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Greyhawk Wiki
    Personal Information: MerricB

    My HomePage:
    Location: Ballarat, Australia
    Occupation: Computer Programmer
    Interests: Roleplaying, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Computers, Choral Music

    Merric Blackman
    Actual User Status: Offline

    All Articles Posted by MerricB:
  • Madness Beneath the Flanaess
  • Updates on the Fhoi Myore Incursion – 592 CY
  • A Short Introduction to the World of Greyhawk - part 2
  • Personalities of Ulek - Derwa Leafsister
  • Characters of Jurnre and the County of Ulek
  • The Priests of Chaos and the Caves of the Unknown
  • An Overview of Cofston
  • The Spear and Shield of Ulek
  • The Shadow of Iuz
  • The Great Kingdom - Baron Malkonian
  • Faith in the County of Ulek - The Church of Ehlonna
  • Faith in the County of Ulek - The Church of Yondalla
  • On the Home Plane of the Fhoi Myore, and its Relationship to Oerth
  • The Dreamer-Minstrel and Others - Quasi Deities of Oerth
  • The Thieves of Mitrik - Arcus Stanton
  • Bardic Lore - The Fomorians
  • Bardic Lore - Secrets of the Elves
  • Bardic Lore - Riddles of the Maze
  • In the Court of the Count of Ulek - Knight-Marshal Lachlan
  • Bardic Lore - The Bardic Colleges
  • Guevera's Life Before Mitrik
  • Faiths of the County of Ulek
  • Bardic Lore - The Oracle of Istus
  • In the Court of the Count of Ulek - The Court Wizards of Ulek
  • A Short Introduction to the World of Greyhawk
  • Cirrem on the History of the Scarlet Brotherhood
  • Upon the True History of the Drow/Giant Incursion
  • The Dark Art of Subjective Divination
  • The Village of Skytree
  • The Secret Orders of Xan-Yae
  • The Knights-Errant of Heironeous
  • Bardic Lore - the Rainbow Portal
  • Bardic Lore - The Treasure of Acherak
  • Churches in the City of Greyhawk: Zilchus
  • Churches in the City of Greyhawk: Trithereon, Heironeous and Hextor
  • The Church of Xan-Yae in the City of Greyhawk

  • Last 10 Comments by MerricB:
  • Re: On the Formorians of the Flanaess: History, Culture and Nation
  • Re: Characters of Jurnre and the County of Ulek
  • Re: Characters of Jurnre and the County of Ulek
  • Re: Dungeons and Demographics
  • Re: Court Wizard Prestige Class 1st draft
  • Re: An Overview of Cofston
  • Re: On Thrommel's Abduction
  • Re: The Dreamer-Minstrel and others - Quasi Deities of Oerth
  • Re: The Knights-Errant of Heironeous
  • Re: Three Additional Spells by Evard

  • Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

    Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

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