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The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Lady In Red
Posted on Mon, January 25, 2021 by LordCeb
CruelSummerLord writes "

“I come from a far, far longer time than you know,” the Scarlet Woman said, her smile becoming wider than ever, “and I’m no wizard. I’m something far, far more. As for what I want, I want it all…”

“…and I will take it all,” she finished, brushing back her long hair.

The Scarlet Woman was no longer offended, but Hoslanne felt more unsettled than ever.

Chapter Three

Lady In Red

The drow Hoslanne Morvanach, of the vault of Erelhei-Kinestan, was small even for her race, at barely five feet in height. Her hair was stark white, contrasting beautifully with her deep blue skin and black eyes, eyes that were quick to take notice of any new advantages. Her expression was always interested but restrained, careful not to give too much away, a trait that had served her well in the two centuries she’d been dealing in fine art objects. Her silvery dress and the emerald necklace she wore were testament to her success as an art dealer. Hoslanne dealt with a wide variety of clients from many different races, and she was used to unusual characters. However, there was something about her latest customer that she found very unsettling.

She called herself the Scarlet Woman, as she insisted Hoslanne address her, and Hoslanne believed she was human. However, her skin was bone-white, so much so that she appeared to be a living statue, carved of human bones. Her hair, eyes and lips were also the red of flowing blood, and indeed their colors almost seemed to flow. She was dressed in a gown of scarlet and purple, and her jewelry included a tiara, rings, a necklace and a belt, all of which were decorated with red gems such as rubies, garnets and carbuncles.

It all seemed wrong to Hoslanne somehow, as if it were not truly real. And yet, the Scarlet Woman was clearly flesh and blood, as tangible as Hoslanne herself. The Scarlet Woman’s manner was smiling and affable, although Hoslanne felt a chill running down her spine.

“These are exquisite,” the Scarlet Woman said with a smile-too wide a smile, Hoslanne noted-as she contemplated the bejeweled spider-silk tapestries that Hoslanne had brought to sell. “You’re too kind to bring me such beauty,” she finished.

“It’s well worth the journey, given the price you’re paying for them,” Hoslanne said. Both women glanced at the large chest, filled with a fortune in gold and gems, that Hoslanne would be taking back to Erelhei-Kinestan.

Hoslanne did her best to smile, but she still felt on edge around the Scarlet Woman. She prided herself on her ability to keep outwardly calm, but the Scarlet Woman saw her nervous tension immediately.

“What’s wrong, my friend?” the Scarlet Woman asked, her too-long lips turning up in a slight smile. “You seem upset about something.”

“I’m not upset,” Hoslanne lied, even as her blood ran cold. No one had ever been able to read her like that before, and she wondered what else the Scarlet Woman was capable of. Hoslanne realized that if she’d offended the Scarlet Woman, her life would likely be forfeit.

To Hoslanne’s surprise and immense relief, the Scarlet Woman didn’t seem at all offended. Indeed, she seemed more amused than anything.

“Yes, you are,” the Scarlet Woman said. “So please, spare us both the charade and tell me what you’re so concerned about.”

Hoslanne hesitated, reluctant to say anything, before the Scarlet Woman began tapping her foot. Impatience showed on her face, and Hoslanne realized that refusing to answer could be far worse for her than telling the truth.

“I just don’t understand how you can live like this,” Hoslanne said, her heart starting to race. “You have this vast hoard of wealth and live surrounded by luxury beneath the Lortmils. You have all these orcs, ogres and other monsters filling your every whim as if their lives depended on it. You came out of nowhere just a few years ago.”

The Scarlet Woman’s smile returned, replacing her impatience. Encouraged, Hoslanne continued.

“Where’d you come from? Why are you doing this? Are you seeking some kind of artifact, or a conquest? Are you a sorceress? How’d you acquire so much power when you’re still so young?”

The Scarlet Woman chuckled as Hoslanne finished. The drow felt almost relieved, particularly when she realized that the Scarlet Woman was offended by her hesitating to speak rather than by her asking her questions. She was almost eager for the Scarlet Woman’s reply, wondering who this woman, seeming so human, really was.

“I come from a far, far longer time than you know,” the Scarlet Woman said, her smile becoming wider than ever, “and I’m no wizard. I’m something far, far more. As for what I want, I want it all…”

“…and I will take it all,” she finished, brushing back her long hair.

The Scarlet Woman was no longer offended, but Hoslanne felt more unsettled than ever.

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