The Witch Addendum
Date: Thu, October 06, 2005 Topic: Power Groups & Organizations
This addendum contains further information on the class features of the Witch, including spells from Dragon Magazine #114 converted to 3.5, additional spell selections from books other than the Players Handbook, the Epic Witch, and information on multiclassing, feats, and much more!
Regarding the Inclusion/Exclusion of Certain Witch Abilities
There are a few abilities of the witch that I chose not to include from the Dragon Magazine #114 article, or from the witch class kit from the Complete Wizards Handbook. This is mainly because these abilities are already well represented within the 3.5 rules. The “Candle Magic” and “Create Control Doll” abilities fall within the standard uses of the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The Brew Poison ability is represented within the Alchemy skill. The “Brew Love Potion” and “Brew Flying Ointment” are both represented within the Brew Potion feat. The “Brew Truth Drug” ability could fall under either the Alchemy skill or the Brew Potion feat, at the DM’s discretion. The “Witch’s Curse” ability I have chosen to represent as a witch spell presented hereafter. The “Shapechange” ability is an option as a 9th level spell, and as the witch already has quite a few abilities I chose not to include it. The “Use All Magical Scrolls” and “Limited Wish” abilities are features of the Witch of the High Secret Order prestige class, as I feel these abilities should be a bit more limited, particularly as the witch already has an acceptable level of magic item and spell access. Regarding Memorizing Spells It is inevitable that the witch will eventually come across a book or scroll containing arcane or divine spells. Any such spells that the witch finds, and that are listed on Table1. Witch Spells (or that are listed hereafter from books other than the Players Handbook v.3.5), may be learned by the witch as normal. Before the witch can memorize such spells she must transcribe them into her own spellbook (commonly referred to as the witch’s grimoire) using the magical formulae unique to witches. Wizards who find a book or scroll containing witch spells must likewise transcribe them into their own unique magical language before they can memorize them, but can only transcribe arcane spells that could be used by sorcerers/wizards to begin with. For example, a wizard cannot transcribe the witch version of cure light wounds successfully, as it is not an arcane spell available to sorcerers/wizards. High Secret Order Spells can never be transcribed successfully by any spellcaster other than a Witch of the High Secret Order. Even a wish spell will only ever allow simple understanding of a High Secret Order spell, but does not grant the ability to use it. Regarding Magic Items
The restriction placed upon witches of not being able to use spells that are in opposition to their patron or the witch’s alignment also applies to magical items that duplicate similar effects. For example, a witch allied to a power from the elemental plane of fire cannot make use of a staff of frost, or a good witch cannot use an evil spell.
Regarding the Energy Substitution Feat
Any witch that has a patron representative of one of the four types of energy available to the Energy Substitution feat (acid, cold, electricity, and fire) may choose to learn any spell that can be modified by this feat as a spell representative of her patron. There is no -10 penalty applied to the Spellcraft check to learn the spell, nor is the spell cast at -3 levels. For example, a witch dedicated to an elemental fire power, and who has the Energy Substitution (fire) feat, may choose to learn cone of cold modified with a fire descriptor, even though the cone of cold spell is in opposition to her patron power. The spell functions exactly the same as a normal cone of cold but inflicts fire damage, and would be called cone of fire instead. The witch is not so much as learning the cone of cold spell as she is learning a new way of manipulating magical energy and implementing the energy type representative of her patron. The witch basically learns cone of fire and can only cast the spell as a fire spell. A witch who has a patron representative of one of the four energy types available to the Energy Substitution feat may only ever take the Energy Substitution feat only once, and the energy type chosen is automatically that which is most representative of her patron. If a witch’s patron has more than one representative energy type, the witch must choose one, and only one, to exemplify.
Regarding Multiclassing
For purposes of multiclassing, the witch is considered to be representative of the cleric, druid, and wizard classes. A witch may never multiclass as a cleric, druid, or wizard or any other class (from whatever source) with a similar spellcasting structure. The witch is simply too similar to these classes, particularly in how the spell-usage of each functions, and would be tantamount to having a multiclassed wizard/wizard, cleric/cleric, or druid/druid. The witch class is also at odds with the religious traditions of both clerics and druids. A witch may also not multi-class as a monk, as the mystical traditions of each require a much too single-minded focus. I was very tempted to disallow multi-classing as a sorcerer, but due to the more innate spellcasting abilities of that class, I think that it may be looked on as a means by which the witch could have gained some power of her own without the aid of her supernatural benefactor. The witch is effectively limited to multi-classing as a barbarian, bard, fighter, rogue, or sorcerer only. This limitation does not apply to prestige classes. While allowing multiclassed witches is discouraged, any multi-classed witch should be thought out very carefully with regard to her background.
