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Re: Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Update (Score: 1)
by iquander on Thu, September 13, 2001
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Taras posted this from something I wrote in about 1996. Even then, the "who was under Castle Greyhawk" thread was a joke among Greytalkers, since everyone had their own theories (Kuntz hadn't yet appeared, for instance, so his list wasn't yet an issue).

I titled the AOL thread "Last Word on Iuz and Company" as a joke, which I guess has become somewhat ironic five years later given the fact that I now have some control over what becomes "canon" or not.

Though I did insert a mention of Merikka as one of the nine in the LGG, and though some of my work on Zuoken that suggested he was one was used in the LGG as well, I've really got no burning desire to fill out the list any further than it's already been filled, at least insofar as printed material is concerned.

So, sorry to raise your dander, albeit five years after the fact. :)


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