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Where to start?
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Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Mar 06, 2008
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From: Abilene, TX

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Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:12 pm  
Where to start?

I think my two boys are finally old enough to handle D&D. I plan to introduce the game itself using the Basic Starter Kit from 3rd edition.

My question is how to start a Greyhawk campaign. Ostensibly I'd like to run them through some of the old school modules (game time circa early 570s), just not sure what order to do it in or what modules to start with.

Anyone have some suggestions? I ultimately want to run the gamut up through the Greyhawk Wars and From the Ashes and afterwards.
Master Greytalker

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Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:18 pm  

I started my kids with the Temple of Elemental Evil. They're loving it, and have been playing there weekly for somewhere around a year now. When we're done with that, I plan to move on to the GDQ series or perhaps some of the S-series mods.
Journeyman Greytalker

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Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:06 am  

It depends a lot on what you feel will work well for him.

The Temple of Elemental Evil series is iconic dungeon crawl and should be a good introduction to D&D for someone inexperienced in roleplaying since it is mainly hack-n-slash with some minor investigation and problem solving.

The Slavelord series is also an icon of the early game but is much more story-telling and running about. Additionally, an inexperienced gamer (and even many experienced ones) may have a hard time with the plot device that requires the players to automatically lose and be captured to set them up for their later escape.

The Against the Giants/Drow super module is probably my favorite but is geared for higher level characters and more experienced gamers.

I agree with bubbagump suggestion. Here is what I'd recommend myself:

Start with B1-3 to let them figure out the game mechanics and experiment a bit with character building.

Once they have a good grasp of things and a character they like turn to either the A1-4 or T1-4 series.

When they have finished the Temple or the Slavelords send them up against a mixture of GDQ1-7 and other outstanding greyhawk modules and let them wander the world a bit 'randomly' encountering modules you'd like to run them through.
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