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      Topic: Greyhawk racial abilities' modifiers

    Replies: 4
    Views: 6193

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:25 am   Subject: Greyhawk racial abilities' modifiers
      Topic: Greyhawk racial abilities' modifiers

    Replies: 4
    Views: 6193

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:46 pm   Subject: Greyhawk racial abilities' modifiers
    You will need to specify a bit more, I am afraid. There are racial modifiers for statistics (ex: Str, Dex, Con), racial modifiers for thief skills, racial modifiers for maximum level limits, etc.

      Topic: Greyhawk racial abilities' modifiers

    Replies: 4
    Views: 6193

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 4:21 am   Subject: Greyhawk racial abilities' modifiers

    I remember that I saw the table with such modifiers for all Greyhawk races (human (all sub-races) and demi-human (for all kinds of elves, dwarfs, halflings) in one of the Greyhawk's books, but ...
      Topic: Buying/Selling Prices

    Replies: 9
    Views: 13718

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 5:37 pm   Subject: Buying/Selling Prices

    OK, I don't do this...but I should!!!

    You should not. For AD&D 1st edition in Greyhawk 576 CY is forever!
      Topic: Hit table progression in OSRIC

    Replies: 0
    Views: 8282

    PostForum: Greyhawk- Other Game Systems/Editions   Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:32 am   Subject: Hit table progression in OSRIC

    Does OSRIC use the following rules from AD&D 1st edition or not? I found nothing about it in last OSRIC rulebook.


    A quick glance at the progression of ...
      Topic: Buying/Selling Prices

    Replies: 9
    Views: 13718

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 3:56 am   Subject: Buying/Selling Prices
    How you modify costs by the Charisma reaction adjustment? Just by increasing your 50-60% by this modifier?
      Topic: Buying/Selling Prices

    Replies: 9
    Views: 13718

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:25 pm   Subject: Buying/Selling Prices
    I generally use 0–30% of the listed sale price for captured weapons and armor (depending on the quality; orc crap is worthless). For other trade goods, I usually offer the PCs 50–60%, modified by the ...
      Topic: Buying/Selling Prices

    Replies: 9
    Views: 13718

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:16 am   Subject: Buying/Selling Prices

    What differences between these prices you usually use in campaign? And official suggestions? I only found in PHB that gems selling price 20% lower than market price.

      Topic: Touch attack for spells

    Replies: 7
    Views: 12633

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:25 pm   Subject: Touch attack for spells
      Topic: OSRIC or even Hackmaster

    Replies: 9
    Views: 19184

    PostForum: Greyhawk- Other Game Systems/Editions   Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 8:06 pm   Subject: OSRIC or even Hackmaster
    Most interesting published adventures in Greyhawk are AD&D 1st edition adventures (T1-4, GDQ1-7 etc).

    OSRIC allows to run them without any conversations. Other systems do not.
      Topic: Touch attack for spells

    Replies: 7
    Views: 12633

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:34 am   Subject: Touch attack for spells
    And what if this big creature with thick skin is very slow?
      Topic: Touch attack for spells

    Replies: 7
    Views: 12633

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:12 pm   Subject: Touch attack for spells

    For some spells a caster has to touch unwilling target. And sometimes in spell's description it is said that armor can be ignored.

    How I understand by the rules a touch attack is made again ...
      Topic: Searching dice roll

    Replies: 11
    Views: 17269

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:11 am   Subject: Searching dice roll
      Topic: Searching dice roll

    Replies: 11
    Views: 17269

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:40 pm   Subject: Searching dice roll
    not sure what you mean by hidden treasure? Hidden under the mattress? When gaming we have had arguments about the search function. They want to say search and find everything. I ask for details b ...
      Topic: Searching dice roll

    Replies: 11
    Views: 17269

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:34 am   Subject: Searching dice roll
    i am pretty sure secret doors are 1 in 6 or at least thats what i use for non-elven characters.


