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The Arcane Smithy P-Class
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Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:29 am  
The Arcane Smithy P-Class

I came up with this one for a noble lockpicker, it looks like a fun one I'm liking it. But Please shred me up and let me know what's wrong.

The Arcane Smithy
Arcane Smithy’s are masters of locks and traps both mechanical and magical. There is no trap or lock which they can not create or bypass (given enough time of course.)

Class Requirements:

The Arcane Smithy must fulfill the following criteria.


10 Ranks in Locksmith
10 Ranks in Trapsmith
10 Ranks in Disable Device
10 Ranks in Open Locks


The ability to cast Knock, Arcane Lock, and Alarm.


Trapfinding as a class feature.

Class Features

Weapons and Armor:

Arcane Smithy’s gain no proficiency in any new weapons or armor.

Class Skills:

Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge (all taken individually), Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Profession, Sense Motive, Search, Slight of Hand, Spellcraft, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, and Use Rope.

Skill Points at Each Level:
4 + Int modifier

Spells per day:

When an Arcane Smithy gains a new level the character gains new spells as if he had also gained a level in a spell casting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not however gain any other benefit a character a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of rebuking or controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic feats, and so on), except for increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming an Arcane Smithy, he must decide which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.

Hit Die:


This ability allows an Arcane Smithy to disable device or open lock as a standard action so long as a take 20 check would succeed (even in the case of a trap which you normally can not take 20 on), and for lack of a better description this is an extraordinary ability similar to “The Fonz” bumping a jukebox. This ability can even be used shackled.
At 1st Level an Arcane Smithy can use this ability to disable device or open lock 1x/day
At 4th Level an Arcane Smithy can use this ability to disable device or open lock 2x/day
At 8th Level an Arcane Smithy can use this ability to disable device or open lock 3x/day

Skill Bonus’:

At 2nd level an Arcane Smithy gains a +2 insight bonus on Open lock Checks
At 5th level an Arcane Smithy gains a +2 insight bonus on Search Checks
At 7th level an Arcane Smithy gains a +2 insight bonus on Disable Device checks
At 9th Level an Arcane Smithy gains a total of a +3 insight bonus to Open Locks, Disable Device, and Search.

Uncanny Dodge:

At 3rd Level an Arcane Smithy gains Uncanny Dodge
If an Arcane Smithy already has Uncanny Dodge from another class he automatically gets Improved Uncanny Dodge instead.

Trap Sense:

At 2nd Level an Arcane Smithy gains Trap Sense +1
This stacks with Trap Sense from any other class.
At 6th Level an Arcane Smithy gains Trap Sense +2
This stacks with Trap Sense from any other class.
At 10th Level an Arcane Smithy gains Trap Sense +3
This stacks with Trap Sense from any other class.

Improved Search:

At 2nd Level the Arcane Smithy gains the extraordinary ability to notice Secret Doors by passing within 5 feet as a free action similar to the elven ability.
At 5th Level the Arcane Smithy gains the extraordinary ability to notice Traps by coming within 5 feet as a free action similar to the elven ability.
At 10th Level the Arcane Smithy gains the extraordinary ability to notice traps or secret doors within 10 feet as a free action.

Level Attack Fort Ref Will Special Spells
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Unhinge Locks & Traps 1/day +1 Level Arcane Casting Class

2 +1 +0 +3 +3 +2 to Open Locks and Improved Search Secret Doors +1 Level Arcane Casting Class

3 +1 +1 +3 +3 Uncanny Dodge and Trap Sense +1 +1 Level Arcane Casting Class

4 +2 +1 +4 +4 Unhinge Locks and Traps 2/day +1 Level Arcane Casting Class

5 +2 +1 +4 +4 +2 to Search Checks and Improved Search Traps +1 Level Arcane Casting Class

6 +3 +2 +5 +5 Trap Sense +2 +1 Level Arcane Casting Class

7 +3 +2 +5 +5 +2 to Disable Device +1 Level Arcane Casting Class

8 +4 +2 +6 +6 Unhinge Traps and Locks 3/day +1 Level Arcane Casting Class

9 +4 +3 +6 +6 +3 to Open Locks, Search, and Disable Device +1 Level Arcane Casting Class

10 +5 +3 +7 +7 Improved Search up to 10 feet and Trap Sense +3 +1 Level Arcane Casting Class
Mad Archmage of the Oerth Journal

Joined: Dec 09, 2002
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Sat Jun 18, 2005 3:59 pm  

Sorry for taking so long to reply here.

I see the Arcane Smithy as something of a mix of the Arcane Trickster and the Dungeon Delver in a way but more to a cityscape.

