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    Personal Information: Argon

    Location: New Jersey
    Actual User Status: Offline

    All Articles Posted by Argon:
  • Variant Rule Base Damage
  • Postfest XVII (Richfest 2012): Daan Rhuul Gharlaan Ac
  • Secret of the Runes IV
  • Postfest XVI(Needfest 2011): Psychic Phenomena of the Flanaess
  • The Secret of the Runes III
  • The Secret of the Runes II
  • Fighter Kits and Class Options Part 1
  • Postfest XV: All Dried Out, Part II
  • Postfest XV: All Dried Out, Part I
  • Postfest XIV(Richfest 2010):The Chanter of Spirits
  • Monastic Fighting Styles of the Flanaess
  • Postfest V: The Order of Keepers
  • Postfest IV: The Secrets of Runes
  • Postfest III: Nossin the Meek
  • Postfest II: Valley of the Mage I & Taryn-Nym
  • Postfest II: Valley of the Mage II
  • Postfest II: Valley of the Mage III
  • The Trolls of Oerth
  • The Gnomes of Oerth
  • The Elves of Oerth
  • The Dwarves of Oerth

  • Last 10 Comments by Argon:
  • Re: That Infamous Key
  • Re: Rockburg-on-the-Marsh Map
  • Re: Excerpts from the Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Gresil, TheDemon Lord of Demonic Lore
  • Re: Excerpts from the Demonomicon of Iggwilv: Ruzell (Lesser Demon)
  • Re: A history of religion in the Flanaess
  • Re: The Knot (Part Three)
  • Re: Omnipotent view - Bad news at home
  • Re: Omnipotent view - A day in the life of Bradus the bard
  • Re: Dawn of a New Age - CY 706
  • Re: Even the Undead can Know Fear

  • Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

    Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

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