding of the setting now. Back when he wrote that story, Greyhawk appears to him to be locationed on a version of Earth where there are Christians and pagans, Amazonians and Vikings, magic spoken in Latin. One of the evil dieties is Dagon of Chuthlu mythos.

    A good read? No, not really. Interesting for Greyhawk enthusiasts, yes.

    I keep remembering that the Holmes version of the Basic rules started as a trimmed down version of OD&D. The first to Basic modules were originally printed for this version of the rules with suggestions on where to place them in Greyhawk. B1 has pre-rolled clerics named after Greyhawk dieties. The cover of the Holmes Basic book includes images of characters that were also in the OD&D booklets and later AD&D books (including the TSR wizard with the pointed hat logo wizard character).

    New copies of Maze of Peril are currently for sale which I found surprising along with the cheap price.

    ...I thought you'd want to know.
    CF Admin

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    Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:17 pm  

    Hola Raymond---

    I have a strong interest in JEH's Boinger and Zereth stories, but haven't ever heard that they were set in Greyhawk. Just curious what made you connect the two?
    Allan Grohe (
    Adept Greytalker

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    Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:09 am  

    I thought they visited the Green Dragon Inn.
    CF Admin

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    Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:12 am  

    They certainly do, but my assumption has been that that was derived from LOTR rather than from Greyhawk (which is where I assume the GH one came from too).
    Allan Grohe (
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