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Erik Mona
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:01 pm  
Erik Mona

Other than editing for Dungeon, what is Erik up to in relation to writing things for Greyhawk. Also, what ever happened to some of the other classic Greyhawk writers (Roger E. Moore, Sean Reynolds, Gary Gygax, Frank Mentzer, etc.) and why haven't we seen their work in 3.5? As I thought that 3.5 was a reconciliation with the old timers.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jan 24, 2005
Posts: 25
From: Naples, Florida

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Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:37 pm  
Re: Erik Mona

kafka wrote:
Other than editing for Dungeon, what is Erik up to in relation to writing things for Greyhawk. Also, what ever happened to some of the other classic Greyhawk writers (Roger E. Moore, Sean Reynolds, Gary Gygax, Frank Mentzer, etc.) and why haven't we seen their work in 3.5? As I thought that 3.5 was a reconciliation with the old timers.

Erik still writes for Wizards of the Coast a little, though nothing specifically Greyhawk, aside from the rumored Expedition to Castle Greyhawk adventure a lot of people suspect will be coming later next year. He's also done a bit of work with some of the D20 publishers, though again, not Greyhawk specific.

Roger Moore, as far as I've heard, left the RPG industry and community altogether after being laid off by WotC 2 or 3 years ago.

Sean Reynolds still freelances for WotC, writes for Dungeon and Dragon magazines, including some Greyhawk stuff here and there over the last few years, as well as freelance work for different D20 publishers. He's got a website with some material and links and news to his projects:

Gary Gygax is mostly focusing on his Lejendary Adventures rpg these days, but also regularly freelances for Troll Lord Games, most of which is generic D20 material, but also includes the Castle Zagyg series of products, a few of which are out now and are genericized Greyhawk.

I don't know of any current projects Frank Mentzer is involved in, he and his wife own a bakery now, but he is a pretty frequent visitor to the forums at and happy to talk about his various past work.
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