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Timeline of Aerdi Grand Princes and Overkings
Posted on Thu, August 16, 2001 by Toran
Taras writes "Upon reading through the collective mess known as Greyhawk Canon, it is quite easy to get confused about who ruled Aerdy when. This is an attempt to forge something coherent out of the chaotic morass of 'Hawk lore.

Thanks go to Gary Holian for help with parts of this timeline, and to "Issak the Pale" for pointing out an error in the timeline that I missed.

Author: Taras Guarhoth (

Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

Aerdi Grand Princes & Overkings

Rulers prior to 1 CY were crowned Grand Prince. Starting in 1 CY, the rulers of Aerdy were crowned as Overking.













-217 CY


-206 CY
Mikar Garasteth




-206 CY


-194 CY
Gennor Garasteth


-194 CY


-159 CY
Nalaster Garasteth


-159 CY


-118 CY
Almor I Cranden


-118 CY


-116 CY
Dorran Cranden


-116 CY


-76 CY
Almor II Cranden




-76 CY


-42 CY
Ferrend I Cranden


-42 CY


-38 CY
Ferrend II Cranden


-38 CY


-7 CY
Jodan Cranden


-7 CY


-1 CY
Nasran Cranden




1 CY


32 CY
Nasran Cranden




32 CY


66 CY
Serran Cranden


66 CY


75 CY
Tenmeris Cranden




75 CY


86 CY
Yalranda Cranden




86 CY


109 CY
Manshen Rax-Nyrond




109 CY


122 CY
Erhart I Rax-Nyrond




122 CY


136 CY
Toran I Rax-Nyrond




136 CY


181 CY
Erhart II Rax-Nyrond




181 CY


213 CY
Jiranen Rax-Nyrond




213 CY


247 CY
Zelcor Rax-Nyrond




247 CY


279 CY
Toran II Rax-Nyrond




279 CY


301 CY
Edron Rax-Nyrond




301 CY


305 CY
Erhart III Rax-Nyrond


305 CY


329 CY
Toran III Rax-Nyrond


329 CY


345 CY
Toran IV Rax-Nyrond


345 CY


396 CY
Portillan Rax(-Nyrond)




396 CY


404 CY
Galren Rax




404 CY


407 CY
Sonnend Rax




407 CY


419 CY
Valmon Rax


419 CY


434 CY
Grendemmen Rax


434 CY


437 CY
Nalif Rax




437 CY


446 CY
Insurrection None


446 CY


494 CY
Ivid I Naelex




494 CY


497 CY
Ivid II Naelex




497 CY


526 CY
Ivid III Naelex


526 CY


556 CY
Ivid IV Naelex


556 CY


586 CY
Ivid V Naelex




586 CY
587 CY


present (N. Aerdy)
present (Ahlissa)
Grenell I
Xavener I





[1] Living Greyhawk Gazetteer - Lord Mikar of Garasteth crowned Grand Prince in -217 CY.
[2] Living Greyhawk Gazetteer - Grand Prince Almor II on the throne in -109 CY during the Battle of a Fortnight's Length.
[3] Living Greyhawk Gazetter - Last Grand Prince and First Overking, crowned in 1 CY. Also, note, there were not two leaders named Nasran. The absence of a Year Zero is sometimes forgotten, so to make calculations easier (and mark the beginning of the Overking Title), Nasran has two entries in the table.
[4] Ivid the Undying - Grandson of Nasran, died in 75 CY, and was succeeded by his wife, Yalranda.
[5] Ivid the Undying - Only Overqueen. Wife of Tenmeris. Lived to be only 40.
[6] Ivid the Undying - Eldest son of Yalranda, took the last name Rax-Nyrond.
[7] Dragon 230 "The Orbs of Dragonkind" - eldest son was killed in 98 CY.
[8] Living Greyhawk Gazetteer - Toran I was on the throne in 134 CY.
[9] It stands to reason that since there was an Erhart I, there needs to be an Erhart II somewhere in here.
[10] Living Greyhawk Gazetteer - Overking Jiranen died in 213 CY.
[11] Living Greyhawk Gazetteer - Zelcor I was on the throne in 223 CY.
[12] Living Greyhawk Gazetteer - Toran II displaced the priesthood of Pholtus from Medegia in 252 CY.
[13] Apparently, the Ravenloft novel King of the Dead, which I don't own, seems to indicate that there was someone named Edron as Overking in the year 283 CY.
[14] Ivid the Undying - Was on the throne at the time of Nyrond’s rebellion.
[15] Ivid the Undying - Son and heir to Portillan. A half-wit.
[16] Ivid the Undying - Son and heir to Galren. A drunkard.
[17] Ivid the Undying - Last Rax Overking, assassinated (presumably) by Ivid I.
[18] Ivid the Undying - First Naelex Overking. Ruled for 48 years.
[19] Ivid the Undying - Ruled for 3 years.
[20] Ivid the Undying - Became the Overking in 556 CY. Fifth Naelex Overking. The empire fell apart in roughly 586 CY with the devestation of Rauxes, and this is presumed to be the end of his rule, although whether he still is around or not is in question.
[21] Living Greyhawk Gazetter - North Aerdy was founded in 586 CY with the crowning of Overking Grenell I. The United Kingdom of Ahlissa was founded in 587 CY with the crowning of Overking Xavener I. Some regard this as the Second Turmoil Between Crowns, and refuse to believe it's the end of Imperial Aerdy.

