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Greyhawkers Will Argue Over Anything or Nothing
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Grandmaster Greytalker

Joined: Aug 05, 2004
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Sun May 15, 2005 6:18 pm  
Greyhawkers Will Argue Over Anything or Nothing

I can't bring myself to post in the main forum on the "disaster threads" as I've become paranoid that whatever I say will get misconstrued somehow and I really don't want to get dragged into a flamewar, at least one not of my own making. It seems the proto-flames suck the meaning out of any post to feed the rising pyre. Whatever you post, it'll get turned into fuel for the flames, no matter how hard you to try to avoid this - by being positive or by adding disclaimers or explainations.

If Greyhawk had been invented in 1877, there would have been no Greyhawkers by 1880 as they would have all shot each other dead - the last Greyhawker dying in an argument with himself that lead to a self-inflicted wound. His last words - "That'll teach 'em."

Greyhawkers will argue over anything or nothing. And if there is nothing to argue about, they'll make something up. Likely someone reading this is thinking to him or her self - "That so and so; 1880 my butt; its 1882, I tell you!"

UGH! Embarassed

PS - Yeah. I know. Wee Jas. And so it goes. Confused
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Mon May 16, 2005 9:04 am  

LOL Happy
Apprentice Greytalker

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Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:17 pm  

This is so true that it is sad. Everyone has thier own personal greyhawk in my oppinion, the way THEY like it and i dont think that anyone should interfere with that. From the way greyhawk is loved these days its a very personal experience and should be kept so.
The arguing is stupid. Maybe why i fled greychat for a while.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Aug 10, 2003
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Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:22 pm  
Greyhawkers will argue over anything or nothing.

"Greyhawkers will argue over anything or nothing."

No we won't!

Seriously, this is a natural problem when the common thread we all have is a world based on old out of print products and fan based materials. There is naturally going to be some 'pet theories' out there that people do not want to give up or will argue about. Creating controversy is a way to keep things alive for some. Nothing particularly wrong with that, so long as it does not cross the line from disagreement to disrespect.

I prefer to just post my ideas as they come and every now and then throw in my two coppers worth. BTJM

Journeyman Greytalker

Joined: Jul 24, 2003
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Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:24 am  

Although this thread is a fairly dead one (last post being back in August 2005) I'm afraid I'd have to agree with the subject.

Controversy is a good method of generating interst, as O-D mentioned, however it is also a great way to drive folks off. I know that, for myself, it is one of the reasons I have been largely absent from the forums and Greychat for the last year and it has added to my lack of contributions to the site. Why post something when you know folks are just going to hack it up?

I suspect I'm not alone in this. Too bad the other folks who feel this way have probably just left out of frustration. Sad
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