The Epic Witch
The epic witch is a figure of legend. Few witches attain epic levels without having drawn a certain level of notoriety to themselves. Though epic witches are very rare in the Flanaess, there are two in particular that are known of. Both of their names are only spoken in hushed whispers, these witches being Iggwilv and Baba-Yaga. The epic witch usually spends her time researching powerful magics, and influencing the world at large. She spends more of her time dealing with the supernatural servants of her patron and taking a more active hand in battling her patron’s enemies. This may take the witch to obscure locales throughout the world, or even to other planes of existence. Hit Die: d4. Skill points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Spells: The witch’s caster level is equal to her class level. The witch’s number of spells per day does not increase after 20th level. Each time the witch achieves a new level, she learns two new spells of any spell level that she can cast (according to her new level).
Familiar: The witch’s familiar continues to increase in power. Every two levels after 20th (22nd, 24th, 26th, and so on) the familiar’s natural armor and Intelligence each increase by +1. The familiar’s spell resistance is equal to the master’s level +5. Special Abilities: The epic witch continues to gain certain abilities as she advances in level. At 23rd and 28th level, the witch gains a further use of her wild shape ability. At 24th and 28th level, the witch gains a further increase to her Resistance ability.
Bonus Feats: The epic witch gains a bonus feat at 25th and 30th level.
Epic Witch Bonus Feat List: Augmented Alchemy, Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Combat Casting, Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Epic Rod, Craft Epic Staff, Craft Epic Wondrous item, Efficient Item Creation, Enhance Spell, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spellcasting, Extended Lifespan(figure the witch’s total lifespan including this feat before calculating the Longevity ability, if applicable), Familiar Spell, Forge Epic Ring, Great Charisma, Ignore Material Components, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity, Intensify Spell, Multispell, Permanent Emanation, Scribe Epic Scroll, Spell Focus, Spell Knowledge, Spell Mastery, Spell Opportunity, Spell Penetration, Spell Stowaway, Spontaneous Spell, Tenacious Magic. In addition to the feats on this list, the witch may select any item creation feat, metamagic feat, or wildshape feat (that the witch qualifies for) not listed here.
Dragon Magazine #114 Article “The Witch” Spell Conversions & Additions
The following spells may be added to “Table 1. Witch Spells”:
Control Vapor
Transmutation (Air) Level: Witch 1
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: one cloud effect up to 30-ft. radius, 20-ft. high, or one creature in gaseous form
Duration: 1 minute/level. Saving Throw: See below
Spell Resistance: Special
By means of this spell, a quantity of gas or vapor can be moved about at the direction of the witch. Controlled gases may be moved about anywhere within range, though the total area of effect of the gases being controlled must always be maintained within the spell’s range. The witch may move about freely while controlling the gases, but casting another spell will break the witch’s concentration and prematurely end the spell. The witch must make a Concentration check if she sustains damage. If the check is failed, the spell ends.
Material Component: A miniature fan that the witch blows upon to complete the spell.
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] Level: Witch 2
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: 2d4 creatures of up to 6HD each
Duration: 10 minutes/level. Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Pacify causes 2d4 creatures (with up to 6 HD each) within range to suddenly become docile and relaxed if a saving throw is failed. Any target that fails it’s saving throw will cease combat and either leave the area or lie down to take a rest (50% chance of either). Pacified creatures will not harm the witch or anyone with her as long as the pacified creatures are not harmed first. If any pacified creature is attacked, the spell is immediately broken.
Mystic Rope
Conjuration Level: Witch 3
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Effect: creates one rope of up to 100 ft. length
Duration: 1 minute/level. Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates a 50’ long magical rope in the witch’s hand or on the ground anywhere within the range of the spell. The mystic rope unerringly carries out the witch’s orders to move about, even to move up a wall or across an open space no wider than 30 feet. The mystic rope can be commanded to attach itself to any solid object so that it could be pulled upon or be used to climb or descend a surface. The mystic rope can also be commanded to become taught, slack, knot itself at intervals, or to tie/untie itself.