Note: This article was amended on August 29th at 2:30am EST to correct an error with Toran II's reign and a few typos.

Note: Aerdy"
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Re: Timeline of Aerdi Grand Princes and Overkings (Score: 1)
by Fallon on Thu, August 16, 2001
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This article kicks butt!!! It finally clears up the Aerdi line of succession.

Re: Timeline of Aerdi Grand Princes and Overkings (Score: 1)
by Dargarth on Mon, August 20, 2001
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Have you expanded upon this in any way, in regards to children and spouses? I've always been intrigued by the inter-marriage of houses and what happens to "royal" children.

I have always been interested by how the Overking would handle his children and his predecessor's children, who might or might not be his uncles and aunts, when distributing land and titles. When creating timelines, all those second and third children seem to be over-looked.

It always seems that designers create a line of succession that deals with only one child. What would Ivid's (take your pick from IV or V) brothers and sisters be doing right now? I'm just curious how others handle royal families.

Re: Timeline of Aerdi Grand Princes and Overkings (Score: 1)
by Taras on Mon, August 20, 2001
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Well, if I'm remembering things correctly, Ivid V became the heir by assassinating all of his (many) siblings. I seem to recall the passage saying something along the lines of the babies being easy, but Ivid V's older brother was a real challange to assassinate. Anyways, my guess is, when the Naelaxes come to power, they didn't leave many people alive who have a good claim to the throne.

As for expansion on this...hell no. I'm not THAT much of a masochist. Although if you wanna get technical, Erhart I had a son that was killed, and Xavener I has two daughters. That's all the children who didn't assume the Malachite Throne refrenced in canon that I can think of (other than, of course, Ivid V's slaughter of his siblings).


Re: Timeline of Aerdi Grand Princes and Overkings (Score: 1)
by Dargarth on Tue, August 21, 2001
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I didn't remember that passage about Ivid, but it would make sense.

And what do you mean that you're not that masochistic? You are Montand! You are suppose to be the most masochistic of us all! 8-)


Re: Timeline of Aerdi Grand Princes and Overkings (Score: 1)
by Taras on Tue, August 21, 2001
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I'm not masochistic. I prefer to avoid pain. :P

And here's some relevant quotes from the Greyhawk Wars booklet:

"Ivid III immediately followed his grandfather's example, exterminating his blood kin so none could challenge him for the crown. With the blood of his father still beneath his fingernails, Ivid III imprisoned his children in richly appointed cages...when he reached advanced age, however, Ivid III declared that his surviving child would succeed him. The announcement unleashed a bloodbath of fratricide in his children's velvet prison. The sole survivor became Ivid IV."

"While Ivid IV dallied, his someday successor, Ivid V, set to work. Second among the Overking's sons, Ivid V thought to simplify the appointment of an heir by exterminating his siblings."

"Ivid IV had been a prolific sire. Before his ascension could be assured, Ivid V had to dispose of 123 brothers and sisters. Though suckling babes proved easy prey, Ivid V's older brother easily matched him. For many years the pair waged a war of assassination and intrigue in their prison-palace before Ivid V prevailed."

Overall, the Greyhawk Wars booklet provides a rather gruesome look into Naelaxian family relations and politics. It's a must read for any student of Aerdi lore.


Re: Timeline of Aerdi Grand Princes and Overkings (Score: 1)
by iquander on Thu, August 23, 2001
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This is really good stuff. Thanks for putting it together!



Re: Timeline of Aerdi Grand Princes and Overkings (Score: 1)
by Max_Writer on Wed, December 03, 2003
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There is a note in Hidden Agendas (Dragon Magazine 256 Feb 99) regarding one of the kings of Aerdi in relation to the Azure Masks.

Re: Timeline of Aerdi Grand Princes and Overkings (Score: 1)
by GVDammerung on Tue, August 10, 2004
(User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
This is very useful. Thank you!


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