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D&D spells in Hero System?
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Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Nov 11, 2003
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From: The Nexus

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Mon May 16, 2005 5:41 pm  
D&D spells in Hero System?

Does anyone know if anyone has ever converted D&D spells (any system, but especially 3.5) to the Hero System? Usually I run spells from D&D modules in Hero on the fly, but I'm working on a couple of character conversions I hope to put up on my web page, and I'm curious to see how others have done it.

Black Hand of Oblivion

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Tue May 17, 2005 12:09 am  

Holy crap! That's a blast from the past!

Well, I can't believe I actually found my Fantasy HERO character sheets. I wouldn't call all of these conversions, but here are some spells that I used:

Energy Drain: 2d6 END drain, MR: -2, 1/2 PH, End: 2, Cost: 4.

Wind Riding: 10" flight(1/2 End), MR: -2, 1/2 PH, End: 1, Cost: 5.

Fog Call: 2" darkness(vs. normal sight, personal immunity), MR: -2, 1/2 PH, End: 2, Cost: 5.

Storm Wind: 20 STR telekenesis, MR: -2, 1/2 PH, End: 3, Cost: 6.

Lightning Strike: 1d6+1 RKA(indirect, no range modifier, armor piercing), MR: -4, 1/2 PH, End: 4, Cost: 9.

Fresh Air: 5pt. life support, MR: -1, 0 PH, End 1, Cost: 1.

Guardian Wind: Missile Deflection at +5, MR: -4, 1/2 PH, End: 4, Cost: 10.

That is just a small selection. The Fantasy HERO system has it's merits. I can barely remember what all this means, so hopefully it will make sense to you.
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Journeyman Greytalker

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Thu May 19, 2005 5:46 am  

Cebrion wrote:
Holy crap! That's a blast from the past!

Well, I can't believe I actually found my Fantasy HERO character sheets. I wouldn't call all of these conversions, but here are some spells that I used:

Energy Drain: 2d6 END drain, MR: -2, 1/2 PH, End: 2, Cost: 4.

Wind Riding: 10" flight(1/2 End), MR: -2, 1/2 PH, End: 1, Cost: 5.

Fog Call: 2" darkness(vs. normal sight, personal immunity), MR: -2, 1/2 PH, End: 2, Cost: 5.

Storm Wind: 20 STR telekenesis, MR: -2, 1/2 PH, End: 3, Cost: 6.

Lightning Strike: 1d6+1 RKA(indirect, no range modifier, armor piercing), MR: -4, 1/2 PH, End: 4, Cost: 9.

Fresh Air: 5pt. life support, MR: -1, 0 PH, End 1, Cost: 1.

Guardian Wind: Missile Deflection at +5, MR: -4, 1/2 PH, End: 4, Cost: 10.

That is just a small selection. The Fantasy HERO system has it's merits. I can barely remember what all this means, so hopefully it will make sense to you.

Thanks for sharing Happy. I always enjoy seeing how other people would convert things--it often sparks new ideas or points out things I've overlooked.

Apprentice Greytalker

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Thu May 19, 2005 9:57 am  

I've toyed with it before, always eventually deciding that it was too much work for the benefit, and that the final outcome was still not close enough to the D&D spells in effect or feel to justify the effort.

For example, spells that increase in effect dramatically with caster level, such as Fireball, can't easily be recreated. You could have all spells in a big VPP, and increase the total points available for powers in it, and have individual spells be powers available in the VPP, but Special Powers aren't allowed in VPPs, and several D&D spells can only be simulated by special powers (Clairvoyance to Clairsentience, for example). So then you'd have to have some spells as independent powers, which is expensive and in-elegant.

Then there's some spells that just don't fit any powers well (Wish), or are very expensive for relatively small efect.

I always came to the conclusion that making my own selection of spells was best, similar to Cebrion's list.
Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Nov 11, 2003
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From: The Nexus

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Fri May 20, 2005 8:30 am  

Bedivere wrote:
I've toyed with it before, always eventually deciding that it was too much work for the benefit, and that the final outcome was still not close enough to the D&D spells in effect or feel to justify the effort.

For example, spells that increase in effect dramatically with caster level, such as Fireball, can't easily be recreated. You could have all spells in a big VPP, and increase the total points available for powers in it, and have individual spells be powers available in the VPP, but Special Powers aren't allowed in VPPs, and several D&D spells can only be simulated by special powers (Clairvoyance to Clairsentience, for example). So then you'd have to have some spells as independent powers, which is expensive and in-elegant.

Then there's some spells that just don't fit any powers well (Wish), or are very expensive for relatively small efect.

I always came to the conclusion that making my own selection of spells was best, similar to Cebrion's list.

