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    Personal Information: Kirt

    Location: Sky Island, So Cal
    Occupation: Teacher
    Interests: Perrenland, Vesve, Furyondy, History of Sheldomar Valley

    My campaigns are multilayered tapestries upon which I texture themes and subject matter which, quite frankly, would simply be too strong for your hobbyist gamer.
    Actual User Status: Offline

    All Articles Posted by Kirt:
  • Expanded Druid Spell List for Rangers
  • Revised & Expanded Druid Spell List
  • Treasures of the Wegwuir
  • Revised Druid Spell List
  • Politics in Perrenland (with maps!)
  • Tal Aska - An Elven City in the Vesve
  • Prisoner of Darkness
  • Into the Heart of Darkness
  • Politics in Perrenland
  • The Abduction of Thrommel - Part V: A Summons From the King
  • The Abduction of Thrommel - Part IVb - Interlude with Carnail
  • A History of Government in Perrenland
  • The Abduction of Thrommel - Part IVa - Interlude with Kris
  • Meta-Analysis of sword and bow use in 1st & 2nd Ed.
  • Faroth - An Elven Character Class
  • The Abduction of Thrommel - Part III - The Chase
  • The Abyssal Plane of Tempest
  • Abduction of Thrommel - Part II: The Circus
  • The Abduction of Thrommel - Part I Prelude to Circus
  • Voices of the Dead: Part V. The Cult of Perren
  • Voices of the Dead - Part IV: The Rovers of the Barrens
  • Voices of the Dead III: The Wolf Nomads
  • Voices of the Dead: Part II (The Tiger Nomads)
  • Voices of the Dead: Part I (The Uli)
  • Brief History of the Knights of the Hart, Part 3 - Witch Queen, Demon Lord
  • Brief History of the Knights of the Hart, Part 2 - High Forest Branch (350-460)
  • Brief History of the Knights of the Hart, Part 1 - Origin and Founding
  • Elvish Class - The Arathalian
  • The Forging of Heroes: Arathalian Training in the Knights of the Hart
  • The Diggers: A Tritherite Anthem
  • The Religious History of Perrenland
  • Erevan's Plaques of Power (New Spell)

  • Last 10 Comments by Kirt:
  • Re: Revised & Expanded Druid Spell List
  • Re: Map of Glacial Flanaess
  • Re: Prisoner of Darkness
  • Re: Revised & Expanded Druid Spell List
  • Re: Politics in Perrenland (with maps!)
  • Re: Politics in Perrenland (with maps!)
  • Re: The Ballad of Jack Raptureweed
  • Re: Fashion in the Flanaess - Furs
  • Re: Fashion in the Flanaess - Furs
  • Re: Dahlver-nar

  • Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

    Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

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