The famous (or infamous, depending on which side of the border you happen to be standing on) cavalry known as Neheli's Own is not comprised of average soldiers. These are among the elites of the Keoish forces, and here is presented the 2nd edition kit which helps give them a unique character and feel.
Neheli's Own - Nehelian Horse Rider
by Marc Tizoc Gonzalez (
(Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.
Eligible Class: This is intended for fighters though I another class could work. Perhaps the kit could be applied to an allied priest, probably one of Ehlonna, Fharlanghn, or Phaulkon?
Description: At the end of the sixth Common century, there are four companies of Neheli's Own, and together they comprise a royal battalion of Keoland's Royal Army. The traditional garrisons currently include Cryllor (the reserve company, which still holds the ancestral standard of the now defunct Loftwick/Longspear Company), Flen (which holds the ancestral standards of the Thornward and Hookhill companies and several ancient war chariots), Gradsul (which retains the Gryrax standard), and Niole Dra (which is the ancestral chapter home and is still headed by a scion of Neheli blood).
Note that the Flen and Cryllor companies have been involved with the Giant Troubles for most of the past decade, and a forward base has been established in Istivin. Similarly the Gradsul Company has been fighting against the Scarlet Brotherhood-controlled Hold of the Sea Princes for seven years, and it has fought its way south through the Hool Marshes and into the city of Westkeep, where it currently continues to serve the throne.
The history of the riders goes back more than eight hundred years to the time of the Invoked Devastation and is described
elsewhere in detail. While riders are growing up, they learn that they are members of a noble fighting order that has always rendered faithful service to the Keoghish throne. Like the nomads to the far north of the Flanaess, riders are practically born in the saddle, and a rider's earliest years are filled with caring for the magnificent coursers that Neheli's Own's has bred for some nine centuries. Riders include both men and women; all of them have been trained from birth to live as a Nehelian Horse Rider. Not even an esteemed outsider would ever be actually inducted into the companies although proven allies have occasionally earned honorary status. This kit is intended for the lifers!
Though initially a member of a company of a royal battalion, a player character can be assumed to have earned significant independence since whenever there have been times of extended peace in the Sheldomar Valley, a tradition has developed to allow riders the ability to adventure freely. When needed, however, it should go without saying that riders are expected to return to their company!
While granted substantial independence, riders represent their company and the order wherever they go, and in the southwestern Flanaess, friend and foe alike know them. Many riders propitiate Ehlonna (as the mother of horses), Fharlanghn (as the father of travel), and Phaulkon (for archery and the speed of his winds).
Role: Riders are raised to be devoted servants of the Keoghish throne. Currently much of their strength is used to secure the western lands of Sterich and Geoff and the southern lands much like their ancestors did five hundred years ago. The riders no longer look to the northern prairie lands as their charge (although they would ride north at a moment's notice). The relatively young order of the Knights of the Watch is regarded with indifference, yet the infancy of the newly christened Knights of Dispatch is being closely evaluated. While riders know that their own service to the throne is superior to the works of any independent orders, they are taught not to need to broadcast such beliefs.
Secondary Skills: Required: Groom.
Weapon Proficiencies: Required: crossbow (whatever is the largest size that a mounted rider can use) and dagger. Recommended: officers and sergeants use light lances; some riders still use javelins, which are held in a special sheath attached to the right side (usually) of the saddle. (Javelin throwing is a popular sport for the nobility of the land.) Riders also commonly use sabers.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Horse riding! Recommended: Animal handling and animal training are appropriate since the Nehelian style of riding is akin to "natural horsemanship" rather than the more typical attempt just to break the beast. Officers or sergeants may have heraldry; officers alone would have etiquette (especially if noble-born). Any rider could have local history. Some (probably older) riders might have ancient (Keoghish) history. Many riders speak Keoghish as a secret cant; however, as a group riders are not taught to speak Ancient Suloise. If any riders were literate, then it would probably be the officers. Also, some riders are proficient charioteers and perform their sport for the enjoyment of the court at Niole Dra or in respect for their ancestors.
Equipment: A well-trained courser is part of the deal! However, if the horse is mistreated or lost then a replacement will have to be paid for or earned. One could argue that all standard weapons and studded armor should be supplied. I suggest making a new character pay for all their gear, but if the wealth roll was rather low, then consider giving a character the armor and a crossbow with quarrels. (However, it might be more fun to figure out how the character lost all of his or her gear. Gambling? Hocked it for "extracurricular activities?" Better recover it before the sergeants find out!)
While active with the company, a rider can expect a dry place to sleep and quarrels as available. When inactive or independent, then the rider will need to interact with his fellows to get stuff. If you prefer it, then give the character a reaction adjustment bonus. I suggest making the player role play the interaction.
Special Benefits: Several of these are covered above, but additionally, subjects of the throne tend to think well of the rider, and nobles of the land do the same. Characters can expect hospitality and depend on fellow riders for aid. Beyond Keoland, these benefits would probably hold for the Grand March and especially for recently recovered Sterich. The same might be true for the western plains of the Principality of Ulek, including the capitol of Gryrax due to past service by Neheli's Own.
In addition to meals and lodging in the barracks or at camp, an active rider might expect a stipend from the company. Most PCs would not remain with a company for any length of time, but if so inclined, then the pay should correspond to whatever a skilled light horse rider earns in the campaign, minus the expense for stabling the horse and feeding the character.
Finally, instead of any combat bonuses, I recommend that riders be considered masters of riding. Riders should not have to make any rolls for this proficiency, or only have them roll for really outlandish (fun) feats of horse riding.
Special Hindrances: Riders of Neheli's Own are not well thought of by devotees of Trithereon from the Yeomanry, and in general Yeomen tend to dislike the riders. Similarly, neither Ketites, nor Furyondians have a friendly history with Neheli's Own. The ongoing invasion of the chaotic Hold of the Sea Princes means that riders have few friends down there. More generally, agents of the Scarlet Brotherhood are inclined to assault riders as representatives of the kingdom. Learned nobles from Veluna probably wouldn't be pleased to see a rider headed their direction. Folks from farther afield would be unlikely to know a rider by sight.
Nobles of the land are and (of course) the throne itself is free to demand faithful service from a rider at any time (often when inconvenient to the character's wants). At higher levels, an experienced rider might be called to instruct the youth of Neheli's Own in the arts of horse riding or mounted combat. In addition to holdings in and around the four traditional garrisons, there are several keeps or manors associated with Neheli's Own. Two of the most famous are places where horses are bred. Respectively, they are north of Niole Dra and Gradsul. Priests of Fharlanghn often help train horses, and priestesses of Ehlonna have been known to cross the Sheldomar to confer with the master breeders as well.
Wealth Options: As per character class, and see equipment, above.
Races: Mostly humans of Keoland; occasionally this has included half-olves. Note that the riders are not pure Suloise! Even present day scions of Neheli are of mixed ancestral-race blood. This is primarily a Suloise-Oeridian inmixture, but there is some Flannae blood as well as olven for some individuals.
Note: Keoland, Military, Second Edition, Sheldomar