Upon command, the mystic rope can be made to lash out and ensnare up to six Small, three Medium, two Large, or one Huge opponent. If the rope is commanded to ensnare multiple opponents, the mystic rope will actually drag any currently ensnared opponents around with it in pursuit of further targets. The mystic rope is considered to have Str 20 for determining how much weight it can drag around in this way. Ensnared creatures may perform no actions that require movement other than to try and break free of the mystic rope. For example, an ensnared dragon could not use its breath weapon, as it is assumed the mystic rope binds the dragon’s jaws shut as well. An ensnared creature may break free with a DC 25 Strength check or a DC 20(or possibly higher if the witch has the Rope Use skill) Escape Artist check. The mystic rope has AC 22, 1 hit point/level of the caster, and hardness 10. If the mystic rope is reduced to 0 hit points it is destroyed.
This spell grants a +2 synergy bonus on any Use Rope checks you make when using the mystic rope.
Material Component: A small piece of rope.
Elemental Radiance
Evocation (Earth, Air, Fire, or Water) Level: Witch 4
Components: V, S, F Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: Radius spread centered on the caster
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster brings forth a burst of elemental energy which radiates outwards from them, damaging all things around them. All creatures, friend and foe alike, within the spell’s range of caster sustain 1d4 points of energy damage per level of the caster (maximum 15d4). The type of elemental energy created will be acid, cold, electricity, or fire, depending on what energy forms the witch has access to.
Arcane Focus: An object which has been exposed to the type of elemental energy that the caster wishes to create (example: a button made of wood from a tree struck by lightning).
Abjuration Level: Witch 5
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch Target: One creature
Duration: One hour/level Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The witch calls upon life giving forces to protect her or another from poisons and diseases. While under the effects of this spell the recipient is rendered immune to poisons and diseases of all kinds, magical or otherwise, which includes such diseases as lycanthropy and mummy rot.
Wards of Defense
Abjuration (force) Level: Witch 6
Components: V, S, F Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal; see text Target: You
Duration: 1 round/ level Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The witch calls into being an immobile sphere of force 20 ft. in diameter centered on the witch that is impervious to one type of magic (conjuration, enchantment, evocation, etc.) and to one type of physical attack ( piercing , slashing, bludgeoning) for the duration of the spell or until it is dispelled. The witch may move about freely within the field, but if she moves beyond 20 ft. from the center point the spell is dispelled. The witch may cast spells of 3rd level and lower from inside the field and may also make attacks with missile weapons. A ward of defense only protects the witch, and not anyone else within the field.
Arcane Focus: A small diamond sphere worth 500 g.p.
Call Spirit
Necromancy [Language-Dependent] Level: Witch 7
Components: V, S Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 20 ft. Target: One dead creature
Duration: See text Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: No
You all forth the spirit of the deceased and bind it to its remains, allowing it to answer several questions that you put to it. You may ask one question per two caster levels. The spell must be cast at night, and the name of the deceased must be known, if it has one. One round after the spell is completed the spirit is summoned to its remains. The witch may then begin questioning the spirit, and the spirit is compelled to answer truthfully if the answer is known or can be obtained by it.
The spirit is assumed to have 10 ranks in all knowledge skills, and the spirit might know the answer to any question put to it. If the subject of a question is one that the spirit had knowledge of in life (subject to the DM” discretion) then the spirit gains a +5 bonus on knowledge checks regarding those subjects. If successful the spirit will answer the question. Answers may range from a single word to a few sentences, but will never take more than a minute of time to convey. If the knowledge check is unsuccessful and the spirit does not know the answer to a question, the witch may ask it to search the spirit world for additional aid in finding an answer. It takes anywhere from one to three hours for the spirit to search the spirit world for an answer, but this adds a further +5 bonus to the spirit’s knowledge check which is then re-rolled, and also counts as having asked another question. If this second knowledge check is unsuccessful and the spirit does not know or is unable to discover the answer to a question, it will inform the witch of its inability to find answer.
The spell lasts for one hour per two levels of the caster, or until all questions have been answered. The witch may also end the spell at any time.
Witch’s Curse
Necromancy Level: Witch 7
Components: S Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: See below
Spell Resistance: Yes
The witch need merely point at a target to affect them with a more powerful version of the bestow curse spell. This spell enables the witch to affect the target as either the spell bestow curse does, or with any one of the following effects: baleful polymorph, blindness/deafness, touch of idiocy, deep slumber, ray of exhaustion, feeblemind. If the attack is made at range the target receives a standard saving throw according to the spell that the witch’s curse is based upon. For example, a witch’s curse saving throw that causes a baleful polymorph is a Fortitude based save, while one that causes feeblemind is Will based. If the witch is able to make physical contact with the target of the spell (requiring a touch attack roll) the target gets no saving throw whatsoever. The effects of a witch’s curse can only be removed with a limited wish, miracle, or wish spell.
