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The Temple of Lothan & Pelor in Almor
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Feb 13, 2020
Posts: 43
From: Emigre from Mystara

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Fri Sep 16, 2022 8:53 pm  
The Temple of Lothan & Pelor in Almor

Yet again some posts in the CanonFire Discord deserve preserving for posterity (the Zavoda Principle).
Stu of Onwaal asked “Who or what exactly is Lothan/the Temple of Lothan?”
Pluffet Smudger replied:
“Lothan was an Oeridian priest who centuries ago popularized the idea among the Aerdi that the Flan god Pelor was in fact the same being as the Aerdi Sun God, Sol. Lothan claimed that the god himself appeared to him and revealed this fact at a place near the banks of the Thelly River and the Thelwood. Lothan preached the doctrine of Sol Incarnate, the idea that the Sun had taken human form and was the same as Pelor. The faith became popular, even common in the Great Kingdom, especially among the Cranden, elements of the Rax, and of the Garasteth. A Grand Prince of the Cranden later founded the province of Almor and dedicated it to Pelor, though it would be open to all goodly faiths.

The temple of Lothan was built in the outskirts north of the city of Rel Deven, as a place of pilgrimage. It contained the holiest texts of Pelor that his priests could assemble. It later became the resting of the Orb of Sol, one of the greatest relics of the Aerdi.”
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Feb 13, 2020
Posts: 43
From: Emigre from Mystara

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Fri Sep 16, 2022 8:59 pm  

Follow up info from Pluffet:
The Temple is a ruin. Destroyed by the Death Knights and the release of the Spawn of Demogorgon in 203 or 204 CY.
It has not been rebuilt as it is … tainted.
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