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Armies of Greyhawk - Baklunish
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Adept Greytalker

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Tue Jul 12, 2022 3:24 pm  
Armies of Greyhawk - Baklunish

In today's blog post, I start a new series of articles on the Armies of Greyhawk, including not only orders of battle, but recommendations for miniatures for each nation.

I start off in the Baklunish West, and the goal is to cover the rest of the Flanaess region by region. Enjoy!

Joe / GG
Journeyman Greytalker

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Fri Jul 15, 2022 8:27 am  

Thanks so much. A big help.

Really looking forward to the one for Keoland / Sheldomar Valley.
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Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:11 am  

Joe this is a great initiative. I started putting together the numbers I found in the old Dragon magazines as well as the newer publications. If you are interested give me your Canonfire Discord handle and I will send you my excel sheet.
Richard Di Ioia (aka Longetalos)
Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Jul 22, 2022 10:55 am  

This is a nice (and attractive) presentation. The info' of the troops' appearance is helpful.

1) Could you discuss sources? How much of it comes from canonical sources, how much is historical analogue, and how much is judgment? This would be a chance to discuss your philosophy on such issues.

2) Your listings seem to be for 578 (al la the old Dragon articles. Any chance of continuing past 578?

3) Any relative ratings for skill, discipline, motivation, leadership (i.e., class, level, stats, morale ratings, etc)?

4) I assume most of the forces use the typical Arab rank system of 10 man squad led by an Areef, 100 man company led by a Naqeeb, etc?

5) I'm familiar with the Artaphads and Janasib Isles, but never heard of the Bakhoury Coast, Quayah-Bureis, Komal, and Mur. Apparently, they've been discussed for a while (i.e., 2004?):
(some of the links a dead)
Is Komal "Istustan"? Oracle of any sort would count as a "priestess of Istus", I suppose.

And there's more:

rasgon wrote:
Dragon #136 confirms that Mur is across the Dramidj Ocean from the Flanaess. See also this thread.

...I assume you meant Dungeon 136 (the ghwiki page on "Mur" lists Dungeon 136 as a source). I never got that one. Time to get cracking, I guess... Wink

I await the next article!
Adept Greytalker

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Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:23 am  

There's a new article in the series; this time doing part of the Great Kingdom:

Part 2 is coming out tomorrow, finishing off the Great Kingdom's satellite provinces.

jamesdglick wrote:
This is a nice (and attractive) presentation. The info' of the troops' appearance is helpful.

1) Could you discuss sources? How much of it comes from canonical sources, how much is historical analogue, and how much is judgment? This would be a chance to discuss your philosophy on such issues.

It would be impossible to footnote every number and detail. As a rule, I start with military info from the Guide (and later published works, if relevant), and Gary/Rob's Dragon articles were helpful in fleshing out details. Ultimately a lot of the fine detail is just what I thought made sense, but I try to take care not to contradict what's written. Sometimes, though, I've been known to make mistakes with these articles and miss something, so I'm not above going back and fixing the article and re-uploading it.

jamesdglick wrote:
2) Your listings seem to be for 578 (al la the old Dragon articles. Any chance of continuing past 578?

I've got an idea to continue the whole series of "Greyhawk's World" articles through 591 (which would take around 100 articles at 2 years per region per article), which would include this sort of material, but that'd be a huge project. If I live long enough, I'll get to it. :-)

jamesdglick wrote:
3) Any relative ratings for skill, discipline, motivation, leadership (i.e., class, level, stats, morale ratings, etc)?

There is a little of that in the next article on the Great Kingdom, where some troops are described as levies, elites, etc. but on the whole this is intended to be completely neutral system-wise, with only the barest mention of AD&D mechanics (giving class and level to leaders when mentioned).

However, once I'm done with these articles, there will be a single "Greyhawk Army List" document that will have a more comprehensive listing of troops types, weapons, morale, etc.

Hope that helps!

Joe / GG
Adept Greytalker

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Wed Aug 10, 2022 10:48 am  

Yesterday's blog post continues my series on the armies of Greyhawk. This week we have the northeast Flanaess.

Joe / GG
Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:21 pm  

GreyhawkGrognard wrote:
Yesterday's blog post continues my series on the armies of Greyhawk. This week we have the northeast Flanaess.

Joe / GG

Hello Joe
Congratulations on your work. I remember our founders were wargamers. I want to replay the "Greyhawk Wars" for a fresh start in Greyhawk. Do you think, from your efforts, to make rules for a new wargame?
Adept Greytalker

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Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:11 pm  

Docjacques wrote:

Hello Joe
Congratulations on your work. I remember our founders were wargamers. I want to replay the "Greyhawk Wars" for a fresh start in Greyhawk. Do you think, from your efforts, to make rules for a new wargame?

Thanks much! Yes, I am indeed working on some very simple wargame rules to play out some of the battles from Greyhawk (or anywhere else, for that matter). I'll be posting more about them either on the blog or the YouTube channel as they become more playable. I also bought a ton of minis at Historicon, and have hopes of painting up some armies. Would be great to bring them to cons.

For now, I have more Armies of Greyhawk for you. This time, the southwest Flanaess.


Joe / GG
Apprentice Greytalker

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Fri Aug 19, 2022 3:33 pm  

GreyhawkGrognard wrote:
Docjacques wrote:

Hello Joe
Congratulations on your work. I remember our founders were wargamers. I want to replay the "Greyhawk Wars" for a fresh start in Greyhawk. Do you think, from your efforts, to make rules for a new wargame?

