Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:30 am
The Rules
The Rules for this forum are real simple...
1) no flaming... I have too much stress at work to put up with that on a forum,
2) Living Greyhawk has asked that we not use any of their material so please do not... Canon and fan work only please.
3) Even though these are only discussions... we are using them to plot out the project. Please take the extra minute to give credit where appropriate and cite the source you are using.
4) Please try to stay true to the topic. As you vary, please add a new thread.
5) For a detail of appropriate content, please see the Overview Thread. However, threads with even a cursory relation to Gran March are welcome. On Greytalk, for example, the discussion of Bissel's politics came up, and helped clarify some of the actions of the Knights of the Watch within the March. So, the more the merrier. Aunt Sadies garters would obviously be off topic.
Enough rules... we have a Federal Government for that.