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Re: Mandros and the Rise and Fall of Oeridian Power in the Sheldomar (Score: 1) by Samwise( on Tue, September 06, 2005 (User Info | Send a Message)
To the general nature of the Suel elsewhere in the Flanaes. It was not contrary to the general nature of the Rhola who understood and embraced the basic concept of enlightened self interest. And so, Luschan could not send enough Suel, mainly Rhola of his own House, to Sterich to dominate the Keogh culturally and politically. He could send enough that in combination with the Flan they could do so. By doing so he not only neutralized the power of the Keogh, but also created an obligation to himself and his House through those people who sided with the Flan, leading them to give support and political power to what was otherwise a Suel and Rhola minority. It is quite possible to be in charge without having your foot on someone's throat. The Rhola understand this, and practice it as an art form. This is a deliberate cultural element assigned to them to explain and differentiate them from the more general Suel cultural attitude.