However, I think it would be more interesting if you focused more on the craft skills for them and the creation of magical locks and lockpicks, tools and such.

The Arcane Smithy could even be explanded by a few changes. First don't require Trapfinding or certain spells b/c if thats the way they are going they will have those abilities anyways.

Requirements like ...
1.) Craft (Weaponsmithing, Locksmithing, Insert craft here are more applicable.)
2.) would be Create Wondrous Item or Craft Magic Arms and Armor.
3.) would be the ability to cast 2nd or 3rd level spells

Your idea is wonderful but it has more potential than you think. Also the crafter should be awarded XP in some way that excludes combat. Bartering, Appraisal, and Identification of magic items or specific tools/ elements is a good way to do this.

Also Unhinge could also be more of a practicality, change the name to Unhinged Knowledge and you're gtg. Just transfer the skills to the appropriate need.

Anyway, I do really like the idea of this and I hope you like my suggestions on a little rebuild and expansion on it. Good work! =)
-Rick "Duicarthan" Miller
Editor-in-Chief, Oerth Journal
Apprentice Greytalker

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Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:47 pm  
Arcane Ward Master

I revamped the Arcane Smithy Idea into a what I belive is the ideal class for him. Turns out there are some similar feats in magic ebberon (I belive) that are similar to the craftmaster abilities I came up with just less specific than mine.

The Arcane Ward Master

Arcane Ward Master's are masters of locks and traps both mechanical and magical. There is no trap or lock, which they cannot create or bypass (given enough time of course.)

Class Requirements:

The Arcane Ward Master must fulfill the following criteria.

7 Ranks in Craft (Locksmith)
7 Ranks in Craft (Trapsmith)
7 Ranks in Disable Device
7 Ranks in Open Locks
7 Ranks in Spellcraft
7Ranks in Knowledge: Arcane

The ability to cast Knock, Arcane Lock, & Alarm.

Trapfinding as a class feature
Trapsense of +1 or greater
Craft Wondrous Item

Class Features:

Weapons and Armor:
Arcane Ward Master's gain no proficiency in any new weapons or armor.

Class Skills:
Appraise, Balance, Climb, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (all taken individually), Decipher Script, Disable Device, Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge (all taken individually), Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Slight of Hand, Speaklanguage, Spellcraft, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, and Use Rope.

Skill Points at Each Level:
4 + Int modifier

Spells per day:
When an Arcane Ward Master gains a new level the character gains new spells as if he had also gained a level in a spell casting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not however gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (improved chance of rebuking or controlling or rebuking undead, metamagic feats, and so on), except for increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming an Arcane Ward Master, he must decide which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day.

Hit Die:

Craft Skill Bonus:
Beginning at 1st level an Arcane Ward Master adds his class level to all locksmith & trapsmith checks.

Ward Craftmaster:
Beginning at 1st level the Arcane Ward Master spends only one day per 2000 gold of the base price when crafting magic wards. When the Arcane Ward Master makes a trapsmih or locksmith craft check to determine the length of time required to craft a trap or lock the silver or copper result is doubled.
At 3rd level the Arcane Ward Master pays only one-fiftieth the base price in XP when crafting magic wards.
At 5th level an Arcane Ward Master pays only one-quarter the base price in gold when crafting wards.

Wards created with the arcane ward creation abilities must be of the form of ward. A typical list of items that the Arcane Ward Master might create includes: All traps, all locks, all cursed items, amulet of proof against detection, brooch of shielding, chimes of opening, dimensional shackles, iron bands of bilarro, iron flask, rope of entanglement, stone of alarm, and vest of escape. Do not consider this a complete list, as there is no complete list of magical items it grows endlessly. Instead just remember that wards created by an Arcane Ward Master are generally for protection or entrapment.

This ability allows an Arcane Ward Master to make a disable device or open lock check as a standard action without requiring a concentration check or provoking and attack of opprotunity in combat. This is an extraordinary ability and can even be used shackled or otherwise physically bound by magic or mechanical devices.

At 2nd Level an Arcane Ward Master can use this ability 1x/day
At 4th Level an Arcane Ward Master can use this ability 2x/day

Level Base Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Ward Craft Skill Bonus
Ward Craftmaster (Less Time)
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Unhinge 1x/day
+1 Level Arcane Casting Class
3 +1 +1 +3 +3 Ward Craftmaster (XP cost)
+1 Level Arcane Casting Class
4 +2 +1 +4 +4 Unhinge 2x/day
+1 Level Arcane Casting Class
5 +2 +2 +4 +4 Craftmaster (Gold Cost)
+1 Level Arcane Casting Class
Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:58 am  

Much better name. Much more apt description of the class features of this master of locks and traps.

