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Re: The Wizards Library Part 1 of 6 (Score: 1) by GVDammerung on Mon, February 27, 2006 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
Thank you, AM. :) I can see a PC trying to collect all of these volumes depending on how you classify them. Are they all rare in your campaign or more common? IMC, they are mostly uncommon, which translates into a reasonably likelihood of a PC being able to obtain a half dozen or so, given that not every antagonist will be a wizard whose books will be up for grabs after he or she is defeated. What I find most useful about these books is that they increase the appreciation of the scrolls that are frequently part of treasure. Players hoping for a grimoire will still take increased interest in even scrolls in my experience, often with the thought of creating their own grimoire of note. And when you dangle an actual grimoire . . . :-D They can be a great focus for an adventure! :)