Date: Sun, July 14, 2002
Topic: Heretic's Nest

Elsewhere in Oerth's crystal sphere floats the world of Amiathoer, a planet that was once a lush tropical paradise, and home to the original mortal creations of the gods of Oerth. Pride and insolence changed all that, turning Amiathoer into a barren wasteland of undeath.

Author: Orion

By Orion (
(Used with permission, do not redistribute without the express consent of the author.)

Amiathoer was a world much like oerth in it's old days, But it was a tropical paradise whose people were favored by the gods over the people of oerth, And thus the inhabitants of Amiathoer were spoiled. They discovered great magics previously unimaginable and everyone lived long and happy lives. They couldn't have asked for more.....but they did. The high cleric of the lands demanded the goods to destroy all of the evil races that lived on the fringes of the planet, plauging the civilized races with constant raids against their cities. The high cleric didn't pray to the gods, He didn't beg them, He Demanded! The gods were greatly angered by this and they realized that they had spoiled these people who thought of the gods as servants. So the gods decided to teach them a lesson by ripping open a portal to the negative plane in the center of the most inhabited city in the world. They kept the portal open for several weeks, and millions of undead poured out of the portal. When the gods thought it enough, they sealed the portal. The undead swarmed over the continents slaughtering the inhabitants. Finally the people begged the gods to intervine, And they did. They granted great power to these people to fight the undead, but it wasn't enough, for there were too many undead. The gods were about to use their great divine powers to intervine, But in-fighting and squabbling prevented them from doing so. When they re-focused their attention on Amiathoer it was too late....The planet was overun by decaying undead...the gods had failed. And so, they turned to oerth, vowing never to let it happen again.

Spelljammer ; Greyspace

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