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Noble Ranks in Furyondy
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Master Greytalker

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Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:27 am  
Noble Ranks in Furyondy

Interesting. The only point I have any real objection to is:

First in order of precedence was the Viceroy, appointed by the Overking of the Great Kingdom in Rauxes. While the Viceroyalty eventually grew into a hereditary title, it never lost its character as an administrative post. The Viceroy of Ferrond ranked in the Rolls of Precedence of the Great Kingdom just under a baron and this only because the Viceroy was the Overking’s chief servant in the West.

I'd argue that the viceroys had significantly higher rank than that - see the power wielded by the Viceroy of Ferrond's counterparts in Nyrond, and the North and South Privinces. You don't need to relegate the viceroys to lowly rank to get the hodge-podge of ranks in Furyondy - all you need is a relatively weak viceroy/king with very strong and independent nobles (weak and strong here being in terms of land, wealth, manpower etc). Ornery barons were the bane of French and English kings in the Middle Ages.
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Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:15 am  

I'd argue that the Artur/Belvor civil war is bad reading of canon, but then thats me.

I'd like to see less of a take of Furyondy outside of a homebrew GH campaign and see something more open for general use for a Furyondy article.
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Grandmaster Greytalker

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Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:31 am  

Dethand wrote:
I'd argue that the Artur/Belvor civil war is bad reading of canon, but then thats me.

I'd like to see less of a take of Furyondy outside of a homebrew GH campaign and see something more open for general use for a Furyondy article.

Please note, the Furyondian Civil War is my invention and not canon. I have not and do not make any claim it is canon. By canon, Belvor continues to rule without opposition, let alone civil war. The Furyondian Civil War is the vehicle I created to attempt to rectify what I see as the mess Furyondy was left in in canon. My apologies for any confusion.
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