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PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 6:08 pm    Post subject:

Fan based resources:

- Oerth Journal #24 has an article on Hepmonaland.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:47 pm    Post subject: Hepmonaland

by Roxxifarius

Campaigning in this country is for DM who want to experience adventuring in a huge, wet jungle with access to ancient Aztec-like ruins. The ancient “Olman Empire” is believed to have originated in Hepmonaland before their fall from their height of power. Hepmonaland is less explored then the Amedio jungle and there are far fewer known settlements. One of the few known settlements in Hepmonaland is a fortress built by the Scarlet Brotherhood that they probably use to extend their influence as well as conduct trade in slaves as well as other goods.

A campaign set here could feature extreme weather, bad thunderstorms, very high humidity, diseases, as well as monsters and deadly plants that inhabit swamps or jungle habitats.

Country specific resources
- Dwellers in the Forbidden City (I1)
- Scarlet Brotherhood sourcebook (1999)

Adventures in this country include:
- Settlements found within this country consist of primitive humanoids that have devolved from a much more advance past, prior to a tragic event that brought low their ancestors.
- Prehistoric animals and monsters, such as dinosaurs and aberrations, can be encountered here.
- Insane wizards and alchemists can have secret laboratories here where they breed new creatures that are released into the jungle.
- The Pelisso swamp offers opportunities for exploration.
- Hepmonaland can be used as a penal colony for northern nations to place prisoners too dangerous to be kept in their native country.
- Slavers have settlements on the coast where they perform their exchanges with buyers away from interfering forces.
- Adventures set to recover rare plants and herbs can be set here.
- Ancient artifacts causing the numerous storms that regularly drench the jungle and swamps begin to malfunction.
- Characters can be shipwrecked on the shores and must survive in the hostile jungle until help can arrive.
- A rich noble can hire the characters to explore Hepmonaland to retrieve valuables or to stake a land claim.
- The Scarlet Brotherhood is getting many resources from Hepmonaland as well as conducting breeding experiments which could be reasons for adventures.
- Adventurers can deal with ancient races such as Yuan-ti.

Adventures in nearby areas include:
- Explore the islands of the Azure or Oljatt Sea.
- Hepmonaland extends far to the south and into unexplored bodies of water such as the Vohoun ocean.