Thanks much! Yes, I am indeed working on some very simple wargame rules to play out some of the battles from Greyhawk (or anywhere else, for that matter). I'll be posting more about them either on the blog or the YouTube channel as they become more playable. I also bought a ton of minis at Historicon, and have hopes of painting up some armies. Would be great to bring them to cons.

For now, I have more Armies of Greyhawk for you. This time, the southwest Flanaess.


Joe / GG

Kudos for your involvement. I am currently translating DRAGON articles concerning the beginnings of the Greyhawk Wars. This passage bothers me:
"Wolf Nomads: Following the rise in power of the humanoid hordes of the cambion, luz, the Wegwuir avoided the eare east of the Black Water, spending their aggressive energies upon the Tiger Nomads to the west and even moving south along the Sepia-Uplands to raid Perrenland. In the spring of 578, luz actually-sent an army into the north to take the poor town of Eru-Tovar, the only real city of the Wolf people, the pride of their Tarkhan. As fate would have it, the Chakyiks were themselves interested in a venture against Ekbir, so they were quite happy to conclude a treaty. This freed a horde of 20,000 Wolf Nomads to face the invaders. Tarkhan Bargru himself commanded the force, which consisted of some 2,000 armored lancers (medium cavalry), 10,000 light horsemen, 7,000 light horse-archers, and 1,000 armored crossbowmen on horseback."

Do you think it's a mistake between Chakyiks and Wegwiur or the Tiger Nomads join the Wolf Nomads?

Master Greytalker

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Sat Aug 20, 2022 4:52 am  

Docjacques wrote:
Kudos for your involvement. I am currently translating DRAGON articles concerning the beginnings of the Greyhawk Wars. This passage bothers me:
"Wolf Nomads: Following the rise in power of the humanoid hordes of the cambion, luz, the Wegwuir avoided the eare east of the Black Water, spending their aggressive energies upon the Tiger Nomads to the west and even moving south along the Sepia-Uplands to raid Perrenland. In the spring of 578, luz actually-sent an army into the north to take the poor town of Eru-Tovar, the only real city of the Wolf people, the pride of their Tarkhan. As fate would have it, the Chakyiks were themselves interested in a venture against Ekbir, so they were quite happy to conclude a treaty. This freed a horde of 20,000 Wolf Nomads to face the invaders. Tarkhan Bargru himself commanded the force, which consisted of some 2,000 armored lancers (medium cavalry), 10,000 light horsemen, 7,000 light horse-archers, and 1,000 armored crossbowmen on horseback."

Do you think it's a mistake between Chakyiks and Wegwiur or the Tiger Nomads join the Wolf Nomads?

It’s not a mistake. The Wolf Nomads (Wegwiur) had been warring with the Tiger Nomads (Chakyik) to the west. When Iuz marched on Eru-Tovar, the Wegwiur and Chakyik ceased their aggressions so the Wegwiur could return east to fight Iuz and the Chakyik could turn south against Ekbir.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:05 am  

DMPrata wrote:
Docjacques wrote:
Kudos for your involvement. I am currently translating DRAGON articles concerning the beginnings of the Greyhawk Wars. This passage bothers me:
"Wolf Nomads: Following the rise in power of the humanoid hordes of the cambion, luz, the Wegwuir avoided the eare east of the Black Water, spending their aggressive energies upon the Tiger Nomads to the west and even moving south along the Sepia-Uplands to raid Perrenland. In the spring of 578, luz actually-sent an army into the north to take the poor town of Eru-Tovar, the only real city of the Wolf people, the pride of their Tarkhan. As fate would have it, the Chakyiks were themselves interested in a venture against Ekbir, so they were quite happy to conclude a treaty. This freed a horde of 20,000 Wolf Nomads to face the invaders. Tarkhan Bargru himself commanded the force, which consisted of some 2,000 armored lancers (medium cavalry), 10,000 light horsemen, 7,000 light horse-archers, and 1,000 armored crossbowmen on horseback."

Do you think it's a mistake between Chakyiks and Wegwiur or the Tiger Nomads join the Wolf Nomads?

It’s not a mistake. The Wolf Nomads (Wegwiur) had been warring with the Tiger Nomads (Chakyik) to the west. When Iuz marched on Eru-Tovar, the Wegwiur and Chakyik ceased their aggressions so the Wegwiur could return east to fight Iuz and the Chakyik could turn south against Ekbir.

Thank you DM Prata. Like many French people, I have a poor knowledge of English. But I still don't understand why the language used on this forum is not French.
Jacques : Happy
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Sat Aug 20, 2022 8:08 pm  

I'm really enjoying this series. It really makes me nostalgic for my old 1E/2E Greyhawk war campaigns. Having troop breakdowns like this invaluable whether you do mini or abstract mass combat. Kudos, Joe!
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:23 am  

mortellan wrote:
I'm really enjoying this series. It really makes me nostalgic for my old 1E/2E Greyhawk war campaigns. Having troop breakdowns like this invaluable whether you do mini or abstract mass combat. Kudos, Joe!

I am currently reading your Greyhawkery Wars. These articles associated with the article of "Montand on Greytalk" open up many possibilities for me to evolve my campaign. More radically.
One question: Archmage Mortellan reminds me a lot of Mordenkainen. A coincidence ?
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