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Epic Hawk adventures
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Oct 23, 2004
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Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:28 pm  
Epic Hawk adventures

What non Greyhawk adventures could be considered Epic Hawk that we could steal from other game milieus or even better other I am thinking that most of Mongoose's Conan stuff could be liberated.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Feb 18, 2002
Posts: 59
From: Baltimore, MD, USA

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Thu Nov 23, 2006 9:04 pm  

The problem is that there are not enough Epic level adventures to begin with. So it is hard to find things to adapt. But yes, if anyone knows of 3rd party stuff they would adapt, please post about it. What would you say would be a good Conan source for me to start with looking at - is it Epic or near it, or does it need to be scaled up?

As for me, I think Chaos Rising from Necromancer Games works. The author is a Hawk fan, and it takes place through time traveling, so it works with a Greyhawk past. It needs to be scaled up quite a bit, but doe include facing off with Juiblex, so it will ultimately work out. And it includes racing against another party, so they can be upgraded to be a challenge.

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Sat Nov 25, 2006 5:17 am  

The high-level Paizo Adventure Path modules in Age of Worms could be adapted to epic-level play, surely. In addition, adapting WG6 Isle of the Age to epic should be pretty easy, and Rob Kuntz's Maure Castle levels could also be pushed up to that level with further tweaking.

I agree with Rob, though: overall there are very few epic-level adventures out there so it's hard to really get a sense of how to bulid them, what to do for challenges, etc.

The "Tales of Wyre" Story Hour (and its Rogues Gallery rules threads) on ENWorld offers a lot of good examples of epic level play. Much of the latter action in it focuses on a demiplane originally introduced in Q1, too, so it's certainly useful for a GH fan :D The story thread is collected @
Allan Grohe<br /><br />
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