    What numbers do you use for searching hidden treasure?
      Topic: Searching dice roll

    Replies: 11
    Views: 17269

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:15 am   Subject: Searching dice roll

    and mister cebrion... that link is.... FREAKIN AWSOME!!!!!!!!

    Good link. But I found nothing about search probability numbers.
      Topic: Searching dice roll

    Replies: 11
    Views: 17269

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:28 am   Subject: Searching dice roll
    The Player's Handbook and the Dungeon Master's Guide do have indexes.

    I know how to search info in books.

    There are nothing in AD&D 1st edition PHB and DMG about concrete numbers for search ...
      Topic: Searching dice roll

    Replies: 11
    Views: 17269

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:07 pm   Subject: Searching dice roll

    Do official rules for hidden treasure search probability exist? If not, do you use some house rules for searching dice roll?

    The same about secret door? I know about elves' probability to fi ...
      Topic: Henchmen class and race

    Replies: 4
    Views: 10159

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 6:23 am   Subject: Henchmen class and race
      Topic: Encounters table for AD&D 1st edition Greyhawk regions

    Replies: 2
    Views: 8724

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:41 am   Subject: Re: Encounters table for AD&D 1st edition Greyhawk regio

    Unless you're missing some pages, those tables are indeed in the boxed set. They start on page 8 of the Glossography. Verbobonc and Veluna are on page 9.

    Thanks, I just missed the tables.
      Topic: Henchmen class and race

    Replies: 4
    Views: 10159

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:38 am   Subject: Re: Henchmen class and race
    In PHB is said that henchmen must have the same race and class as PC.Where do you see that?

    Official AD&D 1st edition Players Handbook, 6th printing 1980, page 39, section "Henchmen", 2nd parag ...
      Topic: B1 module location in Greyhawk

    Replies: 2
    Views: 9112

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:32 am   Subject: B1 module location in Greyhawk
      Topic: B1 module location in Greyhawk

    Replies: 2
    Views: 9112

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:38 pm   Subject: B1 module location in Greyhawk

    I know that in one of the editions this module was located in Greyhawk. Where?

      Topic: Encounters table for AD&D 1st edition Greyhawk regions

    Replies: 2
    Views: 8724

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:30 pm   Subject: Encounters table for AD&D 1st edition Greyhawk regions

    Do these tables (by regions (Verbobnc, Veluna e.t.c.)) exist? And if yes then where I can find them? I have Greyhawk box set, but it has only terrain type table, not by region.


    Vas ...
      Topic: Henchmen class and race

    Replies: 4
    Views: 10159

    PostForum: Greyhawk- AD&D 1st Edition   Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:26 pm   Subject: Henchmen class and race

    In PHB is said that henchmen must have the same race and class as PC.

    But from DMG it can be understood that race and class may be different from PC (percentage for different race and class ...
      Topic: Loans in Greyhawk

    Replies: 9
    Views: 6703

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 4:14 pm   Subject: Loans in Greyhawk
    Found this: A History of Interest Rates
    Personal Loans
    Best Credits: 43 1/3% - 52%
    Poorer Credits: 80 - 120%
    Individual: 60%
    Pawnshops: 43 1/3
    Commercial Loans 10 - 16%
    Annunities and Mortages ...
      Topic: Updating GH for 4e - The FR Template

    Replies: 28
    Views: 29036

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 4th Edition   Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:40 pm   Subject: Updating GH for 4e - The FR Template

    I nothing know about D&D 4.0. Why they need to change setting so catastrophic? Is it necessary for new rules? What the crazy idea? Could they simple to convert adventure from 3.5 format to ...
      Topic: Loans in Greyhawk

    Replies: 9
    Views: 6703

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:35 pm   Subject: Loans in Greyhawk
    I think 20% per year is so small for world like Greyhawk and for adventurers. Adventurers can be killed in any moment and who will repay loan?