Too right! I've converted a few AD&D spells here and there, but I usually only take the time and effort if it's for a character I'm developing for play. And even then, I try to stick to simple ones--tricky ones risk ending up a confusing mess. I've been tyring to figure out the best way to convert Mind Blank into Hero terms on the Hero Games website--got lots of great ideas, but some passionately conflicting points of view over which Powers to use. I really wanted to use Invisiblity, but getting the mechanics right got too involved and I will probably say to heck with it and just go with lots of Mental Defense.

Now I'm working on converting some 2nd ed Ranger spells and 3.5e Crystalmancy spells for a Ranger/Wizard I'm developing as well as coming up with a spell list for a conversion of Erac's Cousin I'm working on. He'll be a bear: as a 16th level wizard he's got a lot to choose from. I think instead of going with a VPP (since you can't use Special Powers as you accurately pointed out), I'll use the rules from the Turakian Age (the new FH default setting) that allow spellcasters to further divide their Real Costs by 3 as long as they don't use a Power Framework.

Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jul 22, 2005
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Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:21 pm  

I tried doing spells under Champions I, Revised Champions and old Fantasy Hero 1st ed and 2nd Ed Spells. We found that using some base disadvantages and assumptions which were later incorporated into Hero System rules could really cheapen the costs. Spells in Hero System had these qualities.

Gestures - Spells with a V meant to opponents what you were up to. At least to experience oponents.

Incantations - Spells with an S were likewise

FOCI - Spells with an M were considered always considered Accessible Foci, Obvious or Inobvious determined by the component

Extra Time - Any spell with a casting time greater than 1 segment got the extra time disad. 1st ed ADND rounds were 1 minute long, composed of 10 segments, so each was 6 seconds long (perfect for SPD 2 characters). So anything that took more than 1 segment took extra time to cast/manifest. Even though 3rd Ed rounds are only 6 seconds long, you could make spells that are 1 full round or longer to cast get this.
In addition, there was additional prep time of meditating/resting attempt to regain spells.

Taking Damage:I don't have the Hero rules in front of me, but there was a way you another disad for for losing the spell by taking damage. In 1/2ed you lost the spell entirely. In 3rd ed, you make the Concentration Roll to try to retain.

0 or 1/2 DCV while casting. In 1/2ed you could not move effectively while casting.

Minimum Stat requirements to learn the spell (What INT do you need to learn prismatic sphere...)

Casting Damage/END reserve. 1st ed DMG made reference about trying to cast spells on the fly on your own would kill your character. A quote from the DMG:
"Release of word/sound-stored energy is not particularly debilitating to
the spell caster, as he or she has gathered this energy over a course of
time prior to the loosing of the power. It comes from outside the spell
caster, not from his or her own vital essence. The power to activate even
a first level spell would leave a spell caster weak and shaking if it were
drawn from his or her personal energy, and a third level spell would
most certainly totally drain the caster’s body of life!"

I don't have the spellsheet in front of me either, but I was very proud over the fact I got Astral Spell down to 29 points and Prismatic Sphere down to 78 points.

Joined: Jul 05, 2001
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From: Hool Marsh

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Tue Aug 22, 2006 3:37 pm  
Re: D&D spells in Hero System?

Theala_Sildorian wrote:
Does anyone know if anyone has ever converted D&D spells (any system, but especially 3.5) to the Hero System? Usually I run spells from D&D modules in Hero on the fly, but I'm working on a couple of character conversions I hope to put up on my web page, and I'm curious to see how others have done it.


Hoooooooo boy are you gonna love this site then. Killer Shrike has an Absolutly AMAZING Fantasy HERO site with a MASSIVE D&D3E conversion. And not only 3E but a ton of AD&D2E material as well.

Spells, Feats, Races, Items its all there. I suspect its just what you are looking for Theala

Conversion Notes on how you can convert anything from 3E to HERO.

Now you can scroll down that page he has setup there and you will come to the listing of classes. Click on any of the spell casting Classes and you will be taken to a new page with Packages to create said class, as well as links to a HUGE list of spells. Spells from 3E, 2E, 1E, Hackmaster, you name it.

Killershrike has renamed some of the Domains or Diciplines of the spells. And he calls the D&D Magic system "Vancian" (which is it) but you will soon get the idea.

If you have any questions I'd say make a post with Killer Shrike in the subject line over at the HERO site on the FantasyHERO forum. I'm sure he or someone else would be happy to answer your questions. The FantasyHERO brd link is below.
Name: Thuffer Mudfoot, Hobniz of the Yeomanry<br />Occupation: Hool Marsh Poa... er Trapper<br />A.K.A: Gwarh (on pretty much every other msgbrd)
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