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Re: Murlynd´s Early Adventures & Subsequent Ventures: The Epidemic, and Heads Down! (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wed, May 21, 2003
Allan, thanks for the interest, and the comment.

I tried to do my best on this particular article, due to the fact that Mr. Gygax`s name was implicated. On the process, I had a very valuable help from Scotty, he was the editor. I used a large bibliography, also went through your Demonomicon articles plus Gord novels to figure out what was going on.

The article was originally intended to be a modern history one. On the way, I figured that I should try make an adventure out of the material, figured that members would appreciate it.

You are right, Murlynd gained the levels later. The adventure takes place 10 years before the first rise of ToEE, which is 559 CY.


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