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Bardic Lore - The Fomorians
Posted on Sun, September 15, 2002 by Dogadmin
MerricB writes "Adventures seeds for use in the Sheldomar Valley region - a lost city, magical artifacts, and more!

by MerricB

Bardic Lore - The Fomorians


Merric Blackman

Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

It is said that when the Flan first came to this land, they fought a giant folk known as the Firbolg.

The Firbolg, in their desperation, called upon the inhabitants of another plane. The Firbolg were possessed, and became malformed with great powers. This new race was called the Fomor.

The Fomorians built a great underground city somewhere in the mountains ringing the Sheldomar Valley. Many Flan were taken there as slaves, and much treasure - both gold and magical - was there gathered.

When a great hero of the Flan finally defeated the Fomorians, the city was abandoned and forgotten. It is said it lies under a great curse, and the Flan people have forgotten where it was.

The greatest treasure within it are said to be the Seven Instruments of the Old Bardic Tradition, but the hexes around these items are said to be most potent.

Somewhere within the city can also be found the Crystal Ring into which the spirits of the most powerful Fomorians were bound. Someone possessing this ring would control much power, but there is a chance with every use of this artefact that the Fomorians could be released and possess the user and those nearby.

It is also said that the Flan hero who finally defeated the Fomorians was also bound into the Crystal Ring - he was a Warrior Bard of most puissant abilities, and could be a valuable ally in the current chaotic state of the Flanaess. "
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