Rune Lore is the formula Rune casters use in the
crafting of a rune. Unlike traditional forms of magic in which a caster invokes
certain ritual’s to shape the magical weave.
of the Runes III
A rune caster invokes the formula
into an object or location which holds a portion of magical energies to be
released or take effect when certain conditions are met or the bearer of the
rune invokes the rune to become active. Many speculate that rune magic was
derived from forbidden blood magic. As a Rune caster who does not carve yet rist’s
in ink, must have the ink intermingle with their own blood for it to be
Blood magic is rumored to require no verbal
interaction in order to invoke the weave. Most runes do not require verbal
interaction, though the Rune caster (aka Vitki) often performs an Edda like
ritual before taking in the runes. According to the Joten races runes are
truths and the most powerful form of magic one can wield. As many a Vitki can
tell you besides great wisdom, one must be clear of thought and able to accept
their fate before the runes can reveal themselves to you.
It is strange that most Rune casters have
experienced great loss or have been near death before they could take up the
runes. Another side affect of being a rune caster, is the caster often needs to
be skillful in many professional skills. Skills like Armorer, leather working,
painting, calligraphy, stone masonry, wood working, and other crafting skills
like risting are focused on as much as the rune lore itself.
Note: Unless otherwise noted all rune activations
are a standard action.
Below is Galdur (magic) of the Rune caster.
0 Level Runes
Level: 0
Components: V, S, M, F
Crafting time: 10 minutes
Range: Special
Target: Bearer and one person or creature that has
drank from the risted vessel
Duration: 1 min per caster level
The g rune is risted onto a drinking horn. To
activate the rune ale or water must be shared by the rune bearer with the
person or creature he wishes to speak with. Both parties must drink from the
horn; once this is done both understand each other as if they spoke the same
language. Note one can force a person or creature to drink from the vessel;
ones willingness does not affect the runes outcome. If this is done with a
creature who speaks no language both parties understand each other as much as
their intellect will allow them too. The horn can be risted again, provided it
is still intact.
Level: 0
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: Instantaneous
The p rune is to be risted on a charm made for one
specific task any known skill gets a +5 bonus to its chance of success. Even if
it fails the character gets a second role with normal chances. Note skills
unknown that require training can be attempted with no bonus to the role, as
the rune states it gives you a chance. The rune activates whenever a skill used
by the bearer of the rune while clenching the charm in his other hand or by
kissing the charm before a skill is attempted. The charm can be risted by a
rune caster again allowing the charm to be used for another task.
Level: 0
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of Rune or Risted vessel
Duration: 1 round per level of the caster
The rune u is risted on a wooden or metal disc
adorned by affected target, or a vessel like a bowl, drinking horn, or
Waterskin risted or marked by the u rune will cause a small cloud to drizzle 1
gallon of water per round either onto the rune bearer or into the vessel marked
or risted to receive the water. This rune can only be activated outdoors. No
saving throw is permitted. The vessel can be risted again by a rune caster.
Level: 0
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 10 minutes
Range: 0 ft
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1d4+1 rounds per level of the caster
The i rune can be risted into a gauntlet, boot, or a
weapon by the Vitki. The rune can be invoked by exposing it to water, spit, or
ale. The rune adds 1d4 points of cold damage to the item risted. A successful
attack roll is needed to cause the cold damage to the target and the item is
not consumed. The risted vessel can be risted again by the rune caster allowing
for the rune to be used again.
Level: 0
Components: V, F
Crafting time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 round per level of the caster
The target of this risted or marked helm bearing
the a rune will be granted a + 2 bonus
to any skill used for the duration of the spell. The target must first ask for
inspiration from the gods while donning the helm to activate this rune. (Note: Giants and giant-kin call upon the
Aesir not the gods as other races do). The bearer of the rune must have ranks
in the skill to receive the bonus. The helm can be risted again by a rune
Level: 0
Components: M
Crafting time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: Instantaneous
The l rune is crafted on a quartz crystal when the
bearer of the rune reaches 0 to -9 hit points the crystal shatters stabilizing
the character so that he may be healed further. If the character reaches -10
hit points the crystal shatters and the character is not stabilized. Unless the
character has the diehard feat then he can be stabilized with a successful
fortitude check with a +2 bonus. The crystal cannot be risted again one use and
it is useless.
Level: 0
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of Rune
Duration: 1 min per level of the caster
The bearer of this simple rune risted with the f rune
on a wooden or metal circle adorned around the neck of a person or animal is
granted the ability to move at hustle as if they were walking. If the character
runs at x3 treat it as a hustle and a run at x4 is treated as a run x3. Those
with the run feat may run at x5 as if it was at x4 after activating the rune.
The rune is activated when the target of the rune or the rider or owner of a
mount holds or touches the rune when increasing their movement rate or given
their mount the order to increase their movement rate.
If placed on a bird it flies at the next available
speed if it’s a fish it swims at the next available speed, if on a person it
only affects land speed. No saving throw is permitted. The item can be risted
again by a rune caster.
Level: 0
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 round per level of the caster
The w rune can be risted on any piece of armor,
shield or even a ring. The bearer of the rune can activate its power by
slapping or pounding on the rune itself three times. The rune will grant a +1
to saves or armor class versus evil, good, arrows, slashing, bludgeoning,
energy, or etc. The rune caster scribes what object, item, or source it will
grant a bonus against. The items can be risted again by a rune caster.
Level: 0
Components: S, M, (F)
Crafting time: 10 minutes
Range: 0 ft
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 10 minutes per level of the caster
The k rune can be risted on a weapon or any piece of
wood that can be carried by one hand. The caster must spit ale on the tip of
the risted object then a torch light flame engulfs the tip of the object. The
flame will produce a light source similar to that of an actual torch. If the
rune is risted on a weapon, and the wielder attacks someone with the weapon all
objects it hits save as normal versus fire. The struck individual also makes a
fortitude save or suffers 1d3 points of fire damage. Wooden items are consumed when
the rune expires, weapons can be risted again by a rune caster.
Level: 0
Components: V, S, F
Crafting time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1d4+1 rounds per level of the caster
The e rune is to be risted on a charm made for one
specific individual. Regardless of alignment race or gender anyone viewing the
rune feels they can trust the one wearing it. As such parlay attempts are not
refused as long as combat has not begun. If combat has begun the wearer gets a +2
bonus to his parlay attempts. The bearer of the rune is more likely to be taken
prisoner instead of being killed if combat goes against them. Captured
prisoners are more likely to relay information to the bearer of the rune. To
activate the rune all one needs to do is whisper the words into the charm “I
can be trusted”. The charm can be risted again by a rune caster. Note Blind
characters are immune to the runes affects.
Level: 0
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 10 minutes
Range: Special
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: Instantaneous
The r rune must be risted on an arrow head then the
name of the place or location is marked on the arrow head on the un-risted
side. All the rune caster needs to do is place the rune inside his open palm
then spit on it to activate the rune. The arrow head will spin and point in the
direction that the place or location resides. Note: however if a place or
location is protected from scrying then the arrow head spins until it is thrown
to the ground. The arrowhead can be risted again by a rune caster.
1st Level Runes (Edda)
Level: 1
Components: V, S, F,(M)
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: Special
The ml runes are to be risted onto a drinking vessel
any non-magical liquid poured into the vessel is transformed into ale. Up to 2
gallons of liquid per caster level can be converted this way. All natural
poisons are also converted to ale if placed inside this vessel though only 1
gallon of natural poison can be converted this way. Magical poisons cause the
vessel to shatter. Beneficial and non-beneficial potions keep their effects but
taste like ale when consumed from this vessel. The vessel can be risted again
by a rune caster as long as it remains intact. To invoke the rune one must
raise the vessel high and say “let there be ale”.
Aim is True
Level: 1
Components: V, S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: Special
The ex runes are risted onto a weapon of the caster
choosing. The bearer of the rune activates the rune by stating “My aim is true”
his next attack receives a + 20 to the attack roll. Concealment is not
considered when calculating ones chance to hit a target. The weapon can be
risted again by a rune caster. Only the owner of the weapon can activate the
rune. When someone other than the owner of the risted weapon tries to activate
the weapons rune, the weapon must make a save DC 15 or break. If the weapon
breaks it must be repaired before it can be risted again.
Level: 1
Components: V, S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 minute per level of the caster
The mx runes are risted on ones shield or chest
piece of armor. To activate the rune one must bash on their shield or chest and
scream loudly. The rune temporarily grants the character a +2 to their strength
and constitution scores. The item can be risted again by a rune caster.
Cower before me
Level: 1
Components: V, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 round per level of the caster
The tm runes are risted on ones helm, shield, or
armor. The bearer of the rune recites “May my foes cower before me” to activate
the rune. Any foe of 5 HD or less which tries to attack the rune bearer must
make a will save or become frightened. If the will save is successful the
subject is shaken for half the duration. The rune can be risted again by a rune
Critical Blow
Level: 1
Components: V, S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 round per level of the caster
The tx runes can be risted on any weapon. To
activate the rune one must recite “Lay low those who oppose” me. The rune
grants the bearer a critical hit if the rune bearer succeeds with his attack
roll. If a 1 is rolled the weapon must make a save DC 15 or break. If a natural
critical result is rolled Increase damage by one more than the weapons natural
damage modifier. If a weapon damage range is X2 then increase it to X3 if the
lather occurs. The rune ends after a critical blow is dealt or when the magic
expires. Note Critical blow cannot be used with aim is true. As long as the
weapon remains intact a rune caster can rist the rune again.
Divulge Your Aura
Level: 1
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Line of sight
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: Concentration 10 minutes per caster level
The fa runes are risted on a helm or visor. To
activate the rune one must close his visor or run his hand over his eyes. The
bearers than views an individual and auras of evil, good, law, chaos, or
balance are revealed. The longer one concentrates the more information is
gleaned. 1st round aura alignment good, evil, law, chaos, or balance is
revealed. 2nd round intensity of aura dependent level or HD 1-3
minor, 4-6 medium, 7-9 strong, 10-12 intense, 13-15 overbearing, 16 or greater
unbearable. The target is granted a will save DC to avoid revealing ones true
aura. The rune can be risted again by a rune caster.
Level: 1
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: 100ft +25ft per casters level
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
The ga runes are risted on a small horn. Once it is
held to the ear the rune activates, granting its bearer excellent hearing, even
whispers can be heard clearly. The bearer of the rune can choose to focus on
one conversation at a time. Listen attempts do not fail if within the range of
the rune bearer. Note the horn can be risted again by a rune caster.
Fire’s Scar
Level: 1
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 round for every three caster levels
The fx runes are risted on a weapon, or gauntlet. To
activate the rune one must spit ale on his weapon or gauntlet they will glow a
faint red but give off no heat. When the rune bearer hits a target a bright red
flame erupts dealing 1d4 points of fire damage and any additional damage the
weapon or attack normally deals. While the rune is active it is considered
magical for terms of overcoming damage resistance. The rune can only be risted
again by a rune caster of the same or greater level to the original rune
Frost’s Bite
Level: 1
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 round for every three caster levels
The ix runes are risted on a weapon, or gauntlet. To
activate the rune one must spit water on his weapon or gauntlet they will glow
a faint blue but are not cold to the touch. When the rune bearer hits a target
a bright blue light envelops his foe dealing 1d4 points of cold damage and any
additional damage the weapon or attack normally deals. While the rune is active
it is considered magical for terms of overcoming damage resistance. The rune
can only be risted again by a rune caster of the same or greater level to the
original rune caster.
Galdur Sight
Level: 1
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Line of Sight
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
The ps runes can be risted on to a helm, or visor.
To invoke the rune bearer must rub the ashes of a yew tree into the rune. The
rune grants the bearer of the rune magical sight. Magical auras are seen and
the number of magical auras is gleaned. I f the bearer concentrates he can deem
the power of the aura. Spell level 1-3 faint, 4-6 is moderate, 7-9 is strong,
and 10 or greater overwhelming (deity level). Magical objects reflect caster
level 1-5 faint, 6-11 is moderate, 12-20 is strong, 21st or greater
(artifact). Summon creatures will give off auras equal to the spell that
summoned them. Spell auras linger for one day per spell level and can be traced
to back to the caster as long as the aura still lingers. The item can be risted
again by a rune caster.
Halt Sickness
Level: 1
Components: V, M or F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 10 minutes per caster level
The hb runes are risted on a silver disc or a wooden
one from a yew or ash tree and worn as a necklace or amulet. The rune bearer
invokes the rune by saying “Halt the sickness inside me”. All natural diseases,
poisons, and viruses stop affecting the individual until the rune expires or
they are cured. If a silver disc is used lycanthropy is halted until the rune
expires. Otherwise magical diseases, poisons and viruses are halted for half
the normal duration. If a wooden disc is used it will split when the rune
expires. A silver disc can be risted again by a rune caster.
Inform Me of Thee
Level: 1
Components: V, S, M, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: object touched by rune
Duration: Special
The so runes are risted onto a quartz rod
approximately 100 gp value. The rune bearer must cut himself with the rods tip
and place the end of the rod to an object. Then the rune bearer must recite
“Inform me of thee”. The object if magical will reveal its properties and how
to use it though history of the object is not revealed. If touched to a regular
object its reveals the components of its make and quality of said object. The
rune takes about a minute or two to relay the information to the rune bearer. The
rod can be risted again but it requires the rune caster to rist a mixture of
ink with his blood, squid ink, and an owl’s feather.
Level: 1
S, M
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: 120 ft +60ft per caster level
Target: Tiny to Large animal or creature
Duration: Special
The en runes are risted onto a leather leash or
tether. The bearer of the rune must leash or tether an animal to invoke the
rune. The animal or creature leashed or tethered will not act against the one
whom successfully leashed them. It also grants the rune bearer a +5 to handle
animal and if applicable ride checks with said animal. The rune lasts for 1d4+1
day(s) per caster level if the animal or creature has and intelligence score
below 5 they are granted a save to break the rune if unsuccessful the animal
must wait another week before making another save attempt. If the intelligence
is greater than 5 but less than 10 the duration is halved. Intelligence of 11
or higher grants a save at the time the creature or animal is leashed.
Creatures or animals with an intelligence score of 16 or higher are immune to
the effects of the rune. If threatened by a wild animal or creature the leash
can be used to calm the animal or creature down and allow the rune bearer to
leave unscathed. However a successful attack role that must exceed the hit
chance by 5 or more is needed to calm the threatened creature. If successful
the animal will simply ignore the rune bearer and his party moving along onto
something or someone else far from the rune bearer’s presence. Note even an
animal or creature under the influence of the rune is granted a save when
treated harshly or when the animal or creature’s life is in danger. The leash
or tether will break when the rune expires.
Life From the Yew
Level: 1
S, M
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
The nz runes are risted on the branch of a yew tree
that is not withered. The rune bearer need only touch the blood from a wound to
the runes on the yew branch to invoke the rune. The rune heals 1d8 points of
damage plus 1 for every three caster levels. The branch withers after being
used and cannot be reshaped again.
Meld With the Shadow
Level: 1
S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1minute per caster level
The gb runes are risted onto a cloaks clasp made of
metal. The rune bearer invokes the rune by rubbing some of his saliva on the
risted clasp. The rune bearer then gains a +12 to his hide checks +2 per level
of the rune caster with a bonus maximum of +30. The clasp opens when the rune
expires and can be risted again by a rune caster.
My Stance is True
Level: 1
S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
The xz runes are risted onto a pair of boots. To
invoke the rune the rune bearer must kick the ground with the toes of his boot.
The earth will cover the boots and limit the rune bearer’s movement to 5 feet
for standard action and 10 feet full action. However the rune bearer cannot be
trampled or knocked down by any creature smaller than him and up to one size
category taller than him. If a creature exceeds the size limitations of the
spell they must halve their normal bonus to trample or knock down the rune
bearer. This rune prevents the rune bearer from being tripped as well and
grease spells and slippery surfaces do not affect the rune bearer. The item can
be risted again by a rune caster.
None Can Flank Me
Level: 1
S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 3rounds + 1 round a level
The ua runes are risted onto arm bands or gauntlets.
The rune bearer invokes the rune by rubbing his weapon across his arm band or
gauntlet. If anyone tries to flank the rune bearer he gains an attack of
opportunity even if his dexterity normally does not allow for this. If a rune
bearer has the feat combat reflexes he gains an attack of opportunity against
one other engaged opponent even if he was not flanked by said individual
initially. The items can be risted again by a rune caster. If a rune bearer
normally gets an attack of opportunity he gets both against the same opponent
in the same round.
Oerth Hounds
Level: 1
V, S, F or M
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: 400 yards plus 40 yards per level
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
The fe runes are risted onto a wooden figurine
usually a wolf or dog figurine is used. The rune bearer invokes the rune by
hurling the figurine into the ground and reciting the following, “Of Oerth I
call for a faithful hound”. The figurine will glow red and grow to the size of
a wolf and have statistics equal to a wolf with a+2 to its AC bonus, otherwise
the statistics remain the same. The figurine can be risted again as long as it
is not defeated in battle otherwise it must be replaced or repaired the
figurine has a base cost of 25 gp value.
Open Before Me
Level: 1
S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
The cc runes are risted on a key or set of lock
picks. When the key or picks are set into a lock it grants the bearer a +10
circumstance bonus to their open lock skill. Any item with a visible lock can
be opened by this risted object. If a rogue possesses the risted object he may
use his open lock skill to open magically barred doorways and portals as well.
The base DC for magically barred doorways and portals should be 30, or more
depending on the level of the magic used to bar entry. The key or picks can be
risted again by a rune caster.
Rest But For a Moment
Level: 1
S, M
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: Bearer of the rune
Duration: Special
The dd runes are risted on a talisman made of
silver. To invoke the rune the bearer need only rest his head upon the
talisman. For every hour the bearer rests he receives the benefit of sleeping
four hours. So if a wizard uses the talisman for two hours, he can receive the
benefits of having slept for eight uninterrupted hours. The talisman is
consumed after the bearer wakes from his slumber. The material component cost
is equal to 100 gp.
Level: 1
V, S, M
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Line of sight
Target: One person chosen by the rune bearer
Duration: Special
The nl runes are risted onto a drinking horn. To
invoke the rune the bearer drinks from the horn until its empty, then he
mentions the target and breaks the drinking horn. The affected individual must
make fortitude save or be forced to consume 8 gallons of water a day. If the
target does not drink a gallon of water every three hours he suffers 1d4 points
of dehydration damage. The target makes an fortitude save once a day until he
dies or until he makes a successful save. This rune can be extremely deadly in
places where water is scarce. The DM can rule that consumption of any liquid in
that amount will suffice to quench the characters thirst. The drinking horn
cannot be risted again another horn would need to be risted to invoke the rune
Turn Your Angst Elsewhere
Level: 1
V, S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: 100ft +10ft per level
Target: Those in range who threaten the rune bearer
Duration: 1 minute per caster level
The sv runes are risted onto a metal talisman. To
invoke the rune the rune bearer must hold the talisman in plain sight and
recite the following “Let those who wish me harm this day, place there angst
another way”. Those affected by the rune must make a will save or fight someone
other than the rune bearer. The talisman can be risted again by the rune
Wealth Finds Thee
Level: 1
Components: S, F
Crafting time: 20 minutes
Range: Line of sight
Target: Anything of value
Duration: 10 minutes for every three levels of the
The fo runes are risted onto a helm. The rune is
invoked whenever the rune bearer looks upon an item he can discern its true
value within 10 percent of its actual value. A DC 5 appraisal check will grant
him the exact value and if he succeeds his check by five or more may garner an
extra ten percent on the items value if sold within the duration of the rune.
In Part four second and third level runes are
explored. “May Dumathoin show you the truths you seek”.