    May be 20% per month is good number. It's good number ...
      Topic: Loans in Greyhawk

    Replies: 9
    Views: 6703

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:45 pm   Subject: Loans in Greyhawk

    I'm run game in Greyhawk (now PCs are in the Verbobonk viscounty). One of PCs was killed in the battle, and others PC decided to find cleric to resurrect him. But they are only 2-nd level party ...
      Topic: Iggwilv Who?

    Replies: 11
    Views: 6962

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:26 am   Subject: Iggwilv Who?
    I'd search these forums (above left). I recall some discussions about her being related to Baba Yaga.


    I'm Russian, and know Baba Yaga ( in Russian it means "Grandma Yaga" in the infa ...
      Topic: Holidays in Verbobonc

    Replies: 2
    Views: 4064

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 10:58 am   Subject: Holidays in Verbobonc
    Do any specific holidays exist in Verbobonc?
      Topic: Town Visengart

    Replies: 4
    Views: 5632

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 2:25 pm   Subject: Town Visengart

    Perhaps that town is the same as Celest from the Veluna site...

    No, Celest is on west from Iron Wood, in Veluna's land, Stefania's land li ...
      Topic: Town Visengart

    Replies: 4
    Views: 5632

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 2:20 pm   Subject: Re: Town Visengart
    The Journal of the Wanderer was developed several years ago by Triad members that are no longer around. We haven't used the town in our region and I wasn't familiar with it prior to this post. However ...
      Topic: Town Visengart

    Replies: 4
    Views: 5632

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 3:28 pm   Subject: Town Visengart
    In the "Journal of the Wanderer" from LGG Verbobonc site town Visengart is said. But the map from the same site does not cosist this town. This town should be somewhere near east side of Iron Wood in ...
      Topic: Barbarian Dwarven Clans in Verbobonc

    Replies: 5
    Views: 6962

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:35 am   Subject: Barbarian Dwarven Clans in Verbobonc
    What Dwarven Clan in the Verbobonc's part of Lortmil Mountains is appropriate for Dwarf Barbarian? Any official sources?
      Topic: Rastor and Reymond

    Replies: 2
    Views: 3565

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 4:04 pm   Subject: Rastor and Reymond
    Thanks Skech
      Topic: Rastor and Reymond

    Replies: 2
    Views: 3565

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:55 pm   Subject: Rastor and Reymond
    There are two towns, Rastor and Reymond, on the Greyhawk World map in Dungeon #119 near Verbobonk.

    In which adventures or other sources these towns appeared first time?
      Topic: Norker and Xvart

    Replies: 11
    Views: 7624

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 3:15 pm   Subject: Norker and Xvart
    I found that Citadel Miniatures made some Norkers and Xvarts, but can not find these figures in any internet shops.
      Topic: Norker and Xvart

    Replies: 11
    Views: 7624

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:48 pm   Subject: Norker and Xvart
    Do any minis for Norkers and Xvarts exist? If not, whcih minis are more close to them for conversion?
      Topic: Norker and Xvart

    Replies: 11
    Views: 7624

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:26 pm   Subject: Norker and Xvart
    Could somebody give me CR for Xvart from LGJ #1, please.
      Topic: Norker and Xvart

    Replies: 11
    Views: 7624

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 11:18 am   Subject: Norker and Xvart
    Data from EnWorld's Creature Catalog is differnet form Dungeon's one.
      Topic: Official Prestige classes, where are you

    Replies: 10
    Views: 12144

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:46 am   Subject: Official Prestige classes, where are you
    Hi, sorry but what us LGJ?

    On this page see "Special Features" on the left and select "The LGJ Index".
      Topic: Norker and Xvart

    Replies: 11
    Views: 7624

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 9:28 pm   Subject: Norker and Xvart
    I did not find these creatures in 3.5 MM,MM2(3.0),MM3 and FF.

    I have 1-st edition MM and MM2 and 2-nd edition MM and found that creatures are desribed in 1-st edition FF.

    Do any 3.5 or 3.0 stat ...
      Topic: Redistributing retired LGH modules ?

