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PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:53 pm    Post subject:

Fan based resources:

-Reflections in Silica by Erik Mona. Canonfire!
PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2020 7:59 pm    Post subject: Bright Lands (Empire of, desert)

by Amy "Theala Sildorian" Crittenden

Campaigning in the Empire of the Bright Lands is for DMs who want to run desert adventures with an Arabian feel, want to explore a devolving society, and enjoy exploring lost civilizations. The Bright Lands offers encounters with a trapped society of Suel who have degenerated from their Imperial glory, with a society of centaurs, dervishes, and opportunities for complex political intrigue.

The Bright Lands is set south of Greyhawk, and southeast of Hardby. The Duchy of Urnst lies to the north north-east. The Bright Lands is bordered by the Abbor-Alz and the Cairn Hills. There is very little access to water and resources in the desert, requiring players to think about routes and supplies. Rary the Traitor makes his home here, and there is ongoing conflict between his forces (led by Lord Robilar), the desert centaurs, the dervishes, and the tribesmen who live here. Intrigue between these power groups is possible. The Bright Lands is home to two lost civilizations: Ithar and Sulm. The Ghost Tower of Inverness is set here.

Country Specific Resources:
- WG7 Rary the Traitor(1992): Geography, history, and peoples of the Bright Desert
- Ghazal by David Howery (1991). Dungeon 30, pp. 22-30, 40.
- Into the Bright Desert. Living Greyhawk Journal #21 / Dungeon Magazine #98.
- Denizens of the Bright Desert: Living Greyhawk Journal #22 / Dungeon #103.
- Castle Karistyne by Stewart Kerrigan and Patel Looby. Mysterious Places.
-The Brightlands: Palace of Shattados, Last Sorceror King of Sulm.

Adventures in the country include:
- Spy on the plans of Rary the Traitor for Lady Karistayne
- Ally with the desert centaurs against Rary and Robilar
- Investigating the lost kingdoms of Sulm or Ithtar
- Explore the C2 Ghost Tower of Inverness
- Defeat raiders or slavers of the desert
- Defeat Volte, a powerful blue dragon
- Hill adventures in the Abbor-Alz mountains.

Adventures in nearby areas include:
- City adventures in Hardby
- Maritime adventures in Wooly Bay and the Sea of Gearnat.
- Swamp adventures in the Gnatmarsh