Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:19 pm
PnP Style NWN Campaign
Sorry to make my first post on this forum a bit of shameless advertising, but I couldn't help myself. I promise I intend to do more here than just advertise, though ;)
I'm fairly new to Greyhawk, though I've been a D&D fan for some time.
Having procured the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer I got an itch to do some actual Greyhawk roleplaying, but at the moment I have no one to play PnP with, so I went for the next best thing. I began to build the Free City, based on the City of Greyhawk box set, but with some creative licence as was needed to make it work and fit my own tastes, in NWN. So far I have the slums and parts of the Foreign and Clerkberg/Artisan's Quarter. The Thieves Quarter is currently unnacessable due to my lack of content and RP reasons.
What I aim to do is hold a weekly session, in the vein of a PnP game. All classes and alignments will be allowed, the only thing I ask is that you don't make yourself too openly evil so as to bring down the party.
We'll feature plenty of RP, but at the heart of this, I think, is dungeon crawling. I'm trying my best to give it an old school feel, and I'm also planning on incorporating elements of Spelljammer and Ravenloft once the players have advanced to higher levels. So far I have four players.
At first it will be primarily dungeon crawling, but as the players advance into epic levels (which, mind you, will take some time) I aim to introduce war fare and the ability to build or win keeps.
So, would anyone here be interested in joining in? The first session is to be this Saturday at 8:00 PM eastern, server details will be provided at a later date, though both date and time can be changed if need be.
We're set in 591 CY, and I'm sticking fairly close to the canon, as is my preference with most things.
It requires SOTU and HOTU as well as CEP 2.2.
And yes, I do aim to build Castle Greyhawk - at some point.