    Replies: 13
    Views: 10635

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 2:31 pm   Subject: Redistributing retired LGH modules ?
    Me too
    Vasiliy Shtykalo
      Topic: Verbobonk and outskirts

    Replies: 14
    Views: 13367

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:13 pm   Subject: Verbobonk and outskirts
    In the Oerth Journal #9 there are towns Oakham, Penwick, Korbin, Woodstock in the Verbobonc viscounty. Where author took these towns?
    From some sources (I did not find them in Vecna Lives, Fate of Is ...
      Topic: Confusion with Luna

    Replies: 9
    Views: 5702

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:49 pm   Subject: Confusion with Luna
    I don't want change nothing. But I like when things have common sense.
      Topic: Confusion with Luna

    Replies: 9
    Views: 5702

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:07 pm   Subject: Confusion with Luna
    but in the present day the common calendar is solar-based, divided by the agricultural festivals instead of the moon.

    No. Now calendar is Celena-based. Festivals are full phases of Celena. It's l ...
      Topic: Confusion with Luna

    Replies: 9
    Views: 5702

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 12:00 pm   Subject: Confusion with Luna
    You have to account for the –fests. Together they make up the 13th month.

    I know this. But anyway phases of Luna (with 13 cycles per year) do not coincide with the monthes. So full Luna will not ...
      Topic: Confusion with Luna

    Replies: 9
    Views: 5702

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:22 am   Subject: Confusion with Luna
    If Luna has cycle 28 days then she will in full phase 13 times in year, how it sorts with 12 monthes in Grehawk?
      Topic: Encounter tables in the World of Greyhawk

    Replies: 14
    Views: 12269

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:04 am   Subject: Encounter tables in the World of Greyhawk

    I'd like to ask question about your experience with this:

    In the 1983 box set there are encounter tables for different countries in Greyhawk. For example party of 1-st level can meet unit fro ...
      Topic: Let's be Frank

    Replies: 3
    Views: 3983

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 11:33 am   Subject: Let's be Frank
    You can see some ideas on the LG Verbobonk site. There are some traveller's guides or something like this in download section with viscount's history and current situation.
      Topic: Verbobonk and outskirts

    Replies: 14
    Views: 13367

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:47 am   Subject: Verbobonk and outskirts
    I can not open Oerth Journal links. What hte problem?
      Topic: Verbobonk and outskirts

    Replies: 14
    Views: 13367

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:53 am   Subject: Verbobonk and outskirts
    If you are interested, i could mail you a homemade map of Verbobonc. It is black and White but i like it much better than the map from Fate og Istus.

    Thanks, please send map to me.
      Topic: Verbobonk and outskirts

    Replies: 14
    Views: 13367

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:03 pm   Subject: Re: Online Map
    If you're looking for a map , there's a CC file here:


    But why in the Verbobonk description Coinage is different from Living Greyahwk Gazetteer ...
      Topic: Verbobonk and outskirts

    Replies: 14
    Views: 13367

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:25 pm   Subject: Verbobonk and outskirts

    Does any adventure or setting have a map of Verbobonk?

    The map from Dungeon magazine has helmets Tulvar, Hagthar, Rastor, Osnabrolt south of the Iron Forest. From which adventures these helme ...
      Topic: Maps and descriptions of Greyhawk Cities

    Replies: 12
    Views: 11088

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:09 pm   Subject: Maps and descriptions of Greyhawk Cities
    May be it is time to go from words to work?

    I can make some draft document by sources which I have.
      Topic: Weather in Greyhawk

    Replies: 9
    Views: 10332

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:04 pm   Subject: Weather in Greyhawk
    I saw "weather generator" model in Greyhawk World box set and simplified variant in "The adventure begin". Any other official variants?
    Which model you are using?
      Topic: Maps and descriptions of Greyhawk Cities

    Replies: 12
    Views: 11088

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:44 pm   Subject: Re: No
    But your best bet would probably be to buy Fate of Istus and The Adventure Begins to get the most maps for your money.