Rusting Touch
Transmutation Level: Witch 8
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch Target: Creature or object touched
Duration: See text Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The witch’s takes on the properties of a rust monster, enabling her to turn metal to rust at a touch. The witch may affect up to a 10 ft. cube of metal with each touch. A wall of iron is instantly destroyed by a single touch.
The witch may attempt to destroy an enemy’s weapon, which requires a successful touch attack. A metal weapon that deals damage to the witch is instantly corroded. Magic armor and weapons that touch, or are touched by the witch area allowed a Reflex saving throw (based on their owner) to avoid being dissolved.
Against a ferrous creature, rusting touch instantaneously deals 6d6 points of damage +1 per caster level (maximum +20) per successful attack.
The spell lasts for 1 round per level, and the witch may make one touch attack per round. Any metal objects in the witch’s possession are unaffected by the spell.
Material Component: A pinch of rust
Baleful Polymorph, Mass
Transmutation Level: Witch 9
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Fortitude negates, Will partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
Mass baleful polymorph works like baleful polymorph, except that it affects multiple creatures.
Spell List Addendum
Here follows a further list of spells taken from sources other than the Players Handbook v.3.5 that may be added to Table 1. Witch Spells, at the DM’s discretion. These spells may be learned and used by any witch so long as no part of the spell’s descriptor is opposed to her alignment or patron power, as is the case with any spells on Table 1. Witch Spells. It is recommended that both arcane and divine spells that have a descriptor or effect representative of a witch’s patron power be made available to the witch as Witch Spells of equivalent level. Spell selections from the Book of Exalted Deeds, Frostburn, and Stormrack are not included here, but may be added at a later date.
From “Book of Aberrations”:
9th level: invoke magic
From “Complete Adventurer”:
1st level: healthful rest 3rd level: dirge of discord 5th level: wail of doom
From “Complete Arcane”:
2nd level: apparition, familiar pocket, protection from charm 3rd level: commune with lesser spirit, discern shapechanger, enhance familiar, mage armor, greater; ring of blades, sign of sealing 4th level: assay resistance, fortify familiar, resist energy, mass; spirit binding, lesser; unluck 5th level: blink, greater; duelward, fly, mass; freezing fog, prismatic ray, refusal, servant horde, spiritwall 6th level: arrow of bone, imbue familiar with spell ability, sign of sealing, greater; spirit binding,transfix 7th level: body outside body, commune with greater spirit, reanimation 8th level: ghostform,spirit binding, greater
9th level: absorption, programmed amnesia, reaving dispel, sphere of ultimate destruction, superior invisibility
From “Complete Divine”:
2nd level: briar web, curse of ill fortune
3rd level: chain of eyes, infestation of maggots 4th level: doomtide, languor, last breath, murderous mist, revenance, wrack
5th level: blink, improved 6th level: contagious touch, crumble, dream sight, phantasmal disorientation 7th level: bestow curse, greater; brain spider, spell resistance, mass 8th level: death pact, true domination
9th level: monstrous thrall
From “Complete Warrior”:
2nd level: augment familiar 4th level: cursed blade
From “Eberron Campaign Setting”:
1st level: magecraft 4th level: nature’s wrath
7th level: withering palm
From “Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting”:
1st level: scatterspray
From “Libris Mortis”:
7th level: ghost trap
From “Magic of Faerun”:
1st level: low light vision
2nd level: cloud of bewilderment, death armor, Igedrazaar’s Miasma
3rd level: greater mage hand, reverse arrows 4th level: backlash, murderous mist 5th level: echo skull, Lutazen’s Frequent Jaunt, monstrous regeneration 6th level: acid storm, prismatic eye 7th level: antimagic aura, vipergout 8th level: dimensional lock, symbol, transcribe symbol 9th level: maw of chaos
From “Players Handbook v3.5”:
4th level: rusting grasp 5th level: spell resistance
From “Sandstorm”:
2nd level: desiccate 4th level: wither 5th level: antifire sphere, flaywind burst, flesh to salt, ashen union, desiccate, mass 6th level: flesh to salt, mass; mephit mob 8th level: surelife, transcribe symbol
Dragon Magazine #114(p. 8): The Witch, by Bill Muhlhausen. The Complete Wizard’s Handbook (2e): The Witch Class Kit (p.65), by Rick Swan; TSR 1990.
Various Core and Accessory rulebooks by WOTC, as cited.