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Re: Postfest XV: Sanctigaard and the Demesne of Sir Xaris ab Yustin (Score: 1) by SirXaris on Thu, May 19, 2011 (User Info | Send a Message) http://https://www.facebook.com/SirXaris?ref=hl | Within the paragraph describing the Dwarven settlement of Mineholme, the following small oversight should be edited;
"They have carved a home out of the cliff from which the stones that built Castle Xaris were quarried."
Should be Castle Sanctigaard.
SirXaris |
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Re: Postfest XV: Sanctigaard and the Demesne of Sir Xaris ab Yustin (Score: 1) by SirXaris on Thu, May 19, 2011 (User Info | Send a Message) http://https://www.facebook.com/SirXaris?ref=hl | "Medium Infantry (400) F1 Soldiers, (50) F2 Sergeants, & (50) F3 Captains:"
The above numbers should be changed to the following: "...(320) F1 Soldiers, (40) F2 Sergeants, & (40) F3 Captains:"
SirXaris |
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Re: Postfest XV: Sanctigaard and the Demesne of Sir Xaris ab Yustin (Score: 1) by SirXaris on Thu, May 19, 2011 (User Info | Send a Message) http://https://www.facebook.com/SirXaris?ref=hl | Silly spelling error:
"An Orc witchdoctor with the power to cast Invisibility will pay the Halfling cobbler in Eastboro a visit within a couple of days to meet with his erstwhile border."
Should be 'boarder'.
SirXaris |
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