    I have almost all Greyhawk books. I need map index to know which additioanl ...
      Topic: Maps and descriptions of Greyhawk Cities

    Replies: 12
    Views: 11088

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:28 am   Subject: Maps and descriptions of Greyhawk Cities

    Different adventures and setting supplies of GHW contain maps and description of some Greyhawk cities. Can I find all reference on these materials in one document?

      Topic: "The Drow War" in Greyhawk

    Replies: 2
    Views: 3409

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:24 am   Subject: "The Drow War" in Greyhawk
    Does anybody has experience in the using this new adventure in the Greyhawk?
      Topic: Night Below in Greyhawk

    Replies: 27
    Views: 18841

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:30 pm   Subject: Re: Where to run it in Gamers Workshop?
    Seriously, the better place to search for this topic is the Greytalk Archives. There has been much discussion in the past about placing Night Below and you should find several feasible locations quick ...
      Topic: Night Below in Greyhawk

    Replies: 27
    Views: 18841

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:30 am   Subject: Night Below in Greyhawk

    Any ideas about where is good place to run Night Below in GW?

    I tried to use search on this forum but found nothing.

      Topic: Questions about Living Greyhawk series

    Replies: 0
    Views: 2268

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:48 pm   Subject: Questions about Living Greyhawk series
    Which module is number fourth in the "Bender" series, among BDK1-09, BDK2-03, BDK2-07, ??? , BDKI5-02?

      Topic: The ToEE, Veluna, and the VoM... Ivid confused...

    Replies: 7
    Views: 5657

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:03 am   Subject: The ToEE, Veluna, and the VoM... Ivid confused...
    If you can find the collected edition, it has a few transition encounters which are nice and somewhat downtime-ish.

    What is the A1-4 collection edition?
      Topic: Greyhawk World in the Dragon Magazine

    Replies: 8
    Views: 5844

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:22 pm   Subject: Greyhawk World in the Dragon Magazine

    I will enjoy. Thank you very much.
      Topic: Greyhawk World in the Dragon Magazine

    Replies: 8
    Views: 5844

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:35 am   Subject: Greyhawk World in the Dragon Magazine
    The best source (though a bit outdated) is Roger Moore's index here:

    Thanks, but I already saw this article. It's finishes at number 228.
      Topic: Greyhawk World in the Dragon Magazine

    Replies: 8
    Views: 5844

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:01 pm   Subject: Greyhawk World in the Dragon Magazine

    Where I can find bibliography of Dragon's articles (including not only old numbers), related to Greyhawk?

      Topic: Favorite Living Greyhawk Scenarios

    Replies: 19
    Views: 13848

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 10:33 am   Subject: Re: Here ya go
    basiliv, it is ADP1-08 Plea from Beyond the Grave by Nick Tulach. It is an old Adaptable from Year One, which might make it really hard to find.

    Not so really hard.
      Topic: "Gord the Rogue" boxed set

    Replies: 6
    Views: 4665

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 2:49 pm   Subject: "Gord the Rogue" boxed set
    I'm unaware of a "boxed set." I thought they sold separately. If there was a "boxed set," I'd guess it was just the New Infinities titles as the first two novels were published by TSR when EGG was s ...
      Topic: Dragon Mountain box set

    Replies: 15
    Views: 11248

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 1:52 pm   Subject: Re: Dragon Mountain box set
    I've run it in my home grown campaign, and it is a great adventure. IMHO the scenarios leading up to getting into the mountain itself are the best part, that and the confrontation with the Dragon. ...
      Topic: Dragon Mountain box set

    Replies: 15
    Views: 11248

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 7:32 pm   Subject: Dragon Mountain box set
    Is this adventure set in the Greyhawk World?
    If not, does somebody any opinion how to run it in the Greyhawk World?
      Topic: Known World

    Replies: 13
    Views: 7981

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 7:30 pm   Subject: Known World

    Sorry for beginner's question.

