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3.5 GH NPCs stats
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Adept Greytalker

Joined: Sep 21, 2003
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From: Germany

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Wed Oct 06, 2004 1:19 am  
3.5 GH NPCs stats

Great idea Delglath!

I`m not sure if this isn`t slightly OT, but I have searched far and wide on the net and never found much on updated stats of GH NPCs. AFAIK there`s only the circle of 8 from LGJ0, some NPCs from the newer adventures and short NPC 1-liners in LGGaz.

I`m sure many people have done some conversions or alternate versions. So post here your full (PC) statblocks, short NPC stats of 1 liner descriptions of such Greyhawk luminaries. Anything you have and let`s discuss and compare our versions...
Kobold Pinata

Joined: Oct 18, 2002
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Thu Oct 07, 2004 6:48 pm  

Good idea!

There are some stats of GH critters and NPC's scattered throughout various 3.0 and 3.5 supplements, but in 3.5 a lot of things have been renamed and a lot of the copyrighted names have been excised. For instance, the Apparatus of Kwalish is now something like the Lobster Device or something equally insulting to it's heritage.

I do know of stats for Mordenkainen and Robilar in the Epic handbook, however I was most displeased with them and found them to be rather generic in flavour and not at all suiting the characters they were meant to represent.

Once I've put my other thoughts up about the various spell-casting classes and how I've incorporated AU and the PHB, I'll think about working on a version of Mordy to fit my system. Most likely a magi, I think...
In more modern times, only Delglath of Rinloru is known to have crafted any items from the stone of this atrocious place. Even masters of the dark arts such as Xaene and Karoolck would hesitate to follow.
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Feb 10, 2005
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Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:44 pm  

Ive seen some of the Character and NPC versions on dicefreaks and their challange ratings are a little overwhelming for my taste. I may not have been a DM for very long but some of the PC's and NPC's done there are more powerful than some of the Gods. How can you do that? I would never let any of my characters or player characters get that high of a level.
I think you should try some other versions maybe lower levels.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Sep 21, 2003
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Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:04 am  

You have to see them in context to their versions of the Cosmic Entities (Grazzt, Orcus etc..) and gods. I wouldn't go so far as to say that any of their mortal NPCs rival the gods though. But didn't Iggwilv imprison Grazzt, one of the eldest demons in existance? So she should be on par with him or at least near his power level. And GRazzt, Demogorgon, the Lords of the Nine and Asmodeus should eb on par with the gods somehow. Or else heir existance wouldn't be justified..

If you go into their material a bit deeper you'll see the consistency. Careful thought has been given to measuring up the different power levels of CsEs, NPCs and gods...

OTOH there are some NPCs on that site that are over the top. But overall most of their material is really great and not nearly as over the top as some stuff on the WOTC epic boards. They also got lower power level stuff on the powerlevel of the BoVD Fiends on their site too though...
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Jul 22, 2005
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Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:06 am  

Thanael wrote:
GRazzt, Demogorgon, the Lords of the Nine and Asmodeus should eb on par with the gods somehow. Or else heir existance wouldn't be justified..

An optional rule in the BoVD is making all the head honchos Divine Rank 0. That powers them up a bit more. All being with a Divine Rank 0+ get additional resistances and are immortal. Gods and Demigods (Divine Rank 1+) and higher, get additional benefits of course.
Adept Greytalker

Joined: Sep 21, 2003
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Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:42 am  

I know. But it's not enough to explain why Kurtulmak hasn't taken over all the Nine Hells and wiped the floor with a DvR 0 Asmodeus. Or any other God. Dicefreaks expands upon the DvR 0 option by giving the highest cosmic entities further powers. They give them DvR 0 and in addition a cosmic rank which let's them ignore a gods special powers as if they had the the same DvR. It does not give them actual divine rank. The question is also at what level do you want your players to be able to obliterate Asmodeus or Grazzt, or an Archfiend ??? BoVD let a party do that at level 20 probably (or not much higher even if the head honchos get DvR 0) Which is much too low in my humble opinion!

Another nice thing is that all Dicefreaks builds incorporate epic rules even the divine ones. So all in all it's a great resource and very nice and mature board for discussion about epic/divine stuff and everything else 3e.

Here are the links so you can read and judge for yourself:
The Gates of Hell free pdf supplement
The Dicefreaks Messageboards
Fell free to register and post any questions there...
Apprentice Greytalker

Joined: Aug 05, 2005
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From: Columbus, Nebraska

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Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:00 pm  
NPS Stats

Hope this helps.
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