Your current skill set makes the Arcane Ward Master not only into a master of locks and traps, but also a master of spying, cat-buglary, and assassination. You need to tighten up the focus of the skill set.

Not sure why a lock and trap master needs to know how to use the Speak Language skill, as talking to locks and traps does not seem to be a likely past time, nore does it suit the class. Balance seems unnessesary to the skill set of the class, as narrow ledges, walls, and tightropes are not the place to find or install most locks or traps. Locks and traps are highly resistant to Bluff- nuff' said. Not much need to Decipher Script. Won't be Gathering Information from locks and traps, or from anybody more likely to know about them or anything else than yourself. Nobody should ever be heard to say "We need info on the King's missing daughter! I know, lets go see the Arcane Ward Master because he specializes in locks and traps! He also just happens to know almost EVERYHTHING!"- that is what bards and spymasters are for. Sense Motive- once again it doesn't apply to what the class is supposed to be about. Slight of hand doesn't apply either. Move Silently and Hide are kinda iffy, but considering what the class does(breaks into places usually) they sound probable. The others make sense enough considering the class's background and purpose.

I'd ammend the list to the following.

Class Skills:
Appraise, Climb, Concentration, Craft (all taken individually), Disable Device, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Profession, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, and Use Rope.

Interesting class idea. Definitely NOT a person's house I would want to be breaking into as a thief character.
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Adept Greytalker

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Tue Nov 08, 2005 12:42 pm  

Nice class. Perfect for followers of Dalt.
Apprentice Greytalker

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Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:55 pm  

Thanks, I agree this one is much better. As for the skills, while he may have that huge skill list available he only gets 4 skill points. That's the balancing factor IMHO He's got a lot of options to go in differnt directions but cant actually go in nearly as many as a true rouge.
Black Hand of Oblivion

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
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Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:00 pm  

The balancing factor that is built into the skill system is the Class Skill/ Non-Class Skill dynamic. Skills should be included in a class list because they are representative of it, and not for any other reason. Prestige classes are supposed to be specialized, grant very specific special abilities that puts the character ahead of any other with regard to the specialty, but prestige classes also serve to make a character limited by their specialization. Having to pay 2 points for 1 rank in a skill, and be limited to fewer ranks in a non-class skill- that is balance.

At the very least, give reasons for the skills that seem odd in the background of the prestige class. For example:

"Arcane ward master guilds provide services throughout the lands of the Flanaess, though their guilds are few and scattered. The prices the guild commands for its services causes 's the guild to send its membership far and wide to not only provide their services, but to convince new customers of the need for their services. Learning languages is encouraged among guild members, as the guild has come to find that the using the Common tongue for business dealings merely puts them in a class with the average merchant, while speaking the local tongue invites more trust and respect from those they deal with.

Arcane ward masters are highly sought after by nobles to protect their homes from thieves. Consequently, arcane ward master guilds hold a place of importance among the wealthy, who not only pay exorbitant sums to have their valuables protected by the guild, but also from the guild's membership itself.

Many are the guild's members who gain new customers by breaking into supposedly thief-proof locations and stealing what valuables they can, all with the purpose of returning to such locations to offer their owners the arcane ward master's services..."

Though I still see the reason for Speak languages as being kind of iffy, at least there is one. Sleight of hand, balance, bluff, and decipher script are more difficult to explain away, though going along with my above description you can almost see gather information making sense, as the arcane ward masters are known for scoping out their marks/customers.

Rather than increase the skill list, focus more on what makes your prestige class unique. These guys are masters of traps and locks right? How about adding the ability of lessening the amount of the time it takes them to pick a lock or disarm a trap? For example:

Trap Mastery: At first level, an arcane ward master may disable a simple device as a move equivalent action rather than as a full action. At 4th level he may disable a tricky device as a full round action instead of in 1d4 rounds. At 8th level he may disable a difficult or wicked device in only 1d4 rounds instead of 2d4 rounds.

Lock Mastery: At 1st level the arcane ward master may open a very simple or average lock as a move equivalent action instead of taking a full round, At 4th level he may open a good lock as a move equivalent action. At 8th level he may open an amazing lock as a move equivalent action.

Nerves of Steel: The arcane ward master may choose to take 10 when attempting to use either the Disable Device or Open Lock skills, even in stressful situations. If the arcane ward master is high enough level that the device or lock could normally be manipulated in half the amount of time due to the Trap Mastery or Lock Mastery abilities, the time for taking 10 is also halved (5 rounds respectively).

These would be much better abilities to give the arcane ward master prestige class, rather than assign it extra class skills that are not very suitable for them.
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