    I found mention about Known World setting in the old Dungeon magazines.
    What it is? Is this setting related to Greyhawk World?

      Topic: RPGA scenarios

    Replies: 10
    Views: 7203

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 11:44 am   Subject: RPGA scenarios
    If you happen to be resident of St. Petersburg, you could try to get into RopeCon ( since I believe at least train tickets might be reasonably priced between St. Petersburg-Hels ...
      Topic: RPGA scenarios

    Replies: 10
    Views: 7203

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 10:04 am   Subject: RPGA scenarios
    Hi, Simpi

    >Heck, my friend has scrounged the net for hundreds of them with suitable downloading programs.

    Could you ask your friend to share with me?

    >On a side note, does Russia have many pl ...
      Topic: "Gord the Rogue" boxed set

    Replies: 6
    Views: 4665

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 2:36 pm   Subject: "Gord the Rogue" boxed set

    May be somebody knows exactly how many books were in this box set: all 7 or only last 5?


      Topic: RPGA scenarios

    Replies: 10
    Views: 7203

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 4:18 pm   Subject: RPGA scenarios
    Which street? Wink

    Mail me.
      Topic: RPGA scenarios

    Replies: 10
    Views: 7203

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 7:26 am   Subject: RPGA scenarios
    I told with my freind from the Moscow. He said me terrible news. Evil pirates sell Living Greyhawk scenarios on CDs in the PDF format on the Moscow's streets! Almost any not only core, but regional mo ...
      Topic: The Fright at Tristor

    Replies: 1
    Views: 3014

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 7:02 am   Subject: The Fright at Tristor

    I bought this Living Greyhawk module. Are sequel modules exist? If so, can I buy these modules like first one?

      Topic: How to find Greyhawk DM?

    Replies: 0
    Views: 2359

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 4:09 pm   Subject: How to find Greyhawk DM?

    I'd like to play in Greyhawk (not Living Greyhawk) as a player. What is the best way to find Greyhawk's Dungeon Master near my locations (San Mate, San Francisco Bay Area)?

      Topic: Need a game

    Replies: 2
    Views: 3086

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:55 pm   Subject: Need a game
    I'm living in San Mateo, SF Bay area. I found one Living Greyhawk group in Oakland on internet.
      Topic: Maure Castle

    Replies: 3
    Views: 3498

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:52 pm   Subject: Maure Castle
    One more newcomer's question:

    Is the "Maure Castle" in the Dungeon 112 brand new 3.5 adventure, sequel of WG5, or it's only expanded remake of the WG5? Are these completely different adventures or ...
      Topic: RPGA scenarios

    Replies: 10
    Views: 7203

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 12:08 pm   Subject: RPGA scenarios
      Topic: RPGA scenarios

    Replies: 10
    Views: 7203

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 10:45 am   Subject: RPGA scenarios

    Sorry for newcomer's question.

    Are RPGA scenarios available for people, who do not participated in RPGA? If not, will early scenarios be available in nearest future?'

      Topic: Greyhawk Slavers

    Replies: 4
    Views: 4727

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 8:54 pm   Subject: Greyhawk Slavers

    What is "Slavers" - setting or adventure?

      Topic: Heroes of Battle - No GH - Don't Bother

    Replies: 14
    Views: 9931

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 12:42 pm   Subject: Re: Heroes of Battle - No GH - Don't Bother
    Heroes of Battle! PCs in the thick of combat, fighting for the cause, fighting for their lives! Sounds exciting, right? Sounds like a natural for Greyhawk what with the Greyhawk Wars and the region ...
      Topic: Hordes of monsters in AD&D modules

    Replies: 14
    Views: 8576

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 4:01 pm   Subject: Hordes of monsters in AD&D modules
    One more thing about this discussion.

    I'm totally new in D&D (only one adventure from starter box as DM) and need in the expert's advice.

