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TPK Imminent?
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Feb 07, 2006
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Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:36 pm  
TPK Imminent?

So, I've re-worked the Keep On the Borderlands module for my newish Greyhawk Campaign. None of the players know of anything of Greyhawk save one who's run through some of the modules. The idea was to get them into the area, setup some other adventure hooks and get the ball really rolling. I now have a problem.

They've almost got themselves stuck in the Caves of Chaos in the Hobgoblin lair. They're back in the banquet hall more or less barricaded in by the hobgoblins. The party came in from the Goblin Lair Turned Left and entered through the eastern entrance from the Goblin to Hobgoblin area. At this point they've eliminated 1/2 of the hobgoblins 27 but still have to deal with the bigger ones.

What's peculiar is they don't realize the exit/entrance to the caves are right there at the end of the hall. They think it's an entrance to another dungeon or something. (They need a dwarf!)

They do have one advantage, they've got 8 Hobgoblin young in the room with them. The Paladin (Heironeous) was close to killing them but in the interest of fairness, I explained how doing so wouldn't be so good to do.

My thoughts are to have the hobgoblins attempt to rush the room or to use the Goblins as cannonfodder to get at the party to wear them down. The party has tossed/cast caltrops out on the floor in front of their doorway (a large table is setup in front of the doorway so it'll be hard for the hogoblins to get at them easily.

Any thoughts?
Greyhawk fan since Keep on the Borderlands
CF Admin

Joined: Jul 28, 2001
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From: on the way to Bellport

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Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:14 am  

Based on your description, the PCs sound like they're in 25. Common Room, but I'm not sure.

In any case, what if a smaller group of hobgoblins circle around the PC's and burst in on them from that direction? A group that brings a vicious assault but also reveals the sunlight or moonlight outside and can be defeated before the hobgoblins inside the dungeon can traverse the PCs' barricade and caltrops?
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