A request from the Trichiliocosm Headquarters to the current Dimensional Guardians of Oerth and Greyspace for a report on the local psionic resources currently available, along with the usual bureaucratic demands, admonishments, and budgetary warnings.
Psionics in Greyhawk and the Flanaess
Overview of Edel, Creatures, and Organizations
Nijineko Prismaticpsion
Head Warden; Order Headquarters of Trichiliocosm 6716
Trichiliocosm 6716, Dichiliocosm 913, Chiliocosm 531,
Outpost of Planar Guardians
of: Office of the Keeper, Dichiliocosm 913
of: Monastery of Sentinels, Chiliocosm 531
Dimensional Guardians of Greyspace Prime
of Receipt Required
Dimensional Guardians,
It has come to our
attention that the Sphere under your care is unfortunately
contaminated by the corruption known as magic, and infected parasitic
viral entities, known commonly as Outsiders. In fact, a review of the
Sentinel Archives for Chiliocosm 531 reveals quite a number of
spheres in the local region have likewise been contaminated and
infested within a similar time frame: Realmspace, Krynnspace, and
We note in passing
that the outlier Crimson Sphere has been identified as a possible
origin vector for the magic infection, as it has already been
abandoned by the Outsiders and is dying. Offer our sincere
condolences to the Dimensional Guardians of the Crimson Sphere, as
well as an urgent request for an updated report when next you
communicate with them, as they missed the last millennial reporting
deadline by a few centuries as of the date of this missive. We
request that immediate coordination with all affected Dimensional
Guardians and investigations proceed accordingly.
It is further
requested that increased efforts in containing and recovering the
contamination and corruption of magic in Chiliocosm 531 (as per Code
of Regulations, Title 42, Chapter 4, Sub-chapter B, Part 411, Subpart
B: Recovery of Infected Populations), or elimination of Contaminant
Vectors (as per Code of Regulations, Title 18, Chapter 83,
Sub-chapter A, Part 1705: Destruction Protocols for Contamination of
Magic, Contagious Infected Entities, and Corrupted Entities) be
sanctioned immediately. As always remain cognizant of protocols
regarding native populations (as per Code of Regulations, Title 24,
Subtitle B, Chapter 9, Part 982, Section 8: Selective Application of
Moral and Ethical Rights to Native Populations of Contaminated
Dimensions) while securing positive results in the elimination of the
corrupting contagion of magic, recovery of infected entities, and
destruction of converted entities.
Finally, it is
requested that an interim update on available psionic resources be
sent immediately, out of the normal reporting cycle, to update
Sentinel, Keeper, and Order Archives. Please note that the requested
update, and results, if any, will be included as part of the next
Budget and Resources Allocation Review for Chiliocosm 531.
Warden; Order Headquarters of Trichiliocosm 6716
Pard Shining, Greyspace Dimensional Guardian
Order Headquarters in Trichiliocosm 6716
to: Order Archives
of: Monastery of Sentinels, Chiliocosm 531
to: Sentinel Archives
of: Office of the Keeper, Dichiliocosm 913
to: Keeper Archives
Head Warden
find attached an overview of local psionic resources, including a
brief history of resources known to have been, or are currently,
note that as per Sentinel Archives, while discovery of dimensions in
Chiliocosm 531 with sentient native populations preceded the initial
contamination of magic and subsequent Outsider viral infestation,
active assignment of Dimensional Guardians and initial arrival upon
the scene for assumption of duties occurred subsequent to initial
contamination and infestation, known in local history as the Age of
such, this report can only be considered preliminary, and is
primarily focused on planetary resources located and developed in the
initial area of operations, the majority of which reside in a portion
of the primary continent of Oerik known as the Flanaess. Secretive
but active interactions with Greyspace have been noted in the Kingdom
of Ratik and especially among the followers of Celestian, an allied
Shining, Dimensional Guardian of Greyspace
Psionics in the
Prehistory of Oerth
psychometric analysis coupled with remote clairsentience scanning and
invasive sense-linked (as per secrecy protocols) perusal of modern
local archives has provided numerous insights into the historical
periods previous to the arrival of the first Dimensional Guardians.
Certain records reveal that during the past eras previous to the
so-called Age of Magic, certain prehistoric races of Oerth engaged in
extensive life-shaping style practices.1, 28
The unrestrained breeding resulted in over-rapid diversification as
well as excessive specialization, and those of course, led to the
unavoidable self-destruction of those races. It was sometime during
these eras that active psionics was first recorded. It is still
unknown if the ability was bred into the local life forms by
accident, by design, or arose naturally.
Surviving strains of
the life-shaped breeding programs still exist in the depths of the
oceans of Oerth, and atavistic lifeforms with these ancient psionic
traits are occasionally born among modern land flora and fauna as
well: the Ingundi2 is a classic example. Like many other
recorded worlds in the Archives, Oerth too underwent an era of
domination by great lizards. This era is significant due to the first
recorded signs of the contamination of magic.1
Thus the first major
chronological discrepancy is noted. There are distinct differences
between the records based on magical scrying, the mythological and
certain religious records of the magical “Age Before Ages”
alternate history, and the information retrieved directly via
psychometric methods used by Dimensional Guardians. Records indicate
that early scrying produced results closer to our psychometric
results, however, the more recent in time the scrying attempt, the
closer it becomes to the revisionist history claimed by one of the
various Outsider factions.
We have successfully
secured supporters among those who are related to psionics and mental
power: Istus, Delleb, Xan-Yae, and Zuoken3 (recently freed
from imprisonment as the result of our successful instigation), as
well as extending our network of allies among nearly all the Powers
who are favorable towards psionics, planar travelers, mental acumen,
harmony, or peace: Rao, Celestian, Lendor, Trithereon, Al’Akbar,
Keoghtom, Murlynd, and Johydee3; more on that subject will
be reserved for future reports. It is also noted in passing that some
older records indicate that most of the local Outsiders used to
possess psionic powers at some point in the past, but more recent
records seem to indicate that some no longer have access to
psionics3,4,5,6 (and in various cases, no
longer possess memories of ever having had access to psionic
power)... a sure sign of danger.
Psionics and
Magic in the Flanaess
It is clear from the
historical records that the usable applications of magic in Oerth has
received the direct influence of psionics from it’s earliest times.
Early spells actually included surprisingly sophisticated magically
enabled mental effects, including the reading of minds, projecting
false mental images, and moving objects mentally.7 Spells
were even named using terminology specific to psionic phenomena such
as ESP and Telekinesis.7 One recent famous mage in
particular has had contact with active practitioners and has thereby
made an especial study of mental effects, as well as developed many
magical effects specifically based on psionics: Empathic Perception,
Memory Alteration, Mind Scan, Mind Shield, Replay of the Past
(psychometry), and Telepathic Bond.2
Within the last few
decades, psionics has spread much further than compared to historical
records. This may be a result of poor record keeping, as psionics is
considered uncommon on the whole by the general populace. In fact,
most natives who have heard of Edel (the most common use word
for psionics42) view psionics as simply another branch of
magic, if rare. Attitudes vary from acceptance and incorporation to
strict control to outright fear and hatred, depending on the local
Among the natives
who possess psionics, most of them seem to use a sort of magically
enabled form of access to their psionic potential. This has led to a
divide among the population. Most lean on magic to use their psionic
abilities. These ‘impure’ types are the majority on Oerth.8
The minority, by
comparison have ‘pure’ direct access to their psionic abilities
and thus do not interface or interact with magic, as is normal for
psionics.8 Examples include lineal descendants of the
Hidden Houses9, the unexpected but successful results of
recent experimental attempts to purify magically tainted psionic
users: the Elan9, 10, the very rare surviving psionic
Gearforged of the so-called City of the Gods10, 11
in the Blackmoor Archbarony, as well as a few other scattered
Psionic Creatures
found in the Flanaess
According to
historical records, among the humanoid populations the humans were
the first to display psionic potential, followed by the dwarves and
halflings.39, 17, 8 In more recent times this capability
for psionics has spread among nearly all types of humanoids, as well
as a number of non-humanoid creatures, in part due to sanctioned
protocols and programs initiated by the Greyspace Outpost.
Planar intruders
with psionics such as: Aboleth12, 8, Baku13, 14, 15,
Gith16, 9, Illithid17, 8, Intellect
Devourers17, 8, Thought Eaters17, 8,
Crysmals29, and Weavers18, 19 can be found in
various locations around the continent.
Native creatures
include the Ingundi2, Grippli20, Fulminating
Crabs29, Brain Moles17, 8, Quanak lizardfolk21,
22, Sand Drummers29, Quaggoth16, 23,
Aleithian Dwarves29, Stonefire dwarves8, Blue
Goblins8, Hammerfish29, Duergar8, 30,
Su-Monsters17, Puppeteers8, Thri-kreen8,
31, 32, Arctic Cats29,
Maenad8, Onyx Worms29, Xeph8,
Dromities8, Gajusian29, Yuan-ti8,
Hamaguans29, Death Sail29, Titan Salamanders29,
Dragon Newts29, and of course Dragons, specifically the
gem dragons24, 25, 26, among numerous others
are scattered among the normal and magical creatures of the
Artificial sentient
creatures capable of psionics include psiforged10 versions
of the aforementioned Gearforged10,11, and rumors exist in
records of a psionic form of lich.27
Various psionic
flora such as Crystal Sunflowers, Ironglass Roses, Sheengrass, Spine
Springers, Udoroot8, Warp Drifters, and Deathweed, have
been noted in various climes.29
Of especial note are
at least two uncommon psionic maladies present on Oerth: cascade
flu8, and cerebral parasites.8, 17
While this is not an
exhaustive list, it is an excellent general overview in light of the
relative scarcity of many of these races, fauna, flora, and maladies.
Organizations of the Flanaess
The Monastery of the
Splintered Mind33 was originally founded in the Free City
of Irongate of Old Aerdy East and has since spread to Scant, the
Capitol of Onnwal. They fight against the Great and Hidden Empire of
the Scarlet Brotherhood, which apparently plans to take over as much
as the Flanaess as they can. The Splintered Mind trains special elite
agents know as Truth Seekers, who have developed some interesting
specialized psionic powers.
The Fists of Zuoken8
are a militant monastic order that teaches Da’shon martial arts and
Edel mental training in addition to the teachings of Zuoken. They can
be found in secluded and reclusive monasteries or wandering almost
anywhere helping people find balance between mind and body, teaching
mediation and physical exercise, preaching their form of perfection,
fighting against persecution, illithids, and the Scarlet Brotherhood,
protecting psionic families, tracking down psionic artifacts, and
especially guarding sites dedicated to both Zuoken and Xan-Yae. Now
that Zuoken has been freed from his imprisonment, searching has
resumed for the Orb of Gerendelik, a psionic artifact which rumors
variously indicate can safely awaken psionic potential in any being,
contains a massive store of ancient psionic lore, and/or possibly
houses the soul of an ancient psion.
Retreats of Xan-Yae4
are found in both secluded distant locations and surprisingly in
almost all major capitols and busy urban centers, though the latter
are nondescript, if large, buildings that cannot be recognized as a
temple or monastery from the outside. Xan-Yae is rare in her
popularity, her followers are widespread across the Flanaess, quietly
working in the shadows, and publicly caring for those in ‘the
twilight of life’. It is this public face that gives Xan-Yae her
Flanaess-wide popularity, and in the shadows provides her with an
information network unmatched by all but a few. In secret, these
retreats also support an underground organization of stygian
The elite Ebon
Saints8 are barely known, but feared by those who do.
Kindly grandfathers, gentle grandmothers, terminally ill patients,
and severely wounded survivors unwilling to live with crippling
injuries are the recruits of this secretive order. They receive
specialized training and secret ceremonies which forcibly, if
temporarily, awaken advanced mental prowess, trading in what remains
of their lifespan. They perform a single deadly mission flawlessly;
in exchange for a loved one being well taken care of after they die.
Ebon Saints also count a few exceedingly rare Psychic and Cerebral
Assassins among their ranks.
The Caradhaker8,
a loose organization of dwarven hunters, have a single goal: death to
all Illithid. As such they train both body and mind to an extreme
degree to specialize in hunting and slaying their hated foes in the
dark and winding tunnels of UnderOerth. While most people aware of
this group believe the dwarves originated this unique training
regime, a few are aware that the Caradhaker themselves claim to have
obtained their secret lore from a hidden source. The name Caradhaker
is actually a dwarven term meaning ‘mind-stalker’
The Furyondy College
of War34, 35 is famed for producing stout warriors and
brave generals, but what is less well know, is that it also quietly
produces Psychic Weapon Masters29 and War Minds.8
The War Minds study an ancient text known as the Talariic Codex
learning tenants called ‘chains of war’, and thereby gain unique
abilities in combat. Most War Minds can be found as generals of
military forces, leaders of elite strike teams, or occasionally in
famous arenas actively honing their art via constant direct and
brutal combat. The Weapon Masters focus on a single weapon, mastering
the art of combat with it. They are found wherever conflict is
The Free City of
Greyhawk2, 3, 4 is the called gem of the Flanaess, and is
known for it’s many guilds. It is no surprise then that the Guild
of Jewelers and Gem-cutters3 contain a secret enclave of
Crystalsingers29 and Crystalmasters29. Other
guilds likewise have their secrets: the Guild of Architects and
Stonemasons3 have an eccentric Erbauer29 master
sculptor, the Guild of Apothecaries and Herbalists3 has a
Sangehirn29 and her two disciples, and in the Guild of
Ostlers and Brewers3 there is a certain tavern which is
also a secret front for the very well hidden Greyhawk School of
Psionics.36 Attempts at organizing a Guild of
Psionicists41 have previously met with resistance, though
less so in the last year or so. A few more years and this project may
see fruit.
The Flanaess is
known for having numerous orders of knights, and those with the Gift
of Fate are not immune to the call of knighthood. The Knights of the
Floating Table37 is an Order focused on upholding truth
and justice, regardless of lineage or position, on all who accept the
influence of their unique power: Table of Mediation. This makes them
popular with the common people, but less so among the unethical or
ignoble. When not called upon to mediate between two disputing
parties, they patrol the highways and byways much like many other
orders of knighthood.
The Order of the
Knights of the Silver Shield38, known for their unique
silvery shields which begin cloudy and grow brighter and more
reflective based on the valorous bravery, chivalrous conduct, and
noble deeds performed by the bestowed knights. When the shield judges
the knight has overcome an especially monumental challenge, they will
display a radiant golden star, the highest honor. The shields do not
permit themselves to be carried nor wielded by those who do not
uphold the principles of Order and Freedom. These knights are
typically based near the Crystalmist, Hellfurnace, and Lortmil
mountain ranges, escorting travelers near their forts to safety and
fighting against giants and other foes of Order and Freedom.
The Society of the
Sanctified Mind40 is a branch of the church of St.
Cuthbert and was originally restricted to paladins, clerics, and
other combatants in good stead of the same. Under the helm of
recently appointed dwarf Commandant Albaric, who has opened the
society to all races and classes who believe in the mission and goals
of the society: to restrict the depredations of evil uses of
psionics; psionicists are actively recrited. While being able to
sense psionics is one of the minimum requirements to join the
Society, and thus almost all members have psionic potential, the old
guard remains highly suspicious of psionic users falling to evil,
causing divisions within the Society.
The Church of
Sardior24, 29, 8 has gained recent popularity, to the
extent that most large cities have a branch and even the five Thanes
of Sardior between them have collected about half of the total
followers with many branches here and there. His dogma focuses on
acquiring knowledge, but not by studying dusty tomes. No, he prefers
to get someone else to read it and tell him all about it. His clergy
follow suit and are gregarious, skilled at conversing and
storytelling, and always seem to have the latest gossip. Having an
excellent eye for gems, combined with a striking lack of any
political agendas, they are popular guests at parties among the
wealthy and noble classes.
The Hidden Houses9
are human transmigrators from another dimension, who fled an
apocalyptic demise of their home world. Once eight, now only six
houses are known to survive, they quietly seek to integrate and
survive in the Flanaess. They are ‘pure’ psionicsts, thus are
mildly allergic to magic, being unable to use magical items, but able
to tolerate psionic items crafted by ‘impure’ psionic artificers.
It is unknown if they used the Travel Stone network of the ancient
Mystic civilization 43, the same interdimensional Nexus
near the Ardi Forest that the Rhennee42 used, or arrived
through a rift of their own making.
Report prepared by:
Pard Shining, Dimensional Guardian of Greyspace
1 Scrying
the Ancient Races of Greyhawk, Canonfire.com
Greyhawk Adventures
Player’s Guide to Greyhawk
4 Guide
to Greyhawk Boxed Set
6 The
Dragon #067
Dungeons & Dragons, Men & Magic, Volume I
Expanded Psionic Handbook 3.5
Complete Psionic, 3.5
Eberron Campaign Setting, 3.5
Dungeon #126
Dwellers of the Forbidden City
13 Manual
of the Planes, AD&D
14 Manual
of the Planes, 3.5
Complete Divine, 3.5
16 Fiend
Folio, AD&D
Dungeons & Dragons, Eldritch Wizardry, Supplement III
Monster Manual 3, 4e
19 The
Dragon’s Bestiary, Dragon #163
20 Needle
Dungeons & Dragons, Greyhawk, Supplement I
Dungeon Master’s Guide II, 3.5
23 Dragon
24 The
Dragon #037
Draconum Psionicus
26 Legend
of Sardior
27 Dragon
28 Dark
Sun, Athas.org, Official 3e site
29 The
Minds Eye, web articles collection, 3.0 & 3.5
30 Queen
of the Spiders
Monster Cards
Thri-kreen of Athas, Greyhawk section, 2nd edition
33 Dragon
Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
Dungeon #117
Maldin’s Greyhawk, melkot.com, personal campaign
37 The
Complete Psionic Handbook, 2e
38 The
Knights of the Silver Shield, by Raymond MacDonald Alden, Copyright
1906 The Bobbs-Merrill Company Publishers
39 Dragon
40 Lords
of Madness
42 Living
Greyhawk Gazateer
Dungeon #031