    For the case with lots of Giants (EL17). This battle has ...
      Topic: Hordes of monsters in AD&D modules

    Replies: 14
    Views: 8576

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 1:49 pm   Subject: Hordes of monsters in AD&D modules
    [And all that is assuming you don't just adjust the numbers. As I mentioned, without leaders the hoard of CR 5 critters in D1 is EL 19. That means they would be near death for a party of 8 13th level ...
      Topic: Hordes of monsters in AD&D modules

    Replies: 14
    Views: 8576

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 9:47 am   Subject: Hordes of monsters in AD&D modules
    Nice idea, Cebrion

      Topic: Hordes of monsters in AD&D modules

    Replies: 14
    Views: 8576

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 3:56 pm   Subject: Hordes of monsters in AD&D modules

    I read A1-3, GDQ1-7.

    There are 40-80 monsters bands in these modules. It's not in spirit of 3.5e. Any ideas about this side of conversation?

      Topic: useful 3.5 accessories for Greyhawk

    Replies: 4
    Views: 5433

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 1:53 pm   Subject: useful 3.5 accessories for Greyhawk

    Now I am working on implementation T1-4, A1-3, GDQ1-7 in 3.5 version.
    Could somebody recommend any WoTC accessories which can be useful for this work? For example, I saw slavers spider ship in ...
      Topic: New Adventure: Dimensions Lost

    Replies: 4
    Views: 6687

    PostForum: Greyhawk- D&D 3.0e/3.5e/d20/Pathfinder   Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 3:41 pm   Subject: New Adventure: Dimensions Lost
    Thanks, Duicarthan

    My silly question - what means "for 6-th level PCs"? 4 or 6 PCs? It is question not only for this adventure, but for old adventures, like ToEE, too. What is the standrard number ...
      Topic: Official epic GH modules

    Replies: 7
    Views: 13983

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 10:04 am   Subject: Official epic GH modules

    But I meant after 20-th level, not 18-th.
      Topic: Official epic GH modules

    Replies: 7
    Views: 13983

    PostForum: Greyhawk- EpicHawk   Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:26 am   Subject: Official epic GH modules
    Are official epic GH modules exist?
      Topic: Soul Husk Module

    Replies: 9
    Views: 9300

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:25 am   Subject: Soul Husk Module
    Are official Living Greyhawk modules available for anybody (I mean for not LGC dungeon masters)?
      Topic: Adventure path in Greyhawk

    Replies: 2
    Views: 3705

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:16 pm   Subject: Adventure path in Greyhawk

    Where Adventure path from Dungeon magazine can be placed in Greyhawk?

      Topic: Trolls in Greyhawk

    Replies: 14
    Views: 8694

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:36 am   Subject: Trolls in Greyhawk

    Does troll have different species in GH (swamp, cave, forest e.t.c.) or not?

      Topic: Module Location's

    Replies: 8
    Views: 7270

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 2:44 pm   Subject: Module Location's
    Has anybody ideas how to link these modules in one campaign in Greyhawk?
      Topic: Sunless citadel updated for greyhawk? hELP!

    Replies: 15
    Views: 14124

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:14 am   Subject: Sunless citadel updated for greyhawk? hELP!
    "The Temple of Elemental Evil", "Scourge of the Slave Lords", and "Queen of Spiders" is a linked campaign in itself, with plenty of room to throw in a few smaller adventures in between.

    Cebrion, wh ...
      Topic: Greyhawk modules by years

    Replies: 3
    Views: 3126

    PostForum: World of Greyhawk Discussion   Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 5:28 pm   Subject: Greyhawk modules by years
    are you looking for campaign years that they were set in, or the real world years that they were published?

    Campaign years.
      Topic: All Grayhawk-compatible modules

    Replies: 3
    Views: 6998

    PostForum: Welcome to Greyhawk!   Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 2:25 pm   Subject: All Grayhawk-compatible modules

    Where I can find list of all existing Greyhawk-compatible modules, including modules from Dungeons